Originally posted by Grim Legacy
LOL @ the thread title...
as for your idea... wasn't that in SMAC someway?
Maybe you should focus on reputation after all.
The idea originated in Master of Orion.
Every 25 turns, after 2/3 of the galaxy was colonized, there would be a vote between the leaders of the two most populous empires. In contrast to Civ3, each race's vote was weighted according to its population.
If either of the leaders received 2/3 of the vote, he was declared the Galactic Emperor. If that wasn't you, then you had a chance to reject the ruling. If you did, all of the other races aligned against you in a "Final War". By the way, the *original* Master of Orion was one of the best, if not the best, turn-based strategy games ever developed. I still have it on my computer.
This "final war" possibility is something that Civ3 should have definitely added. I was very surprised when I built the UN, tried it out and suddenly lost the game despite owning 80% of the planet.
Needless to say, the UN is by far the most powerful wonder in the game. It is a 100% must-build. If you are small, it is your best chance to win. If you are large, you have to build it to avoid having the game stolen from you.
Yes, the UN is a f*cked-up wonder right now.