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The Chiron Chronicle: 2220
-Cyborgs launch their first Satellite
After the Cyborgs launch their Sky Hydroponic Lab, University launches its own satellite game month or so after that. Zhakarov doesn't fully know of the project, being distracted with other matters. Also, involves the secret joint efforts of the "hidden" University bases in Cyborg territory.
-Factions start shooting up various satellites
Will be mainly the big higher tech factions that will start shooting bunch of satellites, then the Believers, Cult, Drones and etc will start doing so after acquiring the tech via diplomacy or espionage.
Won't be hundreds of satellites, but will vary; Sky Hydroponics, Communication Satellites, GPS satellites, Space Telescopes, etc...
-War starts out between the Spartans and the Pirates
Athen Outpost will of course the Spartans first main target...and the Pirates will be ready. The Battle Dragons will be outnumbered, but they do hold the battle lines short distant away from the Outpost. Meanwhile, the pirates' Operation Trojan and Operation Blitz begins just when war was declared, slightly catching the Spartans in some areas off guard.
Operation Trojan won't be a complete success, but does disrupt the Spartans: various riots starts at various spartan bases, mainly outside of the base, but in the radius at various mines, farms and etc... Pirates also succeed in releasing some wild mindworm boils in the upland wastes, which distracts the Spartans for a short time, preventing them from going for Athen Outpost full force right away. In General, Trojan distracts the Spartans temporally within their territory, sort of preventing them from completly going on the offensive. Also provides the pirates more footage of how the Spartans mistreat their Drones
Operation Blitz is well more organized. When war starts out, the Third Fleet seperates in three major task force... One lead by Admiral Proudmoore go straight for Fleet Anchorage... Second goes straight for Parade Ground island, tackelling any Spartan ships there, Bombarbs the base and the island, land bunch of Nautilus Marines via Transport Cruisers and Air Transports(using drop pods to parachute down and Air Transports will have a Interceptor escort). Slightly before the second group arrives to do their action, a Probe Cruiser unknown to the Spartans launchs a Probe Chopper to the island, to drop off a Nautilus Probe team with the Porcupine weapon. By the time the Marines land on the island, the Probe Team succeeds in activating the weapon at the Spartan Air Base there...completly and cleanly destroying the Air base which was housing various spartan air units, aswell as anything else within a 10 or more kilometre radius. Not a planetbuster, but is a powerful weapon. No mushroom cloud, just a ball of big lasers lashing all over the place... Laser Warhead. The Probe Team will be temporally be missing, until some survivors our found later on... So by nocking out practicly all of the island's Air Force, the Air Transports and escorts didn't have to much trouble flying to the island and drop off some marine units. The Third Group will mainly go hunting down a Spartan Task Force near the Redemption Base area...then later simply hunt down any spartan ships in Chiron Sea.
-Free Drones not please with the Spartans
Free Drones openlly condemns, via diplo channel and at the Council, Spartan actions in Free Drone territory, attacking Athen Outpost. By then, Spartans finish dealing with various distractions in their territory and attacks Athen Outpost full force. The Nautilus Battle Dragons is force to retreat back into Drone territory, towards the Outpost. The Free Drones sends a group of units to the Athen Outpost where the Spartans was currently sieging the place. Spartans attacking the Free Drone units on the assumption that they are reinforcements for Athen Outpost. Free Drones say they were sent to patrol their most easterness border region from Spartan incursions...but since the Spartans attacked their units, it is considered an act of War. So skirmishs between the Drones and Spartans erupt all along their fortified border. Soon afterwards, there is various air battles between Free Drone and Spartan Air forces, both equally match... but Free Drones still outnumber the Spartan air units and they have slightly better jets and air training (Cloudbase Academy).
In the meantime, Big arse Naval Battle still going on around Fleet Anchorage between the Pirates and Spartans, Nautilus Marines and Spartan Ground/Garrison troops go into trench like warfare near Parade Ground. This happens because there not much of ground vehicules like Rovers, island is only a few squares big, and lack of air presence by both sides...especially since the Probe Team that activated the Porcupine, destroying practicly all of the air units at the Air Base.
-Space begun when the Cyborgs launched the first Satellite into space in 2201
-Spartans and Pirates unofficially got into war in 2202...lagging them behind in the space race to shoot as many satellites.
-Spartan/Pirate War slows down to almost a halt by 2205, but still have the occasional skirmish
-Spartan/Pirate unofficially ends by 2208 and started arguing in the council of possible Atrocities by both sides
-Some faction satellites detect two unknown ships moving towards chiron while blasting each other. They soon both enough damage to each other that both ships crashed into Chiron in 2209.
-First visual contact, by a military unit, with a group of aliens in Isle of Deinira. soon afterwards, with the aliens at Mount Planet. in 2210 and this where the time warp ends.... what do you people think? I am sure you can add more stuff in it and SPrayber change the timing of the war a bit too
Aliens Arrive-
After that someone, Cyborgs, or Pirates; or the Spartans with University scientists send out a ship to the island to research and study the warring aliens... The peacekeepers send peace ships. The aliens have made bases- the Peacekeeper or the Spartan/Uni/Cyborg/Pirate boat is taken over by the aliens... then the game is wide open.
