History Repeats Itself -- Part II -- World War I & II
... continued
After a long conflict with the Japanese, we decided to sign a peace treaty, so that the world became a peaceful place again for long period of time. But as it is in the real world, war is always hiding in the shadow, waiting to surface when chances present themselves.
By the early 1900s, I have already possessed five great fleets, which each contained a couple of carriers, five destroyers, two battleships, and three subs. I stationed these fleets near those aggressive civs, namely the Japanese, the Russians, the English, and the Germans. So far, my relation with these nations were a little bit stressed due to the fact that I have always denied their request for technologies and gold. But I wasn't really concerned, because I was way more superior in all areas at that time.
Then came the Bat Signal!
Germany was invaded by the Japanese (again!). Since we have signed a mutual protection pact (MPP), I had to declare war against the Japanese. Although I was a bit reluctant to comply, there was no alternatives. But here came the problem; what I didn't realize was that the Japanese had signed a MPP with Russia, which in turns had signed a MPP with France. So, when I carpet bombed the capital city of Japan, the Russians declared war on me. This chain reaction kept going until me and the Germans were actually fighting all other nations in the world.
Although I tried to make peace with some nations, they would declare war against me as soon as their MPP with the nations I was attacking triggered again. Therefore the conflict dragged on until the Japanese switched side and attacked the French. Why they did that was not my concerns, all I knew was that I was the right time to end this conflict. I made peace with the French and some other nations, and redirected all my fleets to carpet bombed Japan. Since most of my ground troops were stationed in my own country and some other newly occupied lands, I didn't have enough extra forces to land on the Japanese soil. Therefore, the bombing kept going.
By then, I had already built the Manhattan Project, and nuke had become a new option to end the war. However, I really didn't want to use nuclear weapon. So, I had no choice but to hurried produce an army of tanks and marines and send them to occupy Kyoto, the capital city of Japan.
In 1953, the Japanese has signed a peace treaty with me, and the World War has finally ended.
The wisdom in this story:
1. Consider carefully before you sign a mutual protection pact with other countries.
2. Carpet bombing your enemies dosn't work, you really got to send in your ground troops.