I was wondering whether anyone else has experienced the following problem with any of their Stealth Bombers:
I'm playing France and have 6 SBs. I'm really sick to death of those @#&^ Germans constantly attacking me without provocation for over 2500 years. I now have a solid tech lead over them. So, the time has come to give them a little of their own medicine. About time!
So, for the first time in our stormy relationship I declare war on the Germans (do I detect surprise from the AI Bismarck?). I decide to open my campaign with a wave of stealth bombings. I save the game (purely for medicinal reasons, you understand) and then launch my attack.
The first bombing run, on the city I plan to conquer and raze, proceeds quite satisfactorily. I choose the same target for my 2nd SB, but it will allow me to choose only my own cities as a target!!!! The other SB missions proceed without problem, but this one bomber simply will not attack any cities but my own ... WTF.
I reload the saved game several times, but always exactly the same problem.
Has anyone else experienced something like this?