After some game of Civ3, I would like to comment a little bit.
I have always played with the Roman. I just love the legionaries. I consider them the best unique unit in the game (personnal opinion of course). Giving their effective longevity, they surpass anything in their era. For the Persian's Immortal, in my game in regent, I always got the upper-hand in long war against them. When attacking them, I always win, when defending against them, I more then often survive. (But the Immortal is close anyway...very good unit too).
For the government, I choose Monarchy (never tried communism yet). Since the AI just kept declaring war on me choosing anything causing war weariness would be pure suicide...I never have the technological lead, but I never fall behind, it is just a question of choice, if a prefer a way or an other, then I got the lead in that way. For the corruption, choosing a right location for the Forbiden Palace can reduce considerably its importance, so for me it is not really a big problem.
Now, just a it me or the Coastal Fortress are not working? I build some in my coastal cities and they never fire on ennemy ship! Never! And they got destroyed by ennemy bombardment, so they seem not implemented correctly.
Other comment, I find some unique units unbalanced (well in fact just useless). Unique units should give their civilisation an edge for a long period...look at the legionary...until musketman they still can be usefull, but some units like french musketeer just dont give anything and the english man-o-war is outclassed just 2 tech level higher by the ironclad.
An exemple of how I woul remedy to the situation is simple, taking the Indian's War Elephant for an exemple : it is a normal knight without the need of ressource, but as you surely find out, who at that time does not have already horse and iron? Useless advantage! (it would have been if we would have to pay for the ressources to exploit it for some "ressources points", I mean building a unit would need 3 "horse ressources point" and each horse on the map would give 5 "ressource points" each turn) (well forget that, it is not what I want to say right now

). Ok, I continu on the War Elephant ... you dont want to need ressources to build them, fine ... but it is not enough to distinguish it from other knight to make it "unique". Since all Unique Unit got an "extra point" somewhere in their attribute, I would trade "no need of ressource" for no "extra point in attribute", but I would have change the basic attribute, instead of 4/3/2 give them 5/2/2. Why? In my numerous reading of war tactical, I have read often that on offense, when the ennemy was unprepared, the War Elephant was making lots of damage, but the moment the ennemy knew there was elephant, their effectiveness was reduced by uses of some tactic to scare the elephant. So knowing that, on attack they should be terrible but on defense very weak.
You see how some Unique Units attribute could be modified without outbalancing the game?
Other have some similar comments?
P.S. Sorry for my bad english, french speaking doing my best to write in english.