Dare I say that CTP2 had a better system of unit movement than CivIII? Yes I think so. I think any unit should be able to join an army just like in CTP with a cap of like 12 units or something. Use the leaders to rush jobs or station them in cities to cut corruption or maybe even use them to create "special" untis or something like that.
Actually, I preferred the CTP combat system in almost every regard (although I am not completely familiar with all the CIV3 ins and outs). It seems there should be some system of combined arms. I was hoping to see some improvements in that area for Civ3.
I liked the combined arms from CTP2 as well. I was a bit disappointed when in my first game and moved in to attack and saw that the units only do a 1 on 1 right there on the map. CTP2 could have been a lot better but their idea about allowing the player to see the action with all the fortification stats and retreat buttons was great! You would think CivIII would have "stolen" their ideas.