December 10, 2001, 02:29
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Originally posted by Eli
Dont worry, Eli the Great will save you. As soon as I get a crack for the patched game.
Haha. I have been looking for it too... if you find it please tell me..
December 10, 2001, 13:53
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I'm getting errors when loading the game. Did you play it with the 1.16f patch?
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
December 10, 2001, 15:54
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Of course
"I am the Black Mage! I casts the
spells that makes the peoples fall
December 10, 2001, 16:14
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Have you gotten the patch to work yet, Eli? I know people that have Windows 2000 (and XP or ME, can't remember) had to download a new patch. Any luck with that one?
Oh, and if anyone is wondering, I just sent an update to MacTBone for the webpage, Random Entity asked me to help him out because he is pretty busy right now.
Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."
December 10, 2001, 20:19
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Hehe, I had two finals today and one tomorrow!
The update is done. I changed how you guys were doing things so that people with slow connections didn't have to wait an hour for the screenshot page to load, it's now divided by person.
Uhh, for some reason I don't have Vovansim's pics, so whoever has them just send them to me. If you need my e-mail address it's on the front page of the succession game.
OK, on Wednesday I'm leaving for break and won't be able to update the site until I come back which is three weeks. So if you need anything changed urgently, e-mail me or post in this thread. This looks VERY good guys, keep up the good work.
I never know their names, But i smile just the same
New faces...Strange places,
Most everything i see, Becomes a blur to me
-Grandaddy, "The Final Push to the Sum"
December 11, 2001, 03:19
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quinalla -
The patch works. But there is one minor problem - it searches for the original cd, which is not exactly available.
And I cant load the game since the only working version I have is 1.07f.
I suggest waiting one more day. If the crack is not out, we will have to skip mine and Mike's turns.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
December 11, 2001, 14:12
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Oh, I see  , well, I would rather not skip your guys' turns, but I guess we will see if you can find the crack. Thanks MacTBone for updating, I don't think vovansim had any pictures from his last game, he didn't have time to take any screenshots.
Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."
December 12, 2001, 00:53
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If u guys find the crack, please tell me too!
December 12, 2001, 05:00
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Firaxis released the exe with no cd protection. So if someone gets it...
Also, I know that a crack already exists. But I still cant find it.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
December 12, 2001, 08:51
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Well, let's wait one more day and then see if Eli and Mike have the crack. If they don't, we can skip their turns in this rotation and have vovansim go, and put them in somewhere else (like at the end, before I go again).
Since you know the crack exists, it shouldn't be long before you find it now. Also, the images on the site don't seem to be working. Were they taken down, or something?
As for the actual game, our people have to be really damn sick of war right about now. Not 200 years after we finish off the Romans, and the Persians attack. We might be able to win a war with them if we put everything we've got on the southern front. but that leaves us vulnerable and unable to do much of anything else (like explore).
Anyway, let's wait until tomorrow. If Eli hasn't found the crack by then, we'll let vovansim and quinalla go (in that order) and then see if he has it yet. If not, I'll go again.
Crap, I almost forgot: 
Finals are next week. You MAY have to skip me, but I'm not sure yet.
December 12, 2001, 10:33
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MacTBone isn't sure what is going on with the pictures on the website, but I think he is on Christmas break now (or will be soon), so we can figure it out when he gets back.
Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."
December 12, 2001, 10:59
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You could BUY the game.
December 12, 2001, 11:09
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And wait for 6 months until it's out here?
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
December 12, 2001, 11:13
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Ah, that explains alot. I assume that even Air Mail is quite a bit slower than it was pre-9/11.
December 12, 2001, 20:44
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Originally posted by Random Entity
Well, let's wait one more day and then see if Eli and Mike have the crack. If they don't, we can skip their turns in this rotation and have vovansim go, and put them in somewhere else (like at the end, before I go again).
All right, so if Eli does not post before 00:00 GMT Friday, I'll go.
December 13, 2001, 06:53
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I have it.
Go here :
Press the My Documents folder and the crack is there.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
December 13, 2001, 13:10
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After playing for five turns... We are seriously screwed. I'm seriously considering a switch to Despotism so that we will be able to use forced labor again. We have virtually no chances for an offensive against the Persians because of their Musketeers. The best we can do is to hope they will acknowledge our envoy and to surrender.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
December 13, 2001, 15:46
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Thanx Eli!
Now I can install the patch and not get 99999999 gold per turn from enemies. 
December 14, 2001, 06:49
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(1)1260AD - The situation in the empire had never been so bad. While being the largest civilization on the planet, the Babylonians were backward, underdefended and underdeveloped cities. But the goal of the new emperor was to change all that. "10 workers for 35 cities are not enough!" announced the emperor and almost all cities started producing workers, "we must end the war, even if we have to surrender". The policy he had taken was risky. There could be no way for Babylon to win the war, and the emperor had hoped that after conquering some unimportant cities the Persians will agree to end the war.
190 gold and our world map were given to America in exchange for contacts with the 3 Civilizations who were yet unknown to us.
