December 19, 2001, 09:31
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Quinalla III is chosen by the republic of Babylon to lead them to even greater glory. She vows that in her time as leader she will strengthen the Babylonian military to gain greater respect from all the other civilizations and also continue to enhance the sciences.
1455 Quinalla contacts the Egyptians and gives them 30 gold, they are now polite. The science rate is increased so that our scientist should be able to master the Theory of Gravity in 20 years (4 turns) while still gaining money.
1460 Greeks contact us and want our world map and Banking for their world map, Quinalla instead gives them our world map and send them on their way.
1465 An extra spreaman is sent to defend the so far undefended Lagash.
1470 Quinallus finishes its university and begins building musketmen. All pikeman are upgraded to musketmen, it costs a fair amount, but Quinalla knows it will be worth it in the long run.
1475 Habbus finished its University and begins building a knight, Ellipi starts on an aqueduct. We master the Theory of Gravity and start on economics in the hope that we can build Smith's Trading Co. Babylon starts work on Newton's University. Many Musketmen show off their new arms to Quinalla and she orders them all to refortify.
1480 Quinalla uses her clever negotiating skills to get incense, spices and 21 gold/turn from the Iroquois again for wines and the Theory of Gravity. We also trade Theory of Gravity to the Persians and Banking to the Greeks and Americans. Kish builds an aqueduct and starts a cathedral. Quinalla decides to turn luxuries up to 10% so that more of her people can happily work.
1485 Cumae build a University and starts working on Barracks. Sameria builds a university and starts work on a harbor so it may grow more. Thessalonia ordered to build barracks. Shuruppale begins work on a cathedral. Many cities celebrate Quinalla's decision to up luxuries. The Egyptians finishes Magellen's Voyage and Quinalla quickly changes Babylon from Newton's Univeristy to a Musketman and allows Admantus to put it's effort towards the University of Newton instead.
1490 Iroquois wish to trade world maps and seeing an easy opportunity to please, Quinalla agrees. Neapolis finishes its university and begins a barracks and is also set to zero growth because of rampant unhappiness. Byzentium finishes its knight and begins training musketmen. Eridu finishes its univeristy and begins training knights. The Aztecs complete Newton's University, Quinalla curses them in several languages and reluctantly informs Admantus that it will now be building the best damn Coluseum ever! Quinalla decides that some projects are moving to slowly and since there is a large amount of gold in the treasury, she rushes several projects.
1495 America declares war on the Persians! Apparently they wanted to get the Persians off their tiny island. We witness a Persian Great Leader emerging from combat, but the unit guarding him is killed by a Greek knight and then the Greeks vanquish the leader. Quinalla silently thanks the Greeks. All the cities that Quinalla rushed production in finish their projects and she orders them to build their militaries or if they are very unhappy she orders cathedrals.
1500 We master Economics and we start working on Magnetism. Adamantus is ordered to build Smith's Trading Co. The people are very hopeful that they will be the first to finish this great wonder and Quinalla hopes they are correct. Quinalla then contacts others civs to see if they have any good techs to trade. The Iriquois have Democracy and Quinalla aquires it for 350 gold and metallurgy and then turns around and sells it to the Zulus, Greeks and Aztecs.
1505 The Persians finally manage to take a Greek city, Delphi. Quinallus finishes musketmen and begins training another. Several workers are redirected to build mines around Pisae to speed the Forbidden Palace.
1510 The horder of Persian soldiers in our lands astonishes Quinalla and she has a painting made to hang in her palace so she will always remember how important building military units is. Habbus builds a knight and begins a marketplace. Ur finishes a bank and begins training musketmen, Byzantium trains a knight and begins work on a colosseum. We renegotiate with the Persians for their dyes, though we have to give them 26 gold/turn and an additional 360 gold. If they weren't so furious at us they might consider better deal.
1520 Quinalla notices many zulu impi/settler groups moving through our lands, but the places they are heading to settle are so far from the zulu capital that any cities built will be absorbed into our culture in time, so Quinalla decides not to worry about it. Four cities finish their works and are all ordered to build musketmen. We discover Magnetism and Quinalla decides Nationalism would be the best thing to study now so that a stronger defense force may be built, but then her scientist reveal that they have just discovered it! She then directs them to make steam power their next goal. Babylon moves into a new age and the people are so happy they offer to expand Quinalla's palace and they fill the lawns with trees and gardens. The Egyptians are building Smith's Trading Co. Magnetism is traded to the Persians, Zulus and Greeks.
