November 21, 2001, 23:57
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YAGT (Yet Another German Tale)
Also posted on, but their forums are down and I can't wait to post more, so I'll post it all here, in a few installments
Large world, medium archipelagoes, regent, normal climate/temperature, 4 billion years old, restless barbarians, 12 civs.
History of the German Empire
4000 BC: Foundation of Berlin, in lush fertile grasslands brodered by mountains, plains, rivers and hills. Workers assigned to build great roads. Many cattle, elephants and wheat found outside of Berlin. Researchers focus on mapmaking, firt concentrating on Alphabet.
3750 BC: First warriors of Berlin set out to explore the outside world. A century later they encounter a Kazak tribe which gives us money, impressed by our power. More mountains to the east, and some forests.
3550 BC: Another friendly tribe assemble their best men and form a few warriors who join our great tribe. Berlin's culture is so great that its influence grows. Shepherds and stray peasants now live under our rule.
3400 BC: Northeast of Berlin, our warriors meet peasants who claim to be living under the rule of the French people. Emissaries are sent to meet their rulers, who appear to be polite, and they give us the secret of Alphabet, in exchange for Pottery and Bronze Working. Although the price seemed high, we hope the French will repay us in time.
3300 BC: Our warriors meet other minor tribes, some Phrygian who share their maps with us and some Magyar who refuse our rule, and send out many warriors to fight us. We are confident of our victory.
3250 BC: Our warriors meet scouts from a people who call themselves the Russian, and they appear to be living south. Land seems to become scarce around Berlin.. The Russians are cautious, and so are we. They teach us how to build structures of stone and how to bury our dead properly, while we teach them the code of honor of real warriors.
3050 BC: English scouts walk near Berlin, and we meet the polite british.
2950 BC: 20 000 of Berlin's people head out to settle new land, and found Leipzig. Our warriors later disperse a Celt encampment.
2470 BC: More settlers set out of Berlin to found the city of Hamburg. They start hunting elephants and bring ivory to Berlin, making many people happy. Bulgar raiders ambush Leipzig but our veteran warriors push back the attack. Warriors are dispatched to find their village and destroy it.
2030 BC: Our people learn of writing and ambassadors are sent to Paris and Moscow. We sell gold and the secret of Writing to the French, in exchange for Masonry and the Wheel. New settlers set out of Berlin.
1790 BC: Hamburg sends settlers to colonize lands with a lot of elephants. Konigsberg is founded 1 year before Russian settlers claim the land. The Russians teach us about Mysticism. War is declared with the French 3 centuries later when they steal our land. Marseilles is captured and Munich trains warriors just in time. It is hoped they will survive the French onslaught, but they fail. Our archers eventually recaptures Munich. The French then sue for a peace treaty; we refuse.
1100 BC: Our glorious archers defeat the French spearmen at Paris after 100 years of siege (and people think the Trojan war was long) and capture it! Long live the German empire! A peace treaty is agreed to, and the French cede Lyons and 2 workers.
800 BC: Iron deposits are thankfully found near Berlin, and workers are sent to build roads and mines. Construction begins on swordsmen as soon as temples and granaries are completed, preparing for our next great conquest - either France, Russia, or England will be our target.
600 BC: The Russians are selected as target, since their power grows too much and will soon overwelm our continent.
250 BC: The French people conduct our emissaries to a meeting with the Indians. These seem not very advanced, being isolated on their continents. The offensive against the russians will start very soon, within the next century.
240 BC: War is declared on the Russians.
210 BC: The war goes not well. The French and English join with the Russians, and our 9000-men swordsmen invasion force gets decimated at Odessa. But we will go on fighting... in 130 BC our forces are victorious at Sverdlovosk. Russian diplomats offer us a peace treaty. The emperor sends for shamans who consult the bones, but they do not agree that peace at this time is a good idea. In fact, they foresee great danger from the russians if we agree to peace! Our glorious emperor beheads the diplomats.
250 AD: After centuries of warfare and little developments, our troops have captured Odessa and Tblisi! The French are also now at war with the Russians, and have granted free passage for our troops. Our generals have concluded that the best way to curb the Russian defense is to pillage their sources of iron...
320 AD: Our glorious troops captured Kiev, and now set their sights on Moscow. Although horsemen division 14 could not cut off all iron supplies, we have been seeing less and less Russian military on our path. 30 years later, 10 000 swordsmen and 6 000 horsemen match their might against the defenses of Moscow, and successfully capture the Jewel of Russia. A new governor is instated in the city and the people of Germany can finally stare in awe at the product of Rus labor, the Pyramids. Following this great victory, our emperor's palace is upgraded. Inspired by this crushing blow, 2000 swordsmen supported by a few horsemen capture Sevastapol and open the way to Smolensk, where the Russian Emperor currently hides, trying to maintain together the shreds of his once-great empire (4 cities left!). Since the war is drawing to a close, our Emperor orders the creation of libraries and marketplaces, an area where Germany has fallen behind.
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November 21, 2001, 23:59
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440 AD: The war isn't going as well as in the last century, even though the English have joined our anti-Rus coalition... The citizens of Smolensk and Odessa have deposed german governors to rejoin the Russians, and our troops had to shed their blood again to recapture the cities. Now, our troops heal while they prepare for a final assault on Smolensk and Minsk, while French and English forces attack Tours (captured by the Russians 50 or so years ago) without success. Smolensk once again falls under Rus control, then is recaptured by English forces while we capture Minsk, the last position where the Russians had iron (fortunately they never attacked our lone horseman defending the iron so that they would not use it, even though they had only 1/4 of their initial strength and numbers).
