November 22, 2001, 22:51
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The twin king reads me well!!!
Ahhh, techumseh... you are quite intuitive my friend.
Playing with Xin and talking strategy via emails was, needles to say, an eyeopening experience. I jumped at the chance to play as Japan not to meet or beat Xin's legendary performance, but rather to employ some of his teachings which changed the way I saw the Japanese options. It was such a lesson! Invaluable.  Thanks Xin!
Nemo, though professinng he was a better designer than player, he did deliver a nice counterattack to the German. He utalised the German events file to get himself some tasty weapons. He was able to get alot of the German's units to be disbanded by focusing his counter attck on key German cities. I still think he lied about not being a good player.
Lest we forget that Grothgar's turn was certainly better than mine was in the first game as the German. Hats off to Gary!
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November 22, 2001, 23:10
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FMK, could you PM me the [*cue drum roll*] 'Secrets of Nemo'?
November 22, 2001, 23:21
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I will not even bother.
"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
"Guinness sucks!" -- Me
November 22, 2001, 23:48
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Frankly Case just read the PBEM he was in. FMK do no such thing lol.
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"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
November 22, 2001, 23:49
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Britains turn now. hmm this could be intresting
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"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
November 23, 2001, 01:20
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Thanks Grothgar, I'll have a look through the archives
BTW, where can I download the latest version of the scenario? I tried Civfanatics, but it only has the original version.
November 23, 2001, 03:22
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Originally posted by Case
BTW, where can I download the latest version of the scenario? I tried Civfanatics, but it only has the original version.
2194 DaysofWar v1.3
It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe.
November 23, 2001, 06:07
Local Time: 03:15
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 That download link doesn't work, and the file its ment to link to is the one I downloaded from Civfanatics anyway.
November 24, 2001, 05:06
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An excerpt from my secret war-time diary
The rain had settled down to a light shower over the streets of London, still troubling the water of the Thames.
"The tea is a little too cold," I said to James, my entrusted friend and butler, as if it had any relevance or importance at this moment. He wanted to reply, but his words were swallowed by a patrol of Spitfires that was just flying across the open window, roaring like a thunder beyond the grey clouds, panicking the few people on the wet streets, striking them with the fear of a new german raid on the heart of the British Empire.
I gazed at an old map of the world, which was hanging on the wall opposite to my chair. The map, not having been updated within the last three years appeared to me like an illusion, as my view passed to the headline of an old issue of the 'Times', reading "Major Commonwealth ports fallen to the Axis", underneath a picture of a german battleship bombing the harbour of Alexandria.
I knew the paper was almost two weeks old, but I couldn't help myself reading it again and again. One article in particular, about the destruction of a british freight by german submarines, attracted my attention. Despite the fact, that it was filled with imperial propaganda, threatening me to vomit every time I was confronted by it, I must have read it at least ten times. James kept asking me wether he should get rid of that paper, and I always came with the same reply:
"When I'm done reading it."
The paper was old, but the news weren't. Alexandria was still in german, Calcutta and Darwin still in japanese hands. Maybe a clever soul could change the headline, and the article, but I wanted to keep the paper. It was mainly positive news I heard from the rare news broadcasts on the radio. British troops in Norway, securing Bergen, leaving Oslo an open port for eventual fight against german aggressors, while struggling in the north for Trondheim. Perhaps the news were a bit pushed up as well. I would have never called a defeat of german tanks outside of Alexandria, or the bombing of Tunis in northern Africa decisive. Nor the massive sinking of german and japanese submarines in the waters of the Atlantic and the South Sea- who knows how many of those were still down there. A bombing raid on japanese tanks in Australia was of no importance, until they would have been driven out of the continent.