1525 Quinalla renegotiates for the Iroquois furs and gets them for 170 gold and Economics. Rome finishes its barracks and starts work on a cathedral. Eridu builds knight and starts working on a rifleman. The people offer to expand the palace again, so another floor is added to the east wing to balance it out with the west wing. Because of their offer, Quinalla decides it is time to give them a government that is even more in control of the people and the Babylonians decend into anarchy while they work out the details. The Iroquois start buiding Smith's Trading Co.
1530 The people of Babylon come out of their anarchy into a democracy and decide to vote Quinalla in as president because they have come to trust her judgement over the years. She accepts. Pompeii finishes its university and begins work on a barracks.
1535 Many people celebrate their new democracy with loads of fireworks. Samaria finishes its harbor and begins work on a cathedral. Zariqum finishes a cathedral and begins work on an aquaduct. All musketmen are upgraded to riflemen and now only a few obsolete spearmen and pikemen remain.
1540 Persia and Greece sign a peace treaty and the Persians begin retreating back through our territory. Quinalla would like to complain, but does not want the Persians turing the huge army onto her people, for though the Babylonian army is much stronger now, it could be even stronger. Veii finishes its barracks and begins training riflemen, Kish finishes it cathedral and starts work on a university. Zulus start work on Smith's Trading Co. All the riflemen with their new arms show them off to the people of their towns and Quinalla has to order each of them to refortify when they are done.
1545 The Zulus build a city called Ngome on the far north-east part of our continent. Quinalla is sure that it will be absorbed into our culture soon. Cumae finishes training a rifleman and begins training another.
1550 Ur trains a rifleman and begins training another. Ninevah builds a cathedral and starts work on a marketplace. Lutecia builds barracks and stars on a cathedral. Quinalla decides it is time for her to step down as President and let another lead, but seeing the treasury for the first time running negative and not wanting to decrease the science funding, her last act is to strike up trades with many of the other civilizations. She looks forward to seeing what steam power will do for the Babylonians from her little cottage in Quinallus.
Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."
Last edited by quinalla; December 19, 2001 at 16:08.
December 19, 2001, 09:32
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The above is just the save game, here is the log and pictures. I am so glad no one declared war on us.
Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."
December 19, 2001, 11:30
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December 19, 2001, 13:59
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Well I had alot of time on my hands and I was reading all of the posts again so I figured why not make a timeline/summary of everything we have accomplished in the game. So here it is. Sorry if I missed some things but I was trying to make it brief
 Warlord Admant ??? - 3950BC
* Led nomanic tribes for years throughout Babylon
* Discovered Bronze Working and Ceremonial Burial
 Random Entity 3950BC - 3000BC
* Founded the first settlement of Admantus
* Began the first road system and silk trade
* Discovered Pottery and created warrior armies
* First contact with the Zulu tribes
 Eli the First 3000BC - 2150BC
* Acquired Warrior Code from the Zulus
* Discovered the first wine resources
* Led First War of the ZUlus
* Founded city of Babylon
* Discovered Mysticism from the minor Bantu tribe
* First contact with the Persian Empire
* First temples in the empire
 Mike the First 2150BC - 1500BC
* Acquired Masonry from the Persians
* Acquired Alphabet and Iron Working from the Zulus
* Founded city of Elius
* Assasinated by Zulu warriors
 Vovansim the First 1500BC - 1000BC
* Led Second War of the Zulus
* Discovered Writing
* Built troops, workers, and settlers
* First contact with the Roman Empire
* The Babylonian Golden Age
 Quinalla the First 1000BC - 570BC
* Disbands barbarian settlements
* Founds city of Ninevah
* Discovery of iron deposits in Rome
* Acquired Philosophy from the Persians
* End of the Golden Age
 Random Entity the Second 570BC - 170BC
* Led New Era of expansion and settlement
* New workers, settlers, and explorers
* Strengthened and formed the First Imperial Army
 MagicBacon the First 170BC - 230AD
* Founded the cities of Samaria, Legash
* Acquired Literature from the Persians
* Increased Babylonian silk trade
* Built granaries and other structures
 Eli the Second 230AD - 370AD
* Led the First Roman War
* Built the Great Library
* Acquired Currency, Monotheism, and Republic