520 AD: Tours, the last stronghold of the Rus falls before the mighty german swordsmen. Yet we hear rumors that their people still dwell somewhere, in colonies named Yakutsk and Vladivostok... Ambassadors in India convince them to wage the war against Russia, for the mere price of Horseback Riding and Mathematics. 20 years later, the new Emperor (after taking care of the "Assassination Scandal" of 538) signs a peace treaty with the Rus people, in exchange for Yakutsk, their maps, and their whole treasury. Near the end of his life, Emperor Rudolf XXVI starts mumbling about "Monarchs" being "chosen by the Gods" and "People must live, not die in forced labor". He goes mostly ignored by our shamans. 20 years after his death however, his son sends the Blue Brigade storm the palace. Germany falls into Anarchy.
600-680 AD: A very dark time in the history of Germany. Rudolf XXVI's coup leaves the people in disarray for almost a century, when lord after lord succeeds the throne using any means necessary, completely ignoring the severe famines throughout the empire, killing yearly thousands of people (including most of the Russians and French living under German rule. By 1300 AD, there would be no more than 20 000 Russians and 10 000 French living in Germany). During this period, the Indians sacked the city of Vladivostok and hung Czarina Catherine in public. But Germany was so occupied by internal troubles that few took notice. Finally, Chancellor Rudolf (a shrewd historian might notice every ruler of Germany has been named Rudolf) is proclaimed the True King, selected by God himself to rule Germany. Temples were pillaged, and their polytheistic beliefs were destroyed to be replaced by the belief of a Unique God - 680 years after the death of The Savior.
680-760 AD: The world is more peaceful now, and our Holy King ordered the construction of many temples, libraries, marketplaces and colisseums so that all the people of germany may experience the pleasures that were once available in the Rus empire, and currently are available in the French Kingdom. The English make contact with the Aztec people, and kindly give passage of our ambassadors on their galleys to meet them. In turn, the Aztecs give us contact with the Chinese and Iroquois people. The world is much bigger than the sage monks of last century believed. Construction of harbors are ordered in order to trade with these new friends, but it looks like our sea vessels are not sturdy enough to traverse the great seas - only the English with their Lighthouse are granted the privilege of trading with these other continents...
810 AD: Our great culture starts to impress the others on this continent. Coventry joins our Kingdom. Construction begins on the Forbidden Palace in Paris, 50 years later.
820-1200 AD: A very peaceful period of great development, we continue to make contact with other people, while artists start building a grandiose chapel, the Sistine Chapel, in Berlin. We start to fall behind in technology, and no one seems to think German money is good payment for knowledge. Something must be done... And the English build the Sistine Chapel before us! The current king starts to brew plans for an invasion of England. Sadly, he dies without ever telling his plans to anyone. His son inherits the throne and dispatches skilled merchants to all the known world, finally acquiring Chivalry, Printing Press, Astronomy, while researchers discovered Education (it turns out that an ironsmith had written two scrolls about his methods of teaching, and this discovery greatly accelerated our research). In addition, they also met the Egyptians and the Romans through Chinese contacts, and we were able to sell our technologies to these primitive people.
1275 AD: Oh the treachery! The most foul and evil of treachery! The Indians have dared challenge our power by attacking Yakutsk with their horsemen! They shall pay dearly, for we shall send our knights and catapults punish them for their insolence. We soon discover however that the Indians have war-trained elephants, fearsome beasts nigh unstoppable in battle. The war will be long, and a military alliance is signed with the English, in exchange for iron (Germany, sole provider of iron since 540 AD). The Indians soon capture Yaktusk, but we WILL RETURN!
1305 AD: The new Chancellor has started to divert resources away from universities towards training of knights, construction of their weapons and armors, etc, and also to trade, so that our people may enjoy wines, dyes, incense, after having lost the Indians' furs. One crazy old man proposes to the King plans for "Panzers": incredibly powerful machines of war, with a gigantic piece of armor that protects both the horse and the rider, leaving just enough place to shoot arrows and see the outside. The court laughs at him and he is hanged, not before his drawings mysteriously disappear ere they may be burned...
1310-1315 AD: The construction of the Forbidden Palace in Paris is finally completed, while the Indians and the pitiful Aztecs (travellers tell us their empire was divided in 2 by an alliance between China and the Iroquois Confederacy, and Tenochtitlan is their only remaining city) sign an alliance, vowing to destroy us.
1320-1345 AD: The war rages on, while no side scores significant victory. Many men die at Yakutsk without retaking the city. Even our knights fall before the War Elephants. Meanwhile, a man named Lenoardo da Vinci has been travelling the world, looking for places to build his great Workshop. The Chancellor considers his offer, but must decline in favor of war. So Leonardo leaves, although he left a gift: an incomplete formula he's been working on, which produces what he calls "gunpowder". Wise men realize that this explosive substance could be made into very powerful weapons...
November 22, 2001, 00:01
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1345 AD: The Aztecs as an independant nation does not exist anymore. The Iroquois have conquered them all. So we only have to attack the Indians now.
1360 AD: Wow, it's so nice being the sole source of iron in the world (so far). China offers Germany 26 pieces of gold per cycle of 5 years in exchange for iron.