Gunpowder, world maps and 140 gold were give to Chief Hiawatha of the Iroquois in exchange for the Music Theory. Admantus was 4 turns short from completing a wonder and Emperor Eli III didnt want to spend the hundreds of shield that were generated there for centuries.
(2)1265AD - The city of Nicomedia had fallen to the Persians. But now, 23 Babylonian workers are ready to develop the empire, and five more are on their way. Plenty of cities are constructing courthouses, to avoid the rampant corruption, but it will take generations before they are done.
(3)1270AD - The Egyptians had built the JS Bach Cathedral. Emperor Eli III almost commited suicide. Our Knights conquered and razed the Persian city of Hispalis.
(4)1275AD - Our knights are being literally massacred by the Persians. Admantus will build a cathedral.
The military situation is :
Swarms of Persian troops are approaching Akkad and Ashur(our only source of saltpeter). Our offensive army is practically non-existant.
(5)1280AD - The Egyptians started to build the Copernicus Observatory. The Persians started to attack Ashur.
Our knight attacked and counquered Syracuse, the Persian city of Ravenna was conquered and razed. There was no way to hold the city for more than one turn and I didnt want it to fall to Persian hands again.
(6)1285AD - We will be able to block the Persian armies in few turns. But many of are cities are in total corruption right now, and it will take ~80 turns until the courthouses are ready. Therefore, the Goverment of Babylon was overthrown with the goal of using forced labor to finish courthouses and other projects, and then reversing back to Monarchy.
(7)1290AD - Ashur had fallen. We underestimated the Persians. A new despotic goverment was proclaimed in Admantus.
(8)1295AD - All the cities stopped rioting, courthouses are rushed in tens of cities and corpses are lying on the streets of the Babylonian cities. Emperor Eli personally cutted the throats of all his ministers.
(10)1300AD - Many courthouses were ready, and we had a few victories on the advancing Persian troops, but the situation is still catastrophic. The goverment was overthrown again.
(11)1305AD - Monarchy again.
After years of war, a peace treaty was signed with Persia! Celebrations were held in the Palace and the mood of Emperor Eli drastically improved. The war was very costly for the Babylonians. 2 lost cities, hundreds of thousands of dead civilians and complete annihilation of the Babylonian Army. But now, the empire can be rebuilt again.
(12)1310AD - All cities are no longer in disorders, but (surprise, surprise) the courthouses did absolutely nothing.
(13)1315AD - Nothing interesting.
(14)1320AD - Still bored.
(15)1325AD - Lalala.
(16)1330AD - Wrum.
(17)1335AD - Absolutely nothing.
(18)1340AD - ...
(19)1345AD - Persia went to war with Greece.
(20)1350AD - The Egyptians and the Aztecs started building the Magellan Voyage. We bought Astronomy from the Greeks, and in the next turn the Copernicus Observatory will be ready in Babylon. When Neapolis finishes the Cathedral it should start building the FP.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
December 15, 2001, 01:04
Local Time: 17:18
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Posts: 75
Excellent! Emperor Mike will be rising to power shortly
December 15, 2001, 04:20
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The Prosperous Reign of Emperor Mike4879 the Third
I just want everyone to know I have included some super high quality screenshots. I didn't want to put them with the sav game zip because I felt it would be too much of a download for our next person.
So, I will send 2 files. One with the screenshots and log, and one with the sav game! We are doing very well in the game now that we have established peace. I would suggest you do not demand the Persians leave our territory though, or they will declare war. I have tried this several times and had to reload the game because we would have been annihalated. The Persians are war-like barbarians. Anyway, here is it is:
"There is much in store for our great land. We have learned the value of peace, and I shall continue an era of diplomacy, even though my ancestors waged war for thousands of years, and I enjoyed reading about it. And although corruption exists throughout this empire, I shall build it into a land of freedom. We will maintain order, but never again shall our people be put to death in the savage forced labor camps we previously knew. Our vast lands and resources lay unused. This is unacceptable."
- Emperor Mike the Third, 1350 AD, First Public Proclamation
(1) 1355 AD - At the beginning of 1355 AD, the great wonder of Copernicus is built in Babylon. Mike decides that the empire holds too much power in local affairs, and orders that new city and district governors be put in place throughout the empire. The governors will not decide what to build, what will be sure to manage the city's population properly.
(2) 1360 AD - The Greeks savagely ride through our lands, seeking out the Persians. Our relationship with the Zulus seems to have deteriorated. For defense, Emperor Mike backs out of the right of passage agreement we have with them.
(3) 1365 AD - Emperor Mike trades territory maps for 110 gold with the Egyptians. Egypt is a vast land, rivaling the size of both Persia and Babylon, with many large cities.
(4) 1370 AD - A historic year for trade occurs. Emperor Mike secures new resources including furs, incense, spices, and gold by trading with the Egyptians and Iroquois. We now gain +50 per turn!
(5) 1375 AD - One of our stupid workers enters Persian lands. We apologize to them this grevious misfortune. There are dozens and dozens of Persian and Greek forces moving in and out of our lands doing battle.