* Large territorial gains and construction
 Mike the Second 370AD - 560AD
* Led the Second Roman War
* Established embassies with Greeks and Zulus
* Formed Greek/Zulu/Persian alliance vs. the Romans
 Vovansim the Second 560AD - 760AD
* Built the Colossus
* First navy galleys are built
* End of the Second Roman War
* Founded new city of Lagash
* Discovered horse resources
 Quinalla the Second 760AD - 950AD
* Led many new land gains
* Discovered Engineering
* Ended disorder in many cities
* Built new military units and knights
 Random Entity the Third 950AD - 1120AD
* Led the Third Roman War
* Destroyed the Roman Empire
* Took the Pyramids at Rome
* Large territory gains
 MagicBacon the Second 1120AD - 1255AD
* Formed the Babylonian Monarchy
* Acquired Gun Powder from the Americans
* Led the First Persian War
* Murdered by Persian assasins
 Eli the Third 1255AD - 1350AD
* Built the largest Babylonian work force
* First contact with the Egyptians and Iroquois
* Overthrew the monarchy and restored it
* Built courthouses throughout the empire
* Ended the First Persian War
 Mike the Third 1350AD - 1450AD
* Built Copernicus' Observatory
* Construction of universities and cathedrals
* Physics, Printing Press and Chemistry acquired
* Formed the Babylonian Republic
* Many new trade deals for increased gold reserves
 Quinilla the Third 1450AD - 1550AD
* Discovered Economics
* Formed the Babylonian Democracy
* New trade agreements made
* Many new military units produced
December 19, 2001, 17:05
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Posts: 208
Excellent summary, Mike, will definately be nice for people who want to catch up quickly and it is nice to have a recap of what has happened. I am glad you enjoyed reading my third go at it, it was nice to have a really productive empire and that FP is almost done too. Yeah, I think building our military is key since the Persians are still furious with us and have about a million military units just hanging out, especially now that they have made peace with the Greeks.
(Oh, and excellent use of smilies too  )
Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."
December 20, 2001, 16:46
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Just wanted to let you guys know I've enjoyed reading about the progress of your game so far.... nicely done! :-)
December 20, 2001, 20:03
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Lemme just pop in to say that my update will be finished on Saturday. Nice job, guys.
- RE
December 21, 2001, 17:01
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Thanks FNBrown, we have certainly enjoyed playing and I am glad you are having fun reading.
Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."
December 22, 2001, 16:33
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President Random Entity IV
Random Entity the Fourth was elected President of Babylonia in 1550 AD. He hoped to build the armies of Babylon and better relations with Persia by the end of his term.
1555 AD - Babylonian scientists discover the use of steam for power. The President has many cities begin producing artillery units to move towards the southern front (where the Persians seem to be consolidating their power). Many Babylonian railroad companies are established, and begin building inter-city railroad tracks to facilitate transportation.
1560 AD - Random Entity receives the knowledge of Military Tradition from the Persians in exchange for some gold and Babylonian world maps. Archaic knight units are upgraded to cavalry as fast as possible.
1565 AD - The Persian military buildup is causing panic in some Babylonian cities. In an address to the nation, President Entity assures the people that "War is not an option.", which calms the masses a bit. Outdated military units are disbanded in most cities, to be replaced with modern equivalents.
1570 AD - Railroads begin to be incorporated into city infrastructures. The President signs a right of passage agreement with the Persians in order to give relations a boost and allow them to gain access to their captured city in Greek territory. Some Babylonians are enraged at this.
1575 AD - The Aztecs contact President Entity and offer to trade world maps. After the President agrees, he offers Montezuma the secret of Steam Power in exchange for 100 gold, and an additional 44 gold per turn. Similar deals are made with the Egyptians, Americans, Zulus, Iroquois, and Greeks, so that the GNP for 1579 reaches 183 gold.
1580 AD - Scientists in Admantus learn how to advance industrialism even further in Babylonia. The first inter-city railroad is completed.
1585 AD - Xerxes contacts Random Entity and asks that Babylonia participate in a trade embargo against the Americans. Because America represents no threat to the Democratic Republic of Babylon (and because the President wishes to improve
relations with Persia), the embargo is agreed to.