1370 AD: da Vinci's formula is completed by our sages, and, as far as we know, we are the first in the world to possess such weapons. A diversionary force is sent near Yakutsk (those elite swordsmen) while our main battalions of knights shall land near bombay. Training of musketmen begins. The English pay a very hefty price for Gunpowder - 22 gold pieces per 5 year, for 100 years, while the Chinese pay almost as much for Music Theory (acquired from the Egyptians for the price of ivory and spices) even though they would pay almost nothing for Gunpowder. It is fortunate that we captured Tours from the Russians, for it seems that only Tours has Saltpeter in our territory. The Iroquois and the Chinese have a lot, however.
1375 AD: To show their valor in combat, the elite knights and swordsmen that were just a diversionary force at Yakutsk decide to take back the city, with only the loss of 1000 swordsmen. Remaining swordsmen and Knights move into the forest between Yakutsk and the horde of archers, longbowmen and elephants coming to reclaim Yakutsk. May the be successful until reinforcements arrive! 5000 knights land at Bombay. Swordsmen survive the onslaught! But only because elephants are dispatched towards Bombay... The happy people of Yakutsk instantly train 1000 spearmen to help defend themselves. Bombay is captured 5 years later and RAZED. Enslaved workers are sent to the mainland, and some to Yakutsk. 4000 knights then die at the ruins of Bombay after the Indian counterattack.
1385 AD: Seeing that we are really serious in punishing them, the Indians ask for peace. As is the tradition in Germany, the King sends for shamans who consult the bones of God, who reveal that peace must be sought, in order to make Germany greater - not just in military strength, but also in arts and culture. The King speaks thus to Gandhi: "You say this war is terrible, but I say: thou art terrible, for thou hath started this horror, and now all thy people see the wrath of Germany. Let this be a lesson to the world: Germany's wrath is as powerful as the fist of God!" On these words, the peace treaty is signed. Republic seems to have taken over the world, except in Iroquois Land and in Germany. Who needs the people to rule? They're just peasants, they have no knowledge of the intricacies of state, politics, commerce and military. Republic shall not invade Germany!
1405 AD: Our allies the English, and their allies the Iroquois are still at war with the Indians. The Iroquois also get the French involved. Let them shed their blood, the Chancellor says... 15 years later, we learn that Leonardo da Vinci has built his workshop in Delhi. No matter, a man named Adam Smith seems a much better choice to have in Berlin, but Adam Smith moves to Salamanca in Iroquois land in 1455.
1500 AD: The era of colonization begins for Germany, as space gets really cramped. By exchanging maps with other nations however, we see that the room still left to colonize is very very sparse. The Egyptians, Chinese, Indians, and most notably the English have had a great headstart, and we are latecomers to this game. Nevertheless, we continue our efforts.
1530 AD: The Chancellor cancels the colonization efforts and the caravels are recalled home. 10 years later, the Indians ask us for an alliance against France! Hypocrites! We know they have lied to us before, our historians remember their treachery. The alliance is refused, and preparations are made in case India strikes us instead! Also in 1540 AD, Germany enters the Industrial age, and a new era begins.
1545 AD: Nationalism starts to sweep Germany. Mutual Protection Pacts are signed with England and France. Knights and Musketmen are trained to use rifles, weapons with much better precision in combat. As was expected, India attacked France, dragging us into their conflict.
1560 AD: Egypt and China sign a mutual protection pact. Seers foresee that this alliance may be troublesome in the future. Meanwhile, Germany's near-monopoly on iron pays off - the Indians, who don't even have saltpeter, can only oppose us with War elephants, archers, bowmen, warriors and spearmen. Thanks to our mutual protection pact, England also declares war on India. A cynical government official, after drinking a little too much, remarks "it's just like old times again, when Germany was the King of the known world. Death to all enemies!"
1590 AD: Bangalore is captured. The people from all the kingdom celebrate this victory. Vladivostok, the long-sought last stronghold of Russia is captured. Those spearmen have no chance to survive against our mighty cavalry!
1600 AD: Peace is agreed to with the Indians, in exchange for the city of Avignon. In a show of friendship, Avignon is returned to France. But India immediately attacks England, and our mutual protection pact forces us to attack.
1604 AD: Shakespeare elects to set up the greatest theatre the world has ever seen in Munich. At last Germany constructs one of the great wonders of the world!
1605 AD: The Indians have found some saltpeter! Cannons must be used to soften their defenses. Our King wonders who provided them with saltpeter, and what else were the Indian given?
November 22, 2001, 00:08
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1605 AD: Indians in Vladivostok depose the German governor. Newton establishes his University in Salamanca.
1620 AD: With the discover of Steam Power, we find some coal resources in our territory. A gigantic Iron Works is begun in Frankfurt, while workers start building railroads. Troops move towards Kolhapur.
THE BATTLE OF KOLHAPUR (excerpts from the novel "Indian Love" by André Latour, soldier who fought at Kolhapur then retired from the army to write about the war, once it was over)
It is the summer of the year 1620 AD. All winter long (and winters _are_ long in India) german cannons have been bombing the city, fortunately causing very little damage. But troop and citizens morale is at an all-time low. Captain Charkim of the Kolhapur defense forces has stood helpless for months, wondering when the invasion will take place. Then suddenly, on June 14th, silence. Silence, the silence of death, more chilling than the bombings for Chakrim knows this means only one thing. "No matter. Soon, I will return to the Atma, as all things will. In the meantime, we must all accomplish our dharma, and so will I. So will I..." He enters the barracks to look at his men - he knows most of them won't survive the day - and wakes them up. They know too, he thought. I can see it in their eyes. Death is approaching and they can feel her cold breath down their necks... He gives his final orders, and all the men take position with their muskets or spears, ready to defend the remaining 7600 citizens of Kolhapur; ready to defend the temple of Vishnu. Ready to defend their wives, their kids, their parents, their friends. Ready to give their lives.
