I finally beat diety. The map was standard w/ 80% water. I was the aztecs and I won by space. It was the toughest civilization game I've ever played in my life
I'm courious what civs and victory types other players have been able to get?
congrats man.
mind talking about your approach to the game? what strategies did you use?
or perhaps you'd rather post something like that in the strategy section. . i dunno.
anyway, good job.
"We're losing the war on AIDS. And drugs. And poverty. And terror. But we sure took it to those Nazis. Man, those were the days."
Basicly I started on an island with one computer. I built many jag warriors and a few archers and over ran them ASAP. From then I built up my cities and rushed to republic then democracy. To keep the other computers from running through the tech tree too fast I staged a few world wars to keep them busy while I built up my cities. I also was in control of most of the world aluminum which helped greatly - it was the only real recource I did have. My island was lacking iron, coal, saltpeter, and urainium.