Question, in my current game I had my closed rival Germany surrounded and I had their entire world map so could see everything they had access to. I just got the technology for making musket men and I had saltpeter

I then saw an opening germany did not have any saltpeter in their territory, therefore they could not make muskets

So I started rolling in with guns a ready and easily conqured my first two cities, but then suddenly when I approached his capital the big guns game out? they fired back with muskets?? what the

!! Now how on earth could they do that, well I double checked their maps and all clear, I gave them peace and got a new copy of their map just in case, and nothing changed?
Ok so the only possiblity is they could be trading it, but only 2 of the other opponents were even close to having that technology, and none had an abundance, and I have never been able to organise a trade for strategic resources when they AI is short??? Could it be possible that the AI gets automatic access to some resources, or could it be trade?
Another remote possibilty is that a german city was founded 1000's of years before this war which I conqured, and that city did (when we later got the techs) have saltpeter in it?? (but didnt when it was conqured) (foreign blackmarket smuggling?)
Has anyone else noticed anything like this??