1590 AD - The Forbidden Palace is built in Pisae. To celebrate this event, the Imperial Palace in Admantus (which is no longer the capitol building; rather, just the residence of the President) is expanded. Petitioners in some Babylonian cities work to get their local senates to grant universal suffrage.
1595 AD - Random Entity visits Athens to discuss recent Greek troop movements with Alexander. Vice President MagicBacon gives speeches in Rome and Veii announcing that "Universal suffrage will someday come, but for the time being more pressing matters are at hand." This statement angers lobbyists in Congress, who begin to side with the Suffragists.
1600 AD - Advancements are made in the field of Medicine. These advancements are sold from Babylon to many other nations in the world, bringing the GDP up to 406 gold.
1605 AD - The last of the Persian military units leave Babylonian territory, ending the threat of a possible conflict.
1610 AD - Privateers are sighted off the coasts of Greece and Zululand. Random Entity denies any involvement with the pirates.
1615 AD - In a surprising move by Alexander, Greece declares war on Babylonia. Congress is left in confusion, and President Random Entity tries contacting Alexander to no avail. The President knows that Babylonia could easily destroy Greece, but decides to turn the entire world against Babylon's new enemy so that the same won't happen to Babylon. The Egyptians, Aztecs, and Iroquois are presuaded to fight the Greeks alongside Babylonia.
1620 AD - The Aztecs sign an agreement with the Americans, and soon after America too declares war on Greece. Random Entity visits Persepolis to try and sway Xerxes to join the Babylonian cause. While the Persians don't budge during the tense negotiations, the President manages to sell the secrets of Electricity to other nations for an increased export profit.
1625 AD - The Zulus declare war on Babylonia, probably in league with the Greeks. Roads are destroyed near Brundisium. The President initiates a draft program which boosts defense in areas that aren't heavily guarded in the frontier.
1630 AD - A coal mine in the Northeast is sabotaged by the Zulu. Retaliation will be swift. A regiment of Zulu impis is forced to retreat back to Ngome, and a Greek hoplite is destroyed in the plains near Quinallus.
1635 AD - The road to the only coal mine in Babylonia begins to be rebuilt. Intombe and Rhodes lie under seige from Babylonian cavalry.
1640 AD - The Persian armies destroy America. Sanitation is discovered.
1645 AD - Greek knights and Babylonian cavalry battle feircely in the deserts that border the ocean near Mycenae.
1650 AD - In the last year of his term, Random Entity regrets having a term plagued with war. The Greeks advance a bit on the western front, and the Zulus remain quiet. As his last action as Commander in Chief of the military, the President captures the Zulu city of Intombe. Random Entity's term ends, and he returns to Admantus to watch the next presidential campaign.
December 25, 2001, 14:42
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who's next?
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
December 25, 2001, 17:23
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MagicBacon; you if he doesn't reply. I'm giving him a little extra time because of Christmas and everything.
December 28, 2001, 14:37
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If the doesnt reply by tommorow 12:00GMT, I will take the game.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
December 28, 2001, 20:16
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Sounds like a good plan, Eli, I would like to get the game rolling again.
Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."
December 31, 2001, 10:47
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I downloaded the file now, since Apolyton was dead for a while.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
December 31, 2001, 20:03
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It took me 30 minutes just to load this page so something is up. Its too hard to visit the site right now
December 31, 2001, 20:54
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Yeah, poly is having serious issues, so if anyone can load this page and see this, try and e-mail your save game and log to the next person in line so they don't have to wait an hour to download from here, at least while it is so slow.
Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."
January 1, 2002, 01:44
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I finished the game, but I dont know Mike's Email. So if you can email me something to I'll send you a reply with the savegame, since there is no point in trying to upload it now.
But here's the log :
(1)1650AD - President Eli IV rises to power, after a long delay in the game. The Babylonian empire is the world mightiest empire. It spreads from Syracuse in the east to Uruk in the west, and from Lagash in the north to Zariqum in the south, with total of 36 cities, huge defensive army, a large workforce, good income, one almost ready Wonder of the World and a happy society.
Peace was signed with the Zulus, the war with their far empire was pointless. Sanitation was sold to them for a modest price. We signed trade embargoes against Greece with all other Civilizations, only the Persians demanded some gold. Everyone except the Zulus have Communism, and refuse to trade it with us.