Morning. The sun shines, no clouds in the sky. It was as if the Gods were watching the battle. Charkim takes a few moments to breathe in the fresh air, this last moment of peace before hell comes to earth. Then, trumpets are heard in the distance. A hush followed as tension rises. Chakrim's heart beats so rapidly and heavily he can feel it through his whole body, until he realizes he's feeling not the pounding of his heart but the quake of thousands of horses galloping towards the city. "And so it begins".
He starts shouting orders to his men: "Take your positions! Arm your muskets! Ready... Aim... Wait...." The thundering hordes get closer. And closer. Closer.
"Wait!" The first riders could now be seen through the demolished city gates.
"Wait, steady!"; his men get nervous as the enemy approaches without slowing down.
"Wait!" The thunder gets louder.
"Wait!" Soldiers near the gates can almost see the bloodshot eyes of the german leading the charge.
"Wait!" No one moves.
"FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 100 muskets simultaneously fire. Some blow up, but most hit something: horses, men, walls, houses... Germans fall, but more gallop in to replace them.
"Second line, FIRE!!!!!!!!" The second line of Musketmen advance forward while the first line reloads their muskets, and they fire, killing more Germans. German cavalrymen start shooting their rifles. Indian soldiers fall like flies around them.
"Third line, FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!" 50 muskets fire on the order. Chaos erupts as the mass of the German cavalry enters the city, firing their rifles and drawing their rapiers to attack the incoming spearmen and soldiers with rapiers. Indian soldiers die by the hundreds, killing only a handful of the German cavalry, and the Captain orders a retreat to the inner city, where other musketmen await. German cavalrymen retreat to regroup their attack, while a second unit charges for the city.
"Ok men, this time the decision will be made. Shall Kolhapur languish under german rule, or will you change history and become heroes so that every Indian raises the flag of justice and drives away our enemies? We are the last line of defense for these people. This day, die or live, we shall be heroes! We will fight on, as India will, and will drive away the enemies! Now, go out there and KILL GERMANS!!!!" Tactics are useless now, he knows. Better to enflame the soldiers with the passion of killing and with patriotic fervor rather than keep them in line to be slaughtered. And the hated cavalry comes, wave after wave crashing in the houses and buildings, slaughtering soldiers, then being killed from behind by a musket or spear-wielding Indian who was hiding. Chakrim starts to see red as he charges into the fray, thought completely banished. He fights, kills, fights, kills. His wounds are meaningless to him. When an enemy drops a rifle he picks one, two, three, and starts firing until they're out of shots, then uses his sword to gut more germans. He shouts but does not hear it. His world becomes one of blood, and he knows only one rule: kill or be killed.
Then suddenly it all stops.
All around him, mountains of corpses have taken the place of houses, shops, taverns. Yet, no german man stands, only indians. His men rally around him and lift him up, shouting "Victory! Victory! Victory!" while Chakrim can do nothing but cry in joy. But this feeling settles too, as he realizes the Germans have yet more soldiers to throw at them. But his men have now passed their trial of fire, they know they can resist. Citizens who can wield weapons join in, awed by this hero. The next few day, more germans strike. And this time, they have the upper hand, slaughtering the few remaining defenders.
Legend says that Chakrim was the last to fall, standing upon what was left of his wife's house, muskets, rifles, swords dangling from him as he used whatever weapon he got his hand on. He had lost one eye, yet still shot with frightening accuracy, and many germans had to die ere he could be shot down. His death demoralizes the remaining citizens, who do not even think of resisting their new rulers... But they still remember the noble sacrifices of all their countrymen, and especially Chakrim, who fought to the end, a monument to Indian greatness.
1625 AD: Vladivostok is recaptured easily. German troops head towards Delhi. Our ambassadors start narrowing down who is sending saltpeter to India: the Chinese and Iroquois have it in great quantities, and surely they have traded some with the Indians.
1635 AD: Egyptian frigates are asked to leave German waterspace. Cleopatra assures they will leave as soon as possible.
1645 AD: The frigates still haven't left! Wall Street is completed in Leipzig, which then starts construction of ironclads just in case Egypt gets belligerent. Cannons are ready to bombard Delhi. Delhi's defenders are more resiliant than Kolhapurs, but we are confident of our victory. 5 years of bombing later, the temple, granary, barracks and a few more citizens of Delhi all fall prey to flying balls of steel, and knights capture Delhi. The people of Germany are overjoyed, especially considering Delhi contains Leonardo's Workshop! Gandhi and his cabinet moves to Calcutta, while people throughout the German Kingdom celebrates this victory.
to be continued...
November 22, 2001, 08:33
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Posts: 168
Nice work
Especially the excerpt from the book is well written.
"As is the tradition in Germany, the King sends for shamans who consult the bones of God,"
btw i am from germany and i only consult the bones of fried chickens
"Where I come from, we don't fraternize with the enemy - how about yourself?"
