I don't get it.
So I'm playing as germany on regent, doing fine, have France boxed in, taking their cities. I get down to two left, I sent my 9 swordsmen in thinking It will be over soon. I wait a turn until they all can attack, then proceed. I then sit in horror as all 9 of my swordsmen are completely destroyed by one spearman. Yes I am sure it was one, I was able to do a single bar of damage, which remained the same throughout the slaughter.
Am I missing something about the combat system here? There were no walls, the city population was 4, and on a plains square. Is there some sort of modifier I'm not getting? Or does the computer just out right cheat me? I've seen it build spearmen on the turn it captures a city, with 1 population and despotism, It wouldn't shock me if it had a magical hat of %500 defense.