The pride of the British people was not broken. A german attack on Britain was not an attack on the british dignity, and the heavy loss of aeroplanes, battleships, cruisers and destroyers within the Channel and the North Sea, two waters we had always claimed to be our own anyway, was not too much of a price to pay for freedom, and the destruction of nazi aggression. The Pacific was too far away, and to some, perhaps the loss of India would have been a relief, for it would rid Britain of the half-naked fakir touring the country, allowing us not to fight him, for he wouldn't fight. Little did they know, that the loss of India would drive the emperor's troops to the lightly defended territory around the Iranian port of Bandar-i Bushire, and to Arabian oil, meeting their german allies somewhere between the Euphrates and the Mediterranean, providing the necessary ressources for the defeat of the crippled red power that was the Soviet Union, then allowing them to aim for our splendid isles. And little did they care, too.
But the men and women making up the people of the British Commonwealth fought bravely, and I would say, they died in honour. Some day, when the world is free again, and if it might be after a thousand years, someone might remember.
Or maybe it was just a few years. Whatever is destined for me, for my country, I am sure it is more than the capture of it by a number of fascists in brown shirts, and however it will be, fighting will go on.
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November 24, 2001, 06:00
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ANZAC your turn. lol. i think your turn will be the quickest turn ever hehe
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"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
November 24, 2001, 06:05
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If I were you I would send my spitfires to air raid the German heartland. Germany did not have enough air defense for defending all cities. So I could get some of its cities by air raiding then sending a motorized infantry there to occupy cities. If lucky I could occupy the home city of the U-boats and some of the U-boats would be disbanded. By doing so I could cripple the German production, cause some of the supporting units to be disbanded, and buy enough time for the Soviet to recover. I could even send airplanes to Leningrad and Riga, where most likely Germany would have ignored air defense, and empty the city for the red army (the spitfires would lost to the sea but the Red Army would be able to concentrate its force to attack the southern front).
I would totally ignore Norway.
Now the Soviet would have a hard time.
November 24, 2001, 06:33
Local Time: 18:15
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You're right, I will consider that in my next turn (if I have anything to fight with then lol).
Germany did not have enough air defense
for defending all cities.
Let's say it like that, it impressively showed when I accidentally dug out some ruins from beneath the house of my grandparents in Berlin...
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November 24, 2001, 16:17
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You know i really shouldnt say this but the psycological value cannot be ignored. You know those 6 AA guns or so that are on the coast of france well they have been relocated to cities and also i spent about 4000 gold in equiping every city that i have and/or captured so next turn air raids will be dificult to say the least. And also because of some great luck i have about 5 messcersmidts in moscow and leningrad. Hehe, im a cautious expnsionist hehe. Im liking the sound of this. My worst nightmare was going to be coming onto these boards and seeing that loads of my cities had fallen and that most of my units were disbanded. Oh well heres to good luck.
*wipes brow with hand*
Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
November 24, 2001, 20:45
Local Time: 03:15
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Seeing as I'm away from my copy of civ for the next week (I'm typing this from my grandparents house) and this game is moving so quickly, I think its best that I resign(?) from this game. I've offered the Soviets to The ANZAC, but he doesn't want them, they're free to whoever wants a grandstand seat for Grothgar and FMK's conquest of Siberia
November 24, 2001, 23:41
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You dont have to resign. hehe. but hey who wants to take up the mantle of this challenge. No Xin Yu unfortunately. Well not until the next one
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"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
November 25, 2001, 02:58
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"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
"Guinness sucks!" -- Me
November 25, 2001, 03:04
Local Time: 17:15
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Yeah you would welcome Xin Yu into this game lol after all he would be on your side. Frankly the idea scares the crap out of me.
But i must admit when nemo and Xin squared off there was no japanese intervention. And there is in this. Xin might find himself hard pressed to stop both fronts. It could be intresting.
Although not my first choice by vote i would have no objections to Xin being welcomed into the fold as the new stalin. No objection but lots of sleepless nights 
And it looks like me and you jimmy are awake at the same time. why am i awake.
Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
November 25, 2001, 06:04
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If it is turn 1 then I think I can turn the tide around. If no objections I'll download the saved game and start playing.