Civ2 Military Advisor
November 22, 2001, 08:51
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Originally posted by SanPellegrino
Nice work
Especially the excerpt from the book is well written.
thanks! I have a few more little stories like that prepared for the future (and the hints have already been dropped above  )
"As is the tradition in Germany, the King sends for shamans who consult the bones of God,"
btw i am from germany and i only consult the bones of fried chickens
 what do they say?
November 22, 2001, 12:53
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Oh they want me to do other things than playing civ, but I can resist
"Where I come from, we don't fraternize with the enemy - how about yourself?"
Civ2 Military Advisor
November 22, 2001, 15:15
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Originally posted by SanPellegrino
Oh they want me to do other things than playing civ, but I can resist
 good boy  I just played a little again... I'm almost up to panzers now, 2 techs left. I'll shout what Profion said in D&D.... "LET THEIR BLOOD RAIN FROM THE SKIES!!!!!" pretty soon... mwahahhahaha
November 22, 2001, 15:16
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1655 AD: Persia and Zuluand, old enemies, sign a Mutual Protection pact. There are now 3 major alliances in the world: Egypt-China, Germany-France-England and Zuluand-Persia. The Iroquois, Romans and Indians still have made no major alliance. And the people of Delhi, unhappy with German rule, depose our governor and retake control, inspired by the tales of Chakrim and his resistance in Kolhapur. Delhi is recapture after a small siege of 5 years.
1670 AD: Horsemen now trained to use rifles are sent from Minks into caravels to be brought to India, while cavalry captures Calcutta after years of cannon bombings. Karachi is captured 5 years later. India is almost no more... English forces in the last years have captured Karachi, lost it, captured Bombay, then burnt Karachi to the ground. Only Madras is left, and 2 colonies: Dover, near French holdings, and Hyderabad, northeast of China - too far to bother to attack at this time.
1685 AD: France and India agree to a peace treaty.
1690 AD: Musketeers valiantly defend Madras, offering even more resistance than Kolhapur. But in the end, after 3 months of battle, Madras is captured, and peace is agreed between Germany and India. But the people of Delhi still remember they were Indians, and revolt against Germany. The war begins again, and Delhi is recaptured in 1705. Calcutta is ceded to the French.
1735 AD: With the advent of refining, we find that oil is scarce in Germany. In fact, oil near St Petersburg is exhausted almost immediately, leaving only conquered India as the source of oil. Again, the people cheer the foresight of previous chancellors in securing these sources of oil. Persia and England sign a mutual protection pact.
1740 AD: Alas, Germany has no rubber! We must import some from Egypt.. Once we have rubber, the Chancellor starts a massive upgrade program for all military divisions in the kingdom. It costs a lot, but trade of technologies, furs, etc, provides a lot of money.
1768 AD: The Iroquois declare war on the Chinese. It is feared that the mutual protection pacts signed between various nations (China-Egypt, England-France-Germany, England-Persia) might trigger the bloodiest war history will have seen yet. Our armies stay alert, while greedy leaders set their eyes on Edfu and Heliopolis, the two Egyptian cities that have rubber... Egypt is dragged into the Sino-Iroquois war.
1778 AD: Ah, the follies of democracy. Egypt was the first in the world to grant right of "sufferage" for all, equally, without distinction of sex or race. The german people laugh at all this, for we all know a nation can survive only when led by a strong leader, such as Chancellor Rudolf.
1782 AD: France and China sign a military alliance against the Iroquois. A military council is convened in Berlin, discussing what the impact of this will be, and everyone is unanimous: it would trigger a war against Iroquois, something that is not needed at this time - in fact, we have Egypt as target, not Iroquois, unless the Iroquois have some rubber. France and England then sign an alliance against Iroquois. Meanwhile, new sources of rubber are discovered throughout India, while coal is getting rarer. Spies returning from Iroquois land discover only sparse resources of rubber, nearly no coal, and only a lot of saltpeter. War with them would be a waste of time, and the Chancellor agrees.
1786 AD: Darwin, a scientist residing in Berlin, completes his theory of evolution. This triggers great advances in science, production, commerce, and everyone will agree that the following 40 years have been a golden age for Germany. The Chancellor seizes this opportunity to build up Germany's army, airforce and navy in preparation for a possible future invasion. The people wonder who will be attacked, for no nation dares oppose itself to Germany, with their leader so fondly called "Rudolf the Terrible".
1788 AD: Preparations continue. No development in the war against Iroquois.
next installment: a nice little story like the battle of Kolhapur...
November 22, 2001, 15:19
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oh yeah, forgot.. 2 new screenshots at
November 23, 2001, 01:10
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Message in a bottle, part I
1794 AD: Egypt and Iroquois sign a peace treaty. Persia and Zuluand later reinstate their mutual protection pact.
1802 AD: Construction begins on the Hoover Dam in Berlin. India signs a protection pact with England! Incredible to the people of Germany, but still understandable for India, reduced to only a state of one city... The English and the Iroquois finally sign a peace treaty, and it seems the citizens of Calcutta have overthrown their French masters, showing a bad example for the people of India living in Germany. this situation must be monitored.
And now, the _real_ golden age of Germany was about to begin...
Message in a bottle
It was a dark and stormy night - like most nights this summer of 1808 on the coast of a fishing village near Leipzig. But this night was worse than the others - in fact, the radio weather report said that tornadoes might strike nearby villages, and everyone huddled in their homes, seeking warmth and security. Hans was not one such man however, and as he did at least once a week, after his wife Gret's breathing settled in the calm rhythm of sleep, and the children were soundly sleeping too, he softly got out of bed for a midnight walk in the storm.
