Originally posted by freestyler
What i'm really loking for is a (any kind) file that edits the AI and makes them sign treaties with each other - you sign a military pact with someone and in no time they want you to attack their enemys (pretty much every civ)
And so far none of these 'Diplomods' have been able to do that
I thought the new version did to some extent? I'm sure Peter or Martin could tell you
Hate to say it, but SLIC can do this easily, if you just want the AI to like each other. To make it have any kind of discretion about who to sign with takes more time.
When im looking through SLIC files (trying to learn off them) i see all these 'short words' wich i dont understand.
Whats this abbreviation mean
(yes i dint even know what that is)
i dont know how everyone else find it SOOO easy
Its not easy by any means, and I had tremendous difficulty getting into it. (Search for the number of "SLIC help" threads I started a few months ago

You're going to hate me for saying this, but it really is a matter of practise, and reading through SLIC coding to see what it does. Most of the MedMod stuff is heavily commented so Wes can understand it

so it can be easy enough to look through it, and see things like:
PHP Code:
and figure out it means that the game kills the unit that is defined as tmpUnit. (temporary unit)
Personally I think the way Wouter and Peter go about explaining it is a little wierd for complete non-programmers, but I haven't got time to do a different explaination.
Basically, I started by reading through the Activision docu, and then figuring the functions. ( I printed out the docu, then read it every time I took a dump. I got to understand the simpler bits of it quite fast that way

int_t is a definer. Note it is always followed by another word, something like 'i' or 'tmpNum' This is how to define a variable.
just means that whenever the word 'tmpNum' comes up in the code, the game will know to treat it as an integer.
Unit_t, location_t, army_t all work the same. (with units, locations, armies etc)
SLIC is complex to learn well, but if you can recognise what are the complex bits, and what are the simpler bits, then getting used to it from the bottom up is the way to go. For simple SLIC, avoid Locutus' stuff

avoid AI functions (dale's mostly

), avoid Peter's SLIC, because its all cramped and has far too many 'time-saving' functions

. Avoid the Alexander scenario.
My first SLIC that worked (just) was the wonderunits code in Cradle, that is entirely based on a few events, and a few simple functions. Martin's slics are fairly simple stuff too, based on one or two events, and a messagebox or so. The Big Mc has just done some simple stuff too, but the layout is a bit dodgy
Anyway, having insulted everyone here

I'll close by saying I will do a quick-guide for newbies, based on event-based programming, rather than object-orientated rubbish as soon as I have a spare hour or so. (Maybe Friday/Saturday)
Good Luck, don't get mad.