is there an easy shortcut way I can sort out certain units on a tile? I have over 100+ units of all kinds (mech inf., armor, fighter,etc) in one city...and it's a nightmare try to find out what's there by right clicking on the tile or going to the city screen.
any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks!
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
From my experience the only way is to activate each unit individually. I usually right click on the city and acitivate from there but a "Activate All Units" button or something would be rather helpful. Is it just me or are some of the Midevil untis not upgradable? Take for instance the Longbowman. I noticed they hung around my entire game even in the Modern Era. What's up with that? A menu like in SMAC that asks if you want to upgrade untis once a new tech is discovered would be nice too. What ever happend to unit customization???
oh well...guess I have to manually move them one at a time....grrr...
yeah I think an "activate all" or "move all" feature would be good.
also I would like to see "only show ground troops" when I right would make life so much easier
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.