November 21, 2001, 00:10
Local Time: 12:13
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The land of the Persians.
During the year 4000 BC a small band of cavemen came together in a green pasture and formed the small town of Perspolis, and so began the legacy known as the Persians...
Almost imediatly a group of citizens formed a band of workers. This band created many a road and farm and to this day it is still a honer to be part of the first squad of workers that layed the infastructure of the greatest empire on earth...
The city of Perspolis built many bands of warriors and settlers, not one person in the land can say they dont have a relative from this great city. And slowly the empire grew, but we soon discovered a lone wanderer, who called himself a "Scout" that was from a land known as "The Iroquois". This man seemed mad at the time but upon meeting there odd looking leader we discovered that this land actually existed! This funny man known as "Hiawatha" talked on and on about "peace" and "respecting" the "envrement?" What really scared us is that they actually SHAVE!! And while most of our people understand there is only one god, Allah, his people believe in many earth gods! This is clearly the great evil written about in our holy book... We prepare for war.
We also meet other civilizations. Like the Babylonians, who seem reasonably sane. And the Extreemly dark people Known as the Zulus. These people frightened us with thier odd habbits, but were very nice and seem like a good friend.
But then there were the Aztecs, these people kill virgins for the MANY gods (somthing like 7 per citizen ) they believe in. The have extreemly hyper warriors and no sane leader. They sacraficed 50 wariors becouse we traded technology! We are Frightened by the people who all seem extreemly fanatic, and worst of all, THEY KILL VIRGINS!!! After Our meeting we simply smiled, nodded our heads, and backed away slowly.
But at home a Pro-goverment cult formed known as the Immortals, they say they can feild a army of iron-clad powerhouses, we fund this cult heavely. We also find that we have ALL the worlds spice sitting right in or border. Our people love the way this makes thier very bland food taste much better and many feel the goverment is there close friend, and dont seem to mind heartburn.
A lone Immortal "Accidentally" attack the Iroquoise city of "Great Falls". and those evil people declare war on us, even though WE lost the battle... And so begins the oddest chapter in persian history...
The Iroquoise storm our new city of Akrab with these devils on horseback called "Mounted warriors", you must commend them on choosing such a clever name. Our forces try to mass at Susa, a city the Iroquoise continue to demand for peace, but a little to late as it falls to those SOB's on horseback. In a last hope attempt my ONLY Immrtal charges the city, and with a fire in his eyes, storms it violently. I amass about 100,000 (10) Immortals in the city and come down violently upon Akrab, retaking it...
But all was not well in Akrab. The Iroquoise forced MY two Citizens to slave day and night to build a single Spearman, killing ALL of my people in the city and leaving only a Iroquoise Citizen. The spearman 30,000 people died to build didn't even do ANY damage to my Immortal. But I got my revenge outside the city when my most Elite group of soldiors ambused and killed 10,000(1) Mounted Warriors.
A small group of soldiers now famous for there heroic feat had been covering my left flank and also was going to slaughter a barbarian village when they encountered a veteran Mounted Warrior and beat the p!ss out of it, capturing a settler and getting 1 of the new workers back to my border (the other was retaken by the MW (mounted warrior) just before I wooped him)... They did all of this with 1 hp...
I killed around 30,000 (3) more troops before my and the "Evil Doers" signed a peace treaty. I would have pushed harder but there were other things to do at home. The Iroquoise citizen in Akrab soon forgot there heritage of eating children and fondling elephants (theres about 6 Elephants in his border) and went for my much more logical culture of taking offense to ANYTHING and solving all problems through the sword.
I soon met a new continent full of interesting cultures... all led by women... this was odd for us because in our culture women had three jobs; Mother, belly dancer, and concubine. Sadly, for some odd reason men out number women 4-1... THAT is why I get so angry watching Aztecs sacrafice 15yr old virgins.
Anyway, back to the new civs. The English seem like a very advanced culture, though they do seem like a band of pompous looneys, they have more culture than anyone on my continent.
Joan of arc is probably the best looking leader on the planet, save myself. But her people seem to like pink ALITTLE to much. Nice folk however...
At first I thought I thought the Russian leader was a man but when I refered to her as sir she seemed to not be amused...they do not like all...
But back home tensions are rising between me and the "Evil Rat-basterd Iroquoise". Actually I am just planing a violent invasion to rip the Iroquoise a new hole. They seem to have forgiven me for trying to kill them all. Infact they are trying to make friends with me... I guess I should really stop thinking everyone is against me. But I must get revenge for them trying to defend themselves, the nerve of them...
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
Last edited by splangy; November 23, 2001 at 14:44.