But this night really was worse. A normal storm wouldn't trouble Hans, but this one... It wasn't the wind, no, Hans had faced fiercer winds in the seas. Nor was it the rain. This storm had something different, something... out of this time. It was, inexplicably, alive. Hans did not walk near the beaches, each violent wave of the sea seemed like so many tentacles that would drag him forever.
"Maybe I should get back home," Hans says to himself. But before he can do anything, a huge tentacle - er, wave - rises from the sea and submerges the beach, and beyond, all the way to where the man was standing, defying the might of nature. Hans lost consciousness.
Birds. Seagulls. Gentle waves. Light. All these impressions tumbled inside Hans's skull as he opened his eyes. He was confused. How did he get here? Why was it morning? Why was he all wet and smelled of salt? Then he slowly remembered. The storm. Giant tentacles. Had they been merely waves, or one of the legendary sea monsters that science could never prove existed - or didnt? Whatever the case, he had survived. "Well, I'd better go home before my family starts worrying!" He starts to get up, using his arms as supports, but his left hand slips on something. "What the - " He looks, and sees a bottle. He was about to dismiss it when he noticed the bottle contained something. He was excited at this discovery, thinking of grand adventures, of pirates, maybe a damsel in distress who had sent this bottle, waiting for a valiant knight in shining armor. He took the bottle and ran to his barn, forgetting about his family who must be calling the police at this moment.
He lighted the lamps inside the barn and cleared the table (the barn had been used more as a warehouse than a place for animals, since Hans was a fisherman, not a farmer). He then observed the bottle carefully, for long minutes. "This thing must be veeeeeery old..." Yet the ink inside still was readable. He carefully opened the bottle.
"Hansel von Freidman! There you are!" Hans jerked when he heard his wife's angry voice. "Where have you been hiding all day? We've been searching all over for you! Do you know we had to call the police? And what's this bottle? Have you been drinking again? You know I don't like it when you drink... And think of all the useless paperwork we'll have to do for the police now! Didn't you think of all this before you came in here to drink? Oh you.. you... YOU drunkard!" Hans endured stoically the diatribe until Gret got red in the face and needed to breathe a little.
"There there, wife, I've not been drinking. But look! Look at what I found! A bottle on the beach!"
"A bottle? What good is a bottle from the beach, we have tons of them in the house!"
"But this one contained something... Parchments! They look... so old. Come see, wife!" Gret, now curious, came closer. Hans took out the parchments carefully, and unrolled them equally carefully. A few minutes of speechlessness later, all they could say was: "whoa..."
That very same afternoon Hans was in his carriage, pulled by his best two horses, on his way to Berlin.
I just looooove cliffhangers
November 23, 2001, 18:02
Local Time: 17:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 8
what's in it, what's in it ... pleeeease tell! I can't wait.
great story
November 24, 2001, 14:04
Local Time: 17:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Canada
Posts: 128
Message in a bottle, part 2
September 12, 1811, was the third and last day of the annual "We love the King" celebration. Hans was ready. He had prepared his speech, everything was in place. Today, HE would be acclaimed throughout Germany. Today, the world will tremble! Before stepping out on the balcony, he took a few moments to reminesce of the last three years' events...
He was in Hamburg when he used for the first time the "inter-urban" telephone service. It hadn't made its way to Leipzig yet; only local telephones worked. But in a hostel in Hamburg, he called his cousin in Berlin:
"Hans, how are you? It must've been years since last we saw each other!"
"It goes well, cousin Johann. How's life in Berlin?"
"Oh, business is good you know, the government buys a lot of weapons lately, and we juste manage to stay on top of the demand."
"Good! Listen, I need a favor... Could you visit the Imperial University of Berlin and look how much are the intensive-programs for mechanical engineering, chemistry, and electronics?" Johann was astounded. He knew his cousin had always been somewhat bright, he had seen his intricate lego constructions when they were younger, but he had never had the ambition to pursue a carrier in this domain. What had changed his mind? "Oh, and while you're at it, I'll need a loan from your company..."
"What? They'll never lend some money to a fisherman?"
"After they've seen what I have in mind they will..."
And so they did. It didn't take much convincing. The Riflefirma Inc. lent 4000 Marks to Hans, and he started studying two long years, while living with his cousin and his cousin's family. He greatly missed his wife and children, and went to visit them often. And finally, he graduated, and assembled a team of engineers. One year later, his vision had taken physical form. His family came to Berlin, and Riflefirma Inc. got him an audience with the Chancellor. Two weeks later, after a private demonstration, he was made a Knight of Germany, and plans had been made for a public demonstration in Berlin, on the last day of the We Love the King celebrations.
His cue came. He stepped out on the balcony, while on the street a huge cubic-shaped container covered with a black tarp moved, pulled by 10 horses, while from the other side of the street came a brick wall, 5 meters thick. Hans began his speech; the people applauded when he finished. Then the demonstration started, and fear spread through the crowd, then an exhiliration followed. They knew Germany was to see a new age soon. They had been chosen by God.
October 5th, 1811. Beijing. "President Mao," said the secretary on the telephone. "The Egyptian ambassador is here to see you."
"Isn't he on vacation?"
"It's the Egyptian ambassador from Berlin, Mr. He says he has important news that only you can hear."
"Let him in, by all means!"