November 25, 2001, 06:46
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I have no doubt that you can turn the tide. However i have one objection to you downloading the file. Its not your turn
Its the chinese turn. And while that may not be very significant youve got to give these things a chance
Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
November 25, 2001, 09:48
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Well, here is my turn!  Sorry, I've been away trying to setup a cable connection to the net for myself, but there have been technical problems with my cable line, cuasing the modem not to get a strong signal. But hyou have the save file.
November 25, 2001, 12:03
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Oops, I played the wrong file.
Gee, I wonder if you still want me to play if you know what I have achieved: Moscow, Leningrad, Riga, Kalinin, Minsk (destroyed), Kharkov, Kiev, Rostov, Sevastopol, Washaw, Berlin, Hamburg, Paris, Frankfort, Munich, Vienna, Belgrad, Bucharest, Odessa, Prague. And I haven't done my turn yet.
November 25, 2001, 13:41
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Originally posted by Grothgar
Yeah you would welcome Xin Yu into this game lol after all he would be on your side. Frankly the idea scares the crap out of me.
Xin might find himself hard pressed to stop both fronts. It could be intresting.
I was joking when I offered, but if he wants to join and there are no objections, then I will gladly welcome him into the fold.
Grothgar- I do believe that you should get a veto vote, since you have the most to lose by him joining.  Then again I just started this game, so I will leave it up to you guys.
"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
"Guinness sucks!" -- Me
November 25, 2001, 14:03
Local Time: 13:15
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Oh my...
Well, this is going to be rather interesting.
Xin, you are the last person I want to see taking over the Soviet! But, seeing as I laughed my way to the bank as your ally, I suppose it is my turn to line up for the bumrush, eh?
This does really make things interesting for myself indeed. Had I know Xin was playing (no offense Case) I would've played much much differently. Forget about China, they can't do a thing in the way of a heafty advance, and I woulda concentrated far more in hitting the soviets.
However, this just adds to the drama like I had never imagined.
Now I basically I have my German ally reduced to a minor nation, and I have to take out 1 civ that is currently ready to fight (soviets), and then by the time that is done (tricking myself intyo thinking i can beat Xin here), I have to continue to single handedly beat the Brits and Ami's!  If, not when I beat the Soviet, the Brits and Ami's will be ready with their superior weapons!!!
Boy, I really have my work cut out for me now.
It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe.
November 25, 2001, 14:31
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I think it looks like Xin is in.
FMK- Maybe with the combined might of the Huns and japs, you will be triumphant.
"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
"Guinness sucks!" -- Me
November 25, 2001, 14:36
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Just for the hell of it, this is post 400 for me.  Wahoo!
"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
"Guinness sucks!" -- Me
November 25, 2001, 19:13
Local Time: 03:15
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Posts: 3,057
Re: Oh my...
Originally posted by Field Marshal Klesh
This does really make things interesting for myself indeed. Had I know Xin was playing (no offense Case) I would've played much much differently. Forget about China, they can't do a thing in the way of a heafty advance, and I woulda concentrated far more in hitting the soviets.
None taken
November 25, 2001, 19:54
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November 25, 2001, 21:13
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No, you'll survive since the Japanses needs to fight both the Americans and the Russian. Stay in Lasha and have a cup of tea with his Holiness the Dalai Lama.
November 26, 2001, 03:10
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Occupied the whole European Continent. Germany reduced to 6 cities in Africa. Still have about 8 tanks left. Will try my luck at Vladilovstok if I feel that the defense in Europe is adequate (not likely).
I'll finish my turn tomorrow, if I am still the Russian player
November 26, 2001, 03:40
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oh man... all hail the Xinster!
Geezus Xin!!!
I would love to come up with something witty to say here, but alas, I am left feeling like a ragdoll. You never cease to amaze me holmes. Friggin' incredible! You might not have to drop a nuke on me after all. The emporer is beginning to see the futility in this fight.  Fair is fair though... I'll play till the bitter end!
It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe.
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