Civ-like game creation, coders needed
I am starting a project based on Civ games. I need people with experience in dealing with the actual game code. This game is going to include elements that were not included in the previous civ games. It's going to focus on real world elements.
Right now I am working with the Civ2 engine, but because of my limited experience, I am having problems implementing ideas I have about the game. For example, I want to add a commodity trading system like Colonization. Also, military units will be created the same way as Colonization, by equipping units with weapons.
I need an experienced coder to help me add those elements of Colonization into the Civ2 engine.
Also, I would like to add the SMAC type terrain setup. I want the terrain to be based on elevation and real world weather patterns.
If anyone out there has experience and can do some of these things, please contact me.