The door to his luxurious office opened, and the ambassador entered. "Greetings, President Mao."
"Welcome, Mr. Harim, would you like something to drink?"
Harim politely declined, and moved towards the large window that looked out on the city. "Nice view," he said. "I always appreciated Chinese architecture..." Mao noticed how tired Mr. Harim looked; he hadn't shaved in days, and possibly didn't wash his hair either. His clothes hadn't been ironed either.
"What brings you here?" he dove straight into the subject.
"Terrible news, Mr. President. I had to get our of Germany as soon as possible. I took the first ship in Lyons, and it turns out it was coming to China. And so here I am."
"I see.. Go on." Mao was intrigued now.
"Do you remember, at the 'Northern Conference' of 7 years ago, when it was decided to stop the war with the Iroquois? Do you remember what Mr. Ghandi said, when we were discussing Germany?"
"No, I don't believe I remember... But I'm sure you do."
"Indeed. 'The German monster sleeps, comfortable on the spoils of its war with India. But will it wake up? It is not a matter of 'if', only a matter of 'when'. I would advise you all to keep watch. Germany is the enemy, not the Iroquois.' "
A chill went up Mao's spine. He knew what words would come next. "The monster has awakened, and I fear it will eat us all..."
November 26, 2001, 14:03
Local Time: 17:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Canada
Posts: 128
Message in a bottle, Part 3
Four years passed, during which factories in nearly all German cities (not counting India) were retrofitted to build the new machines of war. Companies like Riflefirma became among the most profitable firms. But the people were itching with idleness. What good is a huge army without anyone to attack? Once the tension was too great, the Chancellor acted. He gave a speech on television. He raised the people's spirits like no speech had done before, then announced that all foreigners (except English and French) will be expelled, and that Germany would soon rule over the world.
When the speech was over, Chancellor Rudolf LXIV still had more to do, but most importantly, select a target.
"Mr. Otto, patch us through the Egyptian news service. They are waiting for an announcement..." Otto saluted and established the link. "They are indeed waiting, Sire!"
"Good. Tell me when." The cameraman moved in position and zoomed on the Chancellor's upper body and head. Otto gave the signal, and the cameras started recording. Rudolf recorded the message, and it was sent to Egypt's television network shortly after.
Cleopatra was nervous today. She had been told to expect a television broadcast from Germany today. She was certain what kind of message it would contain, the whole world had heard rumous of their new machines of war that rendered cavalry obsolete. But still she felt nervous, exactly because she knew what was coming, and because there was no way to avoid the horror that would follow. Oh, why oh why did Germany have to be so belligerent?
She turned on her television set just in time to see the broadcast. Chancellor Rudolf LXIV appeared. He had aged since last they met. Gray hair reigned on his skull now, although he still seemed strong and healthy. "Stop thinking and analyzing, listen!" she told herself. Rudolf started talking:
"People of Egypt, I greet you. President Cleopatra, my dear counterpart in Egypt, I greet you. For years you have lived in peace with Germany. For years, we have allowed you to live so. Today, however, things are about to change. No longer can God's chosen rulers of the world sit by while other nations expand. No longer can we allow your independent nation to prosper. God has chosen Germany to rule, and we shall rule.
Before our might new machines of war called Panzers roll over your country, we give you the choice: accept our rule peacefully, or we shall come and conquer your nation. Remember India. Do you wish to see the same fate? You have one week to decide."
Cleopatra was enraged. "How dare he threaten Egypt, for great justice! He knows we will not give in to Germany. The fools!" She threw some vases on the floor, and her secretary popped her head inside her office to see what was happening, and withdrew quickly before Cleopatra's icy stare settled on her. But the President called her, and asked her to contact President Mao. It was time to prepare for war with Germany. Then she called the Chancellor, and told him where he could stuff his threats.
"So, it has begun, cousin."
"Yes, Johann. German bombers have started dropping bombs in Egypt, and China has denounced these unprovoked attacks and declared war on Germania (like most, Hans called Germany, France and England 'Germania' because, like most, he considered the last two nations to be nothing more than semi-independent provinces of Germany). Persia, Zululand, India and the Iroquois have not made their moves yet, but they are too insignificant to pose a threat to us. The war will be long, however..."
"Yes... Fortunately we have the Panzers. No one else has such machines of war yet. Which reminds me of a question I wanted to ask you for a while. _How_ did you do it? You never told me you were thinking of designing machines of war before, yet in two years you went from an idea to a fully-functioning machine. I knew you were bright, but this would be impossible even for the brightest of engineers!"
Hansel moved towards a cabinet in the rear of his office, and fumbled for a key in his pocket. "Can you keep a secret, cousin?"
"Hm, sure, of course!"
Hans unlocked the top drawer, and took out something. "Come closer cousin, where there is light." Johann came closer, and saw Hans was holding an old bottle in his hand. "See this? 6 years ago I found this on the beach near my house, after a storm. Look at what was inside." He had kept the old parchments all this time, and had never shown them to anyone else. Now his cousin looked, and saw the old designs... Structures of wood and iron, on wheels, encasing a knight and his horse, with slits to shoot arrows and see the outside.
"How old is this?" Johann finally managed to whisper.
"As far as I can tell, judging from the writings, I'd say it dates from early 14th-century Germany. Isn't amazing that someone 5 centuries ago could design such a complicated machine of war?"
"Yes... So... You're telling me... You didn't design this thing? You stole this idea from a man dead 5 centuries and made it your own? And took all the credit for it???" Hans could feel the indignation in his cousin's voice.