Spartan-Pirate War
My take on the Spartan-Pirate war
I don’t see how it could be limited to just the Spartans and Pirates. Natan may want to weigh in on this but if the Spartans and Pirates go to war that will mean that Sparta will have to cross drone lands to attack. From their reactions to simple requests by Sparta in recent years I don’t think that the drones will be too receptive to that. In case of a drone attack, the Hive is sure to jump in as well to extract a measure of payment for years of drone activity in the hive. Besides, I think the Hive still looks at the drones as Hive citizens waiting to be “liberated” That’s four factions right there. Next question will be the Pks. Will they enter the war or remain neutral? They may have a hard time entering if it looks like the Pirates started the war and not the Spartans. Im sure Braddock would have no problem going to war again, but surely he and the rest of the PK military would have to show just cause. The University, Morgans, Cyborgs, and Data Angels, Gaians, and cult would most likely stay out of it and just let the others fight it out. The Believers may or may not really be able to help the Spartans and Hive. Leaders, please correct me if Im wrong in my assumptions.
Now we could run down a scenario in which the Spartans and Pirates go to war for whatever reason. The drones take the Pirates side against the Spartans. Both factions think that Sparta will go for Athens outpost first and they do present a large army against it, but a massive army swings around and takes one of the drone bases near the Spartan border. All along the hive is quiet and the drones are forced to divert as many units as possible to retake whatever base the Spartans capture. And still the hive is quiet amid rumors that yang is upset with the Spartans for something unrelated (they were bitter enemies at one time). . On the eastern front a siege is going on around Athens outpost. Pirates are trying to re supply and the drones are using their airforce and many cheep units to try and break the siege at Athens. Then the Hive strikes with some kind of amphibious landing, from transports and takes two or three (maybe just one) drone bases. The drones are now reeling. The hive is in striking distance of the drone capital. So they must pull back many of their units from the attacks on the Spartans and go to defend their homeland against the evil hive. Leaving the pirates none too pleased but understanding. Of course as expected the Spartan navy isn’t faring too well against the Pirate navy. Taking some heavy losses. So it is ordered to withdraw to safe harbors. Maybe a Pirate fleet tries to enter Eurytion Bay and finds that the hive has deployed mines along the route. The Spartans will use mines in large quantities as well. Cause that is the only way to slow the pirate ships without heavy losses to their own navy. That means around bases, entrances to bays and straits. Also in open sea where pirate vessels are known to travel. (Probably will discontinue placement in open sea after other factions get angry.) But otherwise the Pirate ships are having their way with the Spartan fleet when the Spartans choose to engage. By this time Sparta has established another seabase close to fleet anchorage. It won’t be large since its fairly new and instead of taking the base over the Pirates destroy it.
Second phase
The war begins to drag on without major moves. The hive has gotten bogged down with the addition of extra drone forces, but the drones can’t fully commit their superior airforce since Sparta has a large airforce as well (not as big, but highly trained and motivated) Other factions begin to make rumblings because the war is disrupting trade. Both sides blame the other for starting the war. Pirates use their new weapon against a group of Spartan ships. Spartans respond by using sporific gas pods around Athens and they begin to equip more units with nerve gas. (But don’t USE) Meanwhile on the isle of denairia tensions between Morgans and Angels can become tense over some incident. Sparta decides to send small army against the drone base on the island. They don’t know that the Pirates have landed marines at the base for an attack on Bunker 118. About this time an University or Cyborg (or both) satellite detects two fleets of alien ships battle it out in space. (we should make it more than just scout ships. This way the Progenitors can realistically posses not only advanced weapons, but more than just a few. This would also give them a relatively high population as well.) The main ships of the two fleets suffer critical failure and both crash on the surface. The Usurpers land on the isle of deainaria and begin to slaughter most of the human forces they meet.
This is where some may object. I would like Bunker 118 to be the last human base taken on the island. For this reason. When the Spartans first hear about the aliens they do something they haven’t done before. They sit back and watch as the Usurpers take whichever base first and kill all the inhabitants or enslave them. The other factions try to make a Dunkirk type retreat getting their civilians out first. The Spartans then intervene and attack the Usurpers at every turn and take massive causalities in the process. The Spartans even go as far as to trying to defend the Drone base against the Usurpers. Its like each time the Usurpers try and attack a base the Spartans attack and draw their attentions away. Not expecting a victory but only trying to buy time. The Pirate forces on the island may choose to join the Spartans who knows. So that by the end of the whole disaster on the island, the Spartan base (bunker 118) would be totally destroyed and whoever unfortunate enough to be there will be dead. A hand few of Spartan soldiers not killed in the hit and run attacks scatter across the island in an attempt to conduct a guerilla campaign. Remnants of other factions meet up along the way until you have some kind of ragged army comprised of Morgans, angels, Spartans, drones, and pirates.
It will be like the Spartans have finally found their purpose in the great scheme of things. They are soldiers in a world that doesn’t really fit them anymore. But they will find a worthy enemy with the bugs. They can chop and gas their way across the island and have the other factions cheer them on.
Basically I think we should start game play with the usurper landing. That means Spartans-Pirates are still at war but in the middle of preparing campaigns on the Island. The first Spartan post would be Bunker 118 frantically informing Sprarta Command of some kind of alien invasion on the island. Then we go down the road of the usurper slughters, possibly mistaking the Caretakers as usurpers(unless they remain hidden for a while longer. Maybe they are the ones that learn how to speak our language first and try to communicate. Sparta would want to know how to kill bugs from them. ) wrestling with the issue of gassing the bugs and other nice humanitarn issues.
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Last edited by DarkCloud; November 18, 2001 at 15:29.