October 9, 1999, 19:49
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Would anyone like to help "me" produce an "Evil" scenario?
Any input, graphics, sounds, would be appreciated. We're going to bypass morality on this project, make the christians squirm!
October 9, 1999, 21:40
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Of course one must remain a coward to pitch others to do their bidding for them. Thoughtful Giant Squid, however, his work seems not quite "disturbing" enough.
Has anyone the courage to join "me"?
October 9, 1999, 23:17
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Have you tried my scenario, "Prince of Darkness"?
October 9, 1999, 23:28
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You're not thinking twisted enough, I'm looking for something quite sinister.
Hmm, I've got it how about a scenario about those school shootings-- complete with killers, hostages, and swat? That'll have the bible-belt flying out of their chairs.
Yes, I am morbid, evil, and sick enough to this.
Any better ideas?
October 9, 1999, 23:32
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My statement was pertaining to "making of that kind of scenario", not of school shootings-- school is hell enough without people being shot (why put them out of their misery?)!
I wish there was an edit feature for this text.
October 9, 1999, 23:40
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Another tastless idea-- how about a serial killer scenario?
I could even do some historic ones-- like the Holocaust (you get to set up your own concentration camps), the massacres in centeral africa(first one to keep the population average at below 9 in age wins), the ethinic cleansing of the balkins(turn your neigbors into refugees).
Any of these sound good (or bad?) enough?
On a side note, I am being serious.
October 9, 1999, 23:47
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--or we can stray away from tangible evil?
Moreso, such fantastic and gothical things, creations by christian enspired propoganda?
October 9, 1999, 23:52
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Am I scaring you babies? Didn't your parents tell you not to talk to people like me?
Christiandom is falling as I speak, why not simulate it in a "game"?
October 10, 1999, 00:08
You can do anything you want to defame and take the crap out of the christians, and I totally endorse that. But don't go near Jihad 2000, because that's my idea
October 10, 1999, 00:10
If you need help, tell me, and I'll see what I can do. But I don't have much time on my hands as of tomorrow.
When you've finished the scenario, send it to me, and I'll put it on the Mod Asylum http://modasylum.cjb.net
"u r a gay ****" -HARDMAN
October 10, 1999, 00:19
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Muslims, ha I oppose them too, any organized religion based on false deities ought to be eliminated.
October 10, 1999, 01:06
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What about an organized religion based on true deities?
October 10, 1999, 01:37
Just how disturbing do you wish to get? I am willing to help
"u r a gay ****" -HARDMAN
October 10, 1999, 17:46
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Disturbing enough to give it a "M" rating at the least, of course we could do much worse if you like?
Which idea appeals (or repulses?) you the most?
I have a whole slot of others:
A spanish inquisition scenario, slave trade scenario, slave plantation scenario, intercity sex trade scenario, drug trade, the kkk, the pillaging series (for you war fanatics), late 19th century city corruption, the pedophille series, the rape series, the bondage series, Charles Manson, Waco Texas, the Hail Bop sucides, the burning of churches, pretty much all sins-- any catch your attention?
"May the christians burn with me!"
October 10, 1999, 18:43
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You are a sick SOB. People like you do not deserve the air they waste. You mother ****er. Just because you are not a christian does not mean you need to superimpose your sick minded **** upon the rest of the world. You are going to burn you *****.
Pissed and Shitting Angry
October 12, 1999, 19:55
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Damn straight, wizard! Both Lucifer and Dracon are sick! Concentration camps? What the hell is wrong with you?
They Lord is my shepard.....
[This message has been edited by Macbeth (edited October 12, 1999).]
October 13, 1999, 00:18
This guy is nearly a good laugh. You see, simple logic states that if there is a hell, then there is a heaven. By you, satan, existing, proves that the Bible is true. Then you say Christendom is falling (there is a reason they call you father of lies). And if the Bible is true, I guess that'd make the part about you being powerless for a 1000 years, and Jesus triumphing over you would be true. So in short, you are doomed to failure. Which pretty much sums up all your scenario ideas and your creation abilities.
Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years;
and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished.
-Revelations 20:1-3
[This message has been edited by Archangel (edited October 13, 1999).]
October 13, 1999, 13:49
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You are all too freakin' funny, Christian and Satanist alike...I get the giggles whenever I read arguments between the two groups...thanks for the laughter, guys. Really.
