November 21, 2001, 07:17
Local Time: 17:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Whats a "Scientific"
HILFE, kann "Scientific" zwar ändern, passiert aber nichts
Egal ob ich den "Wissenschaftslevel auf 10% oder 100 % stelle. In selbsterstellten Spielen brauche ich immer 32 turns bis ich ne neue Errungenschaft erhalte. Im Tutorial funktioniert es. Ein Riesenbug ??? oder bin ich Riesendoof ????
Kann jemand helfen ???? (CIV 3 US Version)
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21st November 2001 06:49
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Mit welcher Regierungsform spielst du denn?
Im Despotismus wirkt sich die Verstellung des Wissenschaftslevel nicht aus. Dies macht nur bei den anderen Regierungsformen bemerkbar.
Am meisten bei Republik und Demokratie.
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21st November 2001 07:19
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Ich bin leider noch nicht über Despotismus hinaus gekommen. Aber das wäre doch Schwachsinn eine "Scientific" Veränderung vornehmen zu können, die sich nicht auswirkt. Dann braucht man doch den Schieberegler zum start garnicht anbieten. Denn dann ist doch nur 10 % sinnvoll und man gerät zum spielstart immer technologisch ins Hintertreffen.....oder täusche ich mich............ich spiele Spielstufe ab "Monarch" aufwärts und gleich zum anfang stürzen sich die Comp. Gegener wie die Geier auf mich, obwohl ich friedlich bin............naja ich glaube da muß noch etwas ausbalanciert werden......
November 21, 2001, 07:29
Local Time: 18:14
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How about posting in English?
November 21, 2001, 07:33
Local Time: 12:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 42
Alright I made out Scientific, 10%, 100%, 32 turns, Tutorial, Civ 3 US Version, IP:Logged, 21st November 2001 06:49 Lyam Junior Member Posts: 13, Depotism, Republic, Democracy, Moderator, Junior Member Posts: 4, and Monarch. Anyone wanna help me with the rest?
"I am the alpha and the omega"
"I am the beginning, the end, the one who is many"
November 21, 2001, 07:42
Local Time: 18:14
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It has been a long time since I studied any German but I think the post is referring to Scientific not helping with despotism when all civs are capped at 32 turns to a tech and when everyone gets the 10%-100% slider to play with. If I am correct it seems to be missing the point that scientific civs get a free science at the start of every new age and cheaper research buidings, not direct any advantage from increased science output.
To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection. H.Poincare
November 21, 2001, 07:43
Local Time: 18:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 9
Jeden forschung braucht max. 32 turns. Es had nur zweck um das wissenschaftslevel hoher zu stellen wann du genugend forschung produciert. Wann du mehr stadte kriegt wird das alles besser gehen.
November 21, 2001, 07:54
Local Time: 17:14
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I used to be a bit proficient in German a while ago. Not anymore, now.
The moral of the story is to never learn a foreign language by visiting overseas porn sites.
November 21, 2001, 18:42
Local Time: 09:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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I can't speak German really... but we'll see if I can put sentences together.
Scientific gibst du (und der Deustch  ) billiger Wissenschaftsgebäude, und ein frei Technologie jeden "Age"...
Also, wenn hast du nur ein "lightbulb" ... 70% und 100% sind gleich... ja? =)
Und... warum sind die Deustchers "Scientific" ... soll es nicht "Militaristic" und "Industrious" sein? Wo sind meine fließige Deutsche?
November 22, 2001, 00:02
Local Time: 17:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 2
Thank you all for answering.........
Thank you all for answering me and some have tried it in German........
Thanks................but i Think this game have a really big bug with the scientific management. i put it 10 % and in the next turn it goes alone to 30 %....and i think its not realism when i can win the game only when i buy the advances from the other countries. i hope a patch will coming soon......and a german Version should be nice............
November 22, 2001, 01:12
Local Time: 13:14
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Ah...ich bin auch Hertha Fan, Herthafan. Ich habe das erste Heimatspiel letzte Saison (4:0 gegen Hamburg) in Berlin gesehen..
But anyway, with the science rates, I haven't seen it move on its own. It is common, though, to need 32 turns for an advance at the beginning and for the next couple of techs. And it does seem like the AI (Comp. Gegener) moves really fast. Make sure you maximize your gold output at your first few cities by building roads and using river squares. Makes a HUGE difference.
Gibt es noch keine deutsche Version von Civ III? Ich habe gehofft, es vielleicht zu kaufen, um mein Deutsch zu ueben, wenn ich spiele...
November 22, 2001, 03:12
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a la
ASSISTANCE, knows " Scientific "?dern, occurred however nothing all the same whether I the " science level to 10% or 100 % sets. In created plays I need always 32 turns to I ne new achievement receive. In the Tutorial it functions. A giant bug??? or am I giant stupid???? Can someone help???? (CIV 3 US version) A moderator more?er this contribution inform | IP: Logged one 21st November 2001 06:49 Lyam junior Member Posts: 13 registers to: Oct 2001 With which system of government do you play? In the the potentiometer mash does not affect itself the adjustment science level. This makes noticeable only with the other systems of government. At most with republic and democracy. A moderator more?er this contribution inform | IP: Logged one 21st November 2001 07:19 HerthaFan junior Member Posts: 4 registers to: November 2001 I did not come unfortunately yet?er the potentiometer mash outside. But w?e nevertheless imbecility a " Scientific " Ver?derung make to k?nen, which does not affect itself. Then one does not need to offer the sliding control nevertheless for the start. Because then nevertheless only 10 % are meaningful and one more ger? to type of playing always technologically in the hintertreffen... more..oder t?sche I............ I plays itself play level starting from " monarch " aufw?ts and directly to the start st?zen itself the Comp. Gegener like the vultures on me, although I am peaceful............ naja I believe mu?noch something am balanced there
je parle fran‡ais mais je connais la langue allemande un peu...mostly curses
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