. Can the governer do this for me automatically every turn (per city or globally)?
I don't know but I don't think so.
2. At the end of the turn, it would be nice if the governer can warn me of the upcoming disorder because of the war we just entered or the new troop deployment.
With Civ2 you used to be able to look at the Domestic Advisor to see which cities were/are in disorder or not. You can still do this with Civ3 but personally I find the graphics
really hard to interpret and can't tell the difference between happy/content/unhappy citizens without squinting and counting them all (unlike Civ2 where they were just colour coded).
It is quite annoying to find out your city is still in disorder because you forget to adjust last turn.
Yes. Fortunately, at least the "government collapse" of Democracy/Republic if a single city riots for more than one turn has been removed.
I know there must some way to make suggestion to the game developer. Can someone help me to send this as a suggestion?
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