I played yesterday my first civ3 game on the huge world map and my surprise was great.
I started in Europe and played only untill 300AD, so this is only a first feeling.
1. Not a single river in whole Europe. No fresh water, no irrigation. I had to irrigate from the lake Onega or ... the black sea. Yes, the Black Sea: fresh water

From there to Germany, France and Spain.
2. What happened to the Germanic Forest

? Wipe out by some meteor? Not a single tree in Germany, only dry plains (and grassland in the north).
3. I always learned that the Romans wheat granaries were: Sicily, Egypt, Spain and Colchidiae (Crimea). Sicily: not on the map but there is a whale in the nearby, so ok; Egypt: not seen yet; Spain: full with forests; Crimea: dense forest also
4. Iron in Norway. Yes there is. One... and 2 in Finland
5. Spain. Spain was for the Romans kind of Wonderland. Full with all kinds of food and ore. Spain is made only of forest, 1 grassland and 1 mountain. Not a single food bonus or gold ore
6. Gold in Switzerland. Today, in banks, yes! But in 4000BC? Well this, to be honest, I don't know. After all there is gold most all over the world.
Today, I will try to explore a little bit more.
Will there be Oil in Rumania (from highest importance for the Nazis)? In the Caucasus (drive on Stalingrad!)