"Calm down.. Anyone could have done this, it's only a matter of putting together steel, combustion engines, and cannons."
"But why, why? Don't you know these will kill many people?"
"Better we have Panzers than our enemies, don't you agree? It was only a matter of time..." Hans was still looking for something in the drawer while they were talking. "So, you will keep the secret will you? After all, it has made you a senior manager at Riflefirma Inc. and a German Knight out of me..."
"Of... Of course cousin. What are you looking for in there?" Hans had stopped however, and was merely putting the bottle back in the drawer, hiding the gun.
"Oh, nothing, just making some room to put the bottle back. Now I think it's time to go back home." And they went, while faraway in the north, bombers continued their bombings of Egypt...
It was the second Northern Conference. This time however, all nations of the world except Germania attended. This time however, the conference was not to end a war, but to fight one. The Great War, Egypt and China had called it. They told the Zulu, Iroquois, Indian and Persian leaders about Germania's plans of world domination. Then came the time to decide who would join the Egypt-China alliance, but everyone abstained. "Germany has proved it is capable of great destruction, " Gandhi said. "Even though our people are furious and thirst for German blood, it would be unwise for India to join your alliance. Unwise for all of us, at least for now." Everyone agreed. Until Germany would really be seen as a direct threat to the other nations, China and Egypt would stand alone.
November 30, 2001, 22:31
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Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 128
World War I
It is now 1836 AD, and there is no end in sight yet.
"Germania's conflict against the Sino-Egyptian alliance that began in 1815 has now degenerated in a world-wide conflict," announced Chancellor Rudolf LXV 12 years ago. 3 major forces are now found in the world: Germany-France-England-India-Persia, China-Egypt-Rome, and Iroquois. Zuluand is the only nation currently not involved in a war, while Iroquois just happens to fight anyone they wish, with no allegiance to either the Sino-Egyptian coalition or the Germania alliance.
Perhaps the size of the Germania alliance is a sign of how successful Germany has been in its campaign against Egypt. For years, the Panzers and bombers have rolled almost unopposed through Egypt, capturing Pi-Ramesess, Alexandria, Hieraconpolis, Abydos and Giza, while a few special Panzer divisions have ravaged Theban countryside to cut off Egypt's capital from the rest of the empire. Once the capital was cut off, shipping of goods throughout Egypt was hampered, lowering even more Egyptian resistance. Cleopatra was not about to call it quits however, for this is when bombers, marines, riflemen and longbowmen started counter-attacking, along with a few battleships. German troops had to be diverted from their main objectives for 2 years in order to fight back, but once again they drive forward, with Byblos as their next goal.
It is during these years that Cleopatra signed a military alliance with Rome against Germany. This alliance, far from inspiring fear into the heart of German leaders, pushed them to actively seek alliances with Persia and India to keep Egypt from getting more allies.
On the Chinese front, nothing happened. Our military advisor tells us China's most powerful unit is the Worker. The Chancellor found that quite funny, but the advisor repeated his statement, saying we knew nothing more of those secretive Chinese >, and 2 battleships were dispatched to bomb Beijing. No more forces were diverted against China, as they do not yet seem to pose a threat to Germany. Their time will come,
Also, during the siege of Giza, Panzer general Barbarossa really distinguished himself and became the first of Germany's Great Leaders. He now sits idle in Abydos, waiting for a passage to Alexandria to form an army which he will lead, thanks to his great combat experience.
*To be continued*
December 2, 2001, 12:50
Local Time: 11:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Tucson, Az.
Posts: 27
Rush build the Military Academy, then build LOTS of armies. Panzer armies.
"Achtung! Panzer marcsh!"
December 4, 2001, 23:54
Local Time: 17:17
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Canada
Posts: 128
World War I and Beyond
1844 AD: A peace treaty is signed between Germany and China, and between France and Egypt. Giza has been recaptured by egyptian citizens, while Memphis falls to German Panzers.
1848 AD: In an unexpected move, France and Iroquois sign an alliance against the English. This will probably get Germany to war against their cousins in France.
1850 AD: With the capture of Thebes, Egypt agrees to sign a peace treaty with Germany. Germany then signs a peace treaty with Rome, and the first world war is at last over. Some conflicts however still rage in the world... Taking advantage of this sudden peace in Germany, dissent rapidly spreads in the kingdom, the king is deposed, and anarchy ensued. There are now 6 factions opposing themselves for control of the German empire: the Despotic, Monarchic, Repulican, Democratic, Communist and Fascist factions.
1856 AD: Zululand finally starts a war, allied with China, against the Iroquois, India and France.
1864 AD: Never ones to believe the people should govern themselves, the German people choose the Fascist party to lead them to greatness. The new Chancellor mulls plans about uniting Germania under one banner before returning to Egypt for war. Being the weakest force on the continent, France is chosen as target in 1868. Chartres is captured by Panzer forces the same year.
1874 AD: Now that France is gone from the continent on Germania, a peace treaty is signed and German forces turn towards England. Orleans and Hastings are captured in 1875.
1884 AD: Great news! German troops have captured London and Magellan's Voyage! The German people once again start believe in Germany's manifest destingy to rule the world! Meanwhile, General Richtoffen distinguishes himself at the siege of Nottingham, and travels to Berlin to await new orders. Nottingham is captured, and Queen Elizabeth flees with her government to Newcastle, the island province of England.
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