(6) 1380 AD - More universities are under construction throughout the empire. Our gold reserves are increasing.
(7) 1385 AD - 33 Persian military units have entered our territories to fight the Greeks. Emperor Mike is getting pretty upset at this point but we are powerless to stop them.
(8) 1390 AD - A territory map trade with the Americans and Iroquois sparks a growing fear in the hearts of all. All of America has been conquered by the Iroquois, and it is a massive country.
(9) 1395 AD - The Iroquois burned Washington to the ground and vanquished the Americans from their home continent. Emperor Mike raises the science rate from 20% to 40%. Luxuries remain at 10%. The Americans contact us asking for a territory map. We accept.
(10) 1400 AD - Some production orders have been changed to build aqueducts. We have give extra silks, gems, and wines to the Aztects for 34 gold per turn.
(11) 1405 AD - A new era of trade! In his effort to establish peaceful relations with all nations, Emperor Mike ends the vendetta with the Persians and obtains the knowledge of Printing Press from them for 150 gold. He also acquire dyes from them for 26 gold per turn. Then, Emperor Mike trades the knowledge of Printing Press with the Zulus for 48 gold and 1 gold per turn.
(12) 1410 AD - We have discovered the secrets of Chemistry. We are now researching Physics. We acquire 42 gold per turn from the Egyptians by trading wine and silks to them. Science rate raised to 70% Luxury rate lowered to 0%
(13) 1415 AD - We have learned that the Iroquois and Americans have come to a peace agreement. Our palace has been expanded. Emperor Mike dissolves the monarchy and announces an overthrow of the government.
(14) 1420 AD - We have traded Chemistry with the Zulus to obtain a world map and some gold. After a period of anarchy, Emperor Mike announces that people will have elected representatives, and thus the Babylon Republic is formed.
(15) 1425 AD - Emperor Mike announces plans for a forbidden palace in the city of Pisae.
(16) 1430 AD - To further the peace initiative, embassies are established with both the Iroquois and the Aztecs. Battles of the Greeks and Persians still rage on throughout our land.
(17) 1435 AD - An embassy is established with the Egyptians.
(18) 1440 AD - Emperor Mike thinks the war between the Persians and the Greeks is getting out of hand. Too many foreign troops in our land. The right of passage between the Greeks and Babylonians has been put to an end.
(19) 1445 AD - The Zulu city of Mpondo has overthrown their government and joined our great civilization!
(20) 1450 AD - The Egyptians threatened us. Our best trading partner! Emperor Mike refused to cave into their demands, but they are no longer polite towards us. We discover the secrets of Physics and begin research on the Theory of Gravity.
Emperor Mike considers his reign a great success. His last act as leader of the great Babylonians is to order the construction of a great sea voyage which he calls Magellan's Expedition. He retires to the exotic American isles where he lives out the rest of his life vacationing in the American capitol of Las Vegas.
December 15, 2001, 04:32
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Screenshots 1350AD - 1450AD
Here are the screenshots of my reign. Lots of high quality ones. Saved game is not included in this (see above post for that)
December 15, 2001, 04:36
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Re: Screenshots 1350AD - 1450AD
More screens as well:
December 15, 2001, 05:40
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"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
December 15, 2001, 12:08
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Kickass job, Mike!
Looks like my little dynasty naming system is over now, but it's great that we've moved to a Republic, and that we're getting 219 gold per turn.
December 15, 2001, 13:15
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Oh! So I havent doomed our empire! Jolly good!
"I am the Black Mage! I casts the
spells that makes the peoples fall
December 16, 2001, 00:06
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Awesome job guys! Random, let me know whenever you want to take back over the webpage stuff (if you do  ), until then, I will keep working at it.
Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."
December 17, 2001, 22:13
Local Time: 11:18
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Random Entity,
I won't be able to play this week (December 17 - December 21). So just skip me for now, and if / when my turn comes again this week. Sorry, I couldn't let you know earlier. Hope I didn't delay the game too much. 
I'll let you know, when I'll be able to play again.
December 18, 2001, 02:50
Local Time: 17:18
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Posts: 3
Problem with foreigners..
Hey Guys n Gal,
Enjoying the game.. Good job in getting caught up with the other civs in tech.. B)
I've also had the problem with other civs using my territory as a warzone, and I've found that the best way to peacefully deal with it is find a choke-point between the two civs, and have some units move there and block off that point, effectively making a wall with your units between the two civs.. I've found that once I do this the AI moves back to its borders and either ends its war, or attempts to continue it via the sea as it should have to begin with. I personally hope that the powers that be will fix it so that any intrusion into your land without a RoP agreement would constitute a declaration of war. I mean seriously, what country would allow two other countries to fight within its borders? And what country would dare to fight another country within a third countries borders?? At the very least I would think it would have diplomatic consequences.. Anyway, that's at least a suggestion on how to get those Greeks and Persians from fighting within your borders.
December 18, 2001, 08:06
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Alright, then it is my turn, downloading now.
Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."
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