Anyway, I have an idea that might be interesting. I've thought it would be kinda cool to do a 'Good vs. Evil' type of scenario. Two sides, one for superbatural good, one for supernatural evil, and the map is the world (and various countries and cities therein), heaven and hell. The good guys take over the countries and institute positive things like schools, equal rights, churches to God, hospitals, childrens rights, animal rights, the Red Cross, etc. The bad guys cause racial tension, riots, serial killers, slums, disease, child pornography, corrupt police, etc. Ideally, both sides should have neutral institutions, then side-specific institutions, units, wonders, etc. I've been kicking the concept around but haven't gotten a good handle on it yet, so if anyone wants to play with it, I'd be curious to see the outcome.
October 13, 1999, 18:39
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Ajbera, are you an aithiest? Aithiests aren't that bad. At least they know the difference between right and wrong, love and hate, good and evil. As for you satno20god, Satan is not your lord, he is a servant of his own hate and lies.
October 14, 1999, 00:50
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Agnostic. I won't know who the ringleaders are (or IF they are) until I shuffle off to the great beyond. In the meantime, I derive great enjoyment from the various opinions of others. Lots of interesting beliefs out there. But let's not turn this forum into a theological debate; let's talk scenarios. The ethics of game construction can be pursued in a more appropriate forum. Personally, I would be interested in an 'evil' scenario, just as would be interested in a 'good' scenario, if it were well thought out and constructed, etc., the features that elevate any excellent scenario. And though you may be offended by the subject matter, you may agree that such atrocities are better committed in a computer game than in real life.
Just my two cents.
[This message has been edited by ajbera (edited October 14, 1999).]
October 14, 1999, 20:13
No, actually I think he vanished because I threatened to kill his devil worshiping fag self!
October 15, 1999, 00:20
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Guys! Don't you recognize a Troll when you see one? He ain't interested in any scenario. He's just trying to get a rise out of you. Note that as soon as someone called his bluff, he vanished.
October 17, 1999, 00:23
Here's an idea: The Sex Mod. The technologies will be all the major
perversions. Stuff like Incest (allows Mutants), Bestiality (allows Centaurs and Minotaurs), Child Molesting (allows Cathedral), etc. Most of the improvements would be changed- Stuff like whorehouses, dungeons, gay bath-houses, etc. The wonders will be new too, like Covenant House (child molesting), Cure for AIDS, Women's Liberation, the Internet (increases research, just like SETI), etc. Spies would be voyerus. We replace the filling beaker with a dick which becomes more erect and shoots *** when research is almost complete. Corruption would be "prudery", which starts out high at first until you research better govenments. Not sure what they would be, probably stuff like Patriarchy, Victorianism, Love Commune, etc. These are just some of the ideas. And the text files, oh, those text files... over 100 kilobyes of sick and twisted humor...
Okay okay Christians, that sounds very disgusting doesn't it? Before you burn me, take a look at what's in your own bible!! http://biblequote.cjb.net
"u r a gay ****" -HARDMAN
October 17, 1999, 18:14
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Dracon, do all Australians have your sense of humour, or are you one the more insane ones? (or one of the more sane ones)?!
This sex modpack; what other things would it contain? The units would be interesting to see for a start! Nothing like the "Battle of the Sexes" scenario in FW for a start!
By the way, what`s your view on the Australian campaign for complete independence from the United Kingdom? It`s just that being a Brit myself, I`m been hearing a lot about it in the news and wanted the low-down from someone other than a politician. Your Australian Civil War scenario is the funniest one I`ve ever played, I downloaded it this morning and I`ve only just stopped laughing!
[This message has been edited by Paul Hanson (edited October 17, 1999).]
October 19, 1999, 22:18
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Here freaks..... A web site for you all....
October 20, 1999, 20:58
hey, thanks man, it's good to know people out there are enjoying my creations. What I find spooky is your name, it's basically the male variant of Pauline Hanson!!  But I'm sure you're not as brainless as her 
I'm all for a Republic in Australia. I believe Australia is long overdue for a President. Not like the american system of course, that'd suck!
Hehe. that Battle of the sexes scenario sucks. The units would be verrry interesting, but I'm not a very good artist. Where's Lucifer?
October 21, 1999, 17:35
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I was out and about commiting all sorts of devilish things.
So has anyone decided on the scenario? Seems like it will be a sex-bondage one from the looks of your results.
Anything to let these christian bastards live in a hell that we create!
EVC, no you are to pathetic to startle me, whatsoever. If we must be enemies than so be it.
October 21, 1999, 17:40
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I've been out doing evil acts.
So its the sex-bondage mod, I'm up for that; lets make the christian world as hellish as they can imagine!
I see we will be enemies. Your mistake, you are too pathetic to scare me.
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