(2)1655AD - Nothing spectacular.
(3)1660AD - Adam Smith's Trading Company is completed in Admantus, Babylon proved it's superiority yet again.
The Greek city of Rhodes, in the north part of our empire was conquered. Coal can again be found in the cities.
Peace was signed with the Greeks. Sanitation and Electricity was sold to them immediately, in exchange for world map and 29gold/turn.
(4)1665AD - Privateer kaput. Few Factories were built in some of our cities, drastically improving our production capabilites.
(5)1670AD - The Shakespeare's Theater project was cancelled. Babylon will build a Coal plant and will produce the next wonder. One of our young brilliant scientists dicovered Replaceable Parts, and we spend more than 1000gold to upgrade our primitive Riflemen to the modern Infantry. We started to research the Scientific Method, with the goal of being the first to get Electronics and to build the Hoover Dam in Babylon.
We sold Replaceable Parts to the three Civilizations who didnt have it, getting a total of 98gold/turn and Communism. We also sold rubber to the Iroques for 29gold/turn, and Communism to the Greeks for 3gold/turn. Our income now is 660gold/turn, when income from other civs gives us more than 33% of our total income.
(6)1675AD - The citizens in the Persian city of Troy revolted and asked us to accept them as a part of Babylon.
(7)1680AD - As usual, the big income is used to rush a factory in one city every turn, and later also a hospital. When all cities have these two structures we will see a great leap forward for our Empire.
(8)1685AD - Nothing interesting.
(9)1690AD - We discover the Scientific Method and start research the Atomic Theory.
(10)1695AD - Our agreement with the Iroquois, according to which we gave them Wines, and received Incense, some other luxury and lots of gold expired. Acoording to a new agreement that was signed earlier this year we will supply them with Wines in exchange for Furs and 19gold/turn. We also gave them Scientific Method for Spices, Incense, maps and gold. The Aztecs paid 61gold/turn for it, and the Persians 32. The income skyrocketed to 700gold/turn.
(11)1700AD - Ur building the Theory of Evolution. If we dont succeed in getting it first, it should switch to Battlefield Medicine.
(12)1705AD - Lalala.
(13)1710AD - The Persians built the Shakespeare's Theater in Arbela.
(14)1715AD - Many Factories and Hospitals are constructed.
Right of Passage agreement was signed with the Iroquois, just to make the game a bit more complex. Btw, after the 20 turns of the Embargo against Greece are over, we can try sell them lots of stuff.
(15)1720AD - Lots of stuff are built here and there, mainly Marketplaces. From some reason our income dropped to 312gold/turn. We cancelled the supply or 3 luxuries to the Aztecs for 30gold/turn, and renewed it for 77gold/turn, also we increased the saltpeter from 25 to 31gold. A deal was also improved with the Egyptians, from 42 to 64.
Also, we cancelled the RoP agreement with the Persians.
(16)1725AD - Babylon started building Battlefield Medicine, with the goal of switching to the Hoover Dam when possible.
(17)1730AD - Many City Improvements are ready. We discovered the Atomic Theory, next is Electronics, in 7 turns.
(18)1735AD - As usual, 5-6 improvements are being constructed every turn.
(19)1740AD - Ngome revolts and joins our Civilization. Quinallus starts building the Wall Street.
(20)1745AD - Uruk has nothing left to build, so the city starts building Infantry units for underdefended cities. The goal : 3 defense units in every city.
A friendly advise to my successor - Pollution is a *****, build more workers.
The reign of President Eli IV was a peaceful reign. All wars ended after two turns, the economy improved, and tens of city improvements were built, and more are being built. Our defences upgraded to a new, invincible level, and our workers connected almost all cities with railroads. But the future is not certain, pollution became very common in the last turns, and it is unknown how the factories will affect the world.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
January 4, 2002, 15:40
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President Mike
1745AD - 1786AD
(0) 1745AD - Campaigning as a man of the people, Governor Mike of Rome is elected President. His first act is to trade Atomic Theory with all other nations, except Greece, raising the nations GNP to over 800 gold per turn, and securing Dyes and Espionage from the Persians. Many citizens feel betrayed. In a bold reform, the science rate is raised to 100%.
(1) 1750AD - Work on an Intelligence Agency begins in Pisae. A new military initiative is planned in Neapolis, