Originally posted by Venger
A SWORDSMAN attacked my IN FORTIFICATION Infantry unit and won. Swordsman was veteran, my unit was veteran missing one hit point. Just pathetic. INFANTRY LOST TO SWORDSMAN.
The odds of that happening are around 8%, so it is not
that unlikely. Had your infantry had all of its hitpoints, the odds would have been lower, around 2.5%.
If this really bothers you, as it seems to, you could raise the number of hitpoints each level of experience gets using the editor. For example if we multiply the hitpoints of each unit in your example by four, the maximum you can in the editor, the swordsman having 16 and the infantry having 12, the odds of the swordsman winning drop from 8% to about 0.2% Be warned, though; I believe that doing this will virtually eliminate the usefulness of armies since I do not think that the game will allow a unit, army or not, to have more than 20 hitpoints. I could be wrong about that, though, since I haven’t tested it out.
Also, if you do that, you will need to change the rate of fire for all bombardment units to compensate.
Originally posted by Venger
Did I just see the destroyer attack value is the same as the battleship defense value? Are you KIDDING ME?
So change it! I've entirely redone the sea combat values on my copy.