November 22, 2001, 17:11
Local Time: 14:13
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 259
Im playing with the Persians too, long live to the Persian Empire, long live to Xerxes!!!. Death and destruction to the Empire´s enemies. Gold and glory for those who have made alliances with us.
Go Persians, Go!
November 23, 2001, 01:55
Local Time: 12:13
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Location: of my own little kingdom...
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Originally posted by Asesino_Virtual
Im playing with the Persians too, long live to the Persian Empire, long live to Xerxes!!!. Death and destruction to the Empire´s enemies. Gold and glory for those who have made alliances with us.
Go Persians, Go!
Yeah, the persians are definetly one of the best civs
Anyway, hes a short tale about-
The Fall of The Iroquoise!
Peace rained throughout the land for many years, we soon grew to superpower status, and grew large and powerful, clearing all jungle/forest in our borders (and believe me, thats ALOT!) and becoming #1 in military on earth. We soon sighned a Rights of passage treaty with the Iroquoise and of course invade again, this time capturing Grand falls and Tonogoga (probably wrong on the name...) and get oil springs in a peace treaty. But this was very insignificant because both Grand falls and Tonogoga reverted back to those Mother $^%#&#* Iroquoise, leaving me with the small and useless oil springs. What WAS signifigant was that the Zulus and me signed an aliance against the Aztecs and Iroquoise. Me and the Aztecs only fought 1 battle, then signed peace, but the Zulus brought the EXTREEMLY dedicated Babylonians into the war against the Iroquoise just before I went into peace with the Iroquoise. This didn't stop Babylon from marching through my country and twords the Iroquoise...
Those outdated bowmen and spearmen made me feel bad that they would soon all be dead, a hemisphere from home, in a war that would acomplish nothing. Well, eventually Babylon and the Iroquoise met in battle IN THE MIDDLE OF MY COUNTRY, those Iroquoise just dont understand the consept of borders! But before my eyes I saw the Babs kick the snot out of those evil 'Mounted wariors', there dedication lit my heart with pride, and I declared war on the Iroquoise to finally put this age old dispute to rest...
My Imortals were called to service once again, my knights were tested against Iroquoise bows, and defeated the remnance of the Iroquoise force in my borders, and new muskets were put into production. The Babs Capture Tonogowa, but a terrible thing happens to me... Oil springs is captured by the Iroquoise and bearnt to the ground. This officialy set me on a murder spree, capturing and burning 2 cities and destroying ALL infastructre around the capital.
The capture of there capital is a story for the ages, mainly because 1 soldier, a Vet Imortal, destroyed a ARMY led by a great leader without taking any damage! He is now, rightfully, sitting in my capital, pleasing fine belly dancers and acting as a cultural icon, carrying the story that is the persian legacy in his heart.
Immediatly after the capital fell the Iroquoise sued for peace, giving me all cities save 1. The Babs ended up gaining 2 cities, but loosing tonogowa to the Iroquoise, only for me to recapture it.
I plan on capturing his last city soon, and kicking the crap out of the English (just settled a city were great falls was) and the Zulus (got the crap kicked out of them by the Aztecs)
Stay tuned!
Ps- Is there anything people dislike about my writing? How do you upload screenies? Dont you just hate the Nazi Iroquoise  ? Does anyone care if I continue, want me to continue, like a particular screenshot?
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
Last edited by splangy; November 23, 2001 at 14:49.
November 23, 2001, 08:42
Local Time: 19:13
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Oh, of course you must continue, but maybe you could reduce the usage of smilies?  They are sometimes a bit annoying, in the middle of a sentence...
Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. -Isaiah 41:10
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. - Zephaniah 3:17
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November 23, 2001, 09:12
Local Time: 18:13
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Location: Lund Sweden
Posts: 664
Lose all the smiles and @:s, otherwise good work.
It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars
November 23, 2001, 14:40
Local Time: 12:13
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Location: of my own little kingdom...
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Originally posted by Wille
Lose all the smiles and @:s, otherwise good work.
*looks over story*
I see what you mean... OK, there gone, now, how do I post screenies ???
PS-part three will be up tonight.
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
November 23, 2001, 14:58
Local Time: 12:13
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: of my own little kingdom...
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OK, I fixed the storys and left a few smileys in parts that I didn't think would effect the readability (In my comments, end of story, my reply to Asesino_Virtual) of the stories. I also fixed several spelling mistakes (I wrote both of these at night, so I might not be at 100% writing ability  ) and got rid of things that seemed rather pointless that took away from the story.
Best of all, this post puts me 1 step closer to prince (only 11 away now...)
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
November 23, 2001, 15:04
Local Time: 18:13
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Lund Sweden
Posts: 664
Splangy, being a Prince is nothing special. You just want to become a King  Its true what they say, the grass is always greener on the other side.
It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars
November 23, 2001, 15:10
Local Time: 12:13
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Location: of my own little kingdom...
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Originally posted by Wille
Splangy, being a Prince is nothing special. You just want to become a King Its true what they say, the grass is always greener on the other side.
Good point. But I need to go through prince to become a king...
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
November 23, 2001, 15:31
Local Time: 18:13
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Location: Lund Sweden
Posts: 664
Originally posted by splangy
Good point. But I need to go through prince to become a king...
And then through King to become an Emperor and then a Deity. Its nice having a rank above all the Nov 2001 users but its not everything, im not saying that you only want to raise your post count, im just questioning the value of a rank. Anyway if we keep this up you'll soon be a Prince
It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars
November 24, 2001, 14:35
Local Time: 12:13
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Location: of my own little kingdom...
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Good point, willie.
ohh yeah, sorry about no update, real life can be a %$&@^ somtimes, ill try to get one up tonight.
*Minie update*
small war, no more Iroquoise, and the begining of a MAJOR war...
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
November 24, 2001, 22:04
Local Time: 12:13
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Location: of my own little kingdom...
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The fall of the Iroquoise is a rather uninspiring story, but one that is part of the persian legacy. I took 2 turns of peace before I attacked them AGAIN and weakened there last city, sadly the babs walked into it before me. there leader fled to there old capital just before that happened and incited a revolt. I soon recaptured the capital and genocided it because it was to big in my opinion. Now only me, the babs 3 cities, and a English city (leeds) exist in the fertile land of the Iroquoise.
Peace made my land prospere. I built a place for this man called "Adam Smith" to work in my capital, in return he pays for all my commercial buildings. Money and technology flowed like water through my coffers and labs. Using a resource advantage over the Europeans on that "other" continent I forced them to pay heavely for my resources and also controlled there military because I was the only person in the world with a salpeter surplus but I only had 1 extra. My people celebrated my name, and all was good, atleast until the coming of the Russians...
They landed and settled were oil springs use to be. I used this to my advantage and let them settle 1 more city before I conquered them both and forced a peace, succuring it by selling them saltpeter. During this time I also discovered what I thought to be a "New World". This soon turned out to be a 3 tile island that the Russians settled before anyone else.
*The Great War* \
Looking back now im not sure why I did it, there was no reason to, they weren't threatening me, it only gave me control of a few wine yards and a bunch of fanatical nationalists, but around 1700 my cavalry walked into and fortified Leeds. This infuriated the English, but they couldn't do anything but send a few knights through Babylon to die to my cavalry. However that stupid %$#*& Elisibeth had one card up here sleeve, namely diplomacy...
A few years after the glorius march through Leeds I got a letter from England, the return adress was Buckingham palace. It stated, flatly, that the Aztecs/Babylonians/Russians now are in armed conflict with me. The second letter I got that day reported that our scientists had discovered magnetism, and it also stated that our people finally have a feeling of Nationalism.
I knocked Niagra Falls out of the evil Babylonians hands, I actually wanted to keep it but orders got mixed up (Read: Clicked the wrong button) and my troops genocided 360,000 people. Oh well, they were all Iroquoise and Babylonians anyway. I lost two cities I had on my border with Babylon and the Aztecs to genocide (though on brave warrior forced a wounded Cavalry division to retreat). My two cities directly on the border with the Aztecs were HUGE, infact loosing them would be like loosing my capitalx2, so all my cities started conscripting Riflemen and pumping them into those 2 cities, while the Aztecs continued to hammer them with a brutal barrage of knights and cavalry. The Babs, English, and Russians all stoped sending troops, the Babs soon signed a peace treaty.
The only person in the world not at war with me, the French, signed trade embargoes with me against England, Russia, and the Aztecs. Meanwhile, Russian ships have been bombarding my infastructure. However the Aztecs stoped smoking the peacepipes they bought from the Iroquoise Earlier and came to there senses, signing a peace treaty with me. The Brits finally put Leeds behind them and also signed a peace, but the Babs, being the confusing bunch they are, signed a "Mutual protection pact" with Russia and now we are at war...Again.
Thats were I left off last, Ill try to update it tomorow night.
Ps- Does ANYONE know how to post screenies????
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
November 24, 2001, 22:44
Local Time: 11:13
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Does ANYONE know how to post screenies????
Just follow this link. Everything is explained there
November 25, 2001, 15:02
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I actually put together a web page (My first) for the screenie, now I cant find the screenie in my program files... WERE in the civ3 folder do screenies get put? I made mine by pressing print screen, is that the right way?
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
November 27, 2001, 09:56
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AFter you push "Print Screen" you must 'paste' the image into a graphics-editor. It will then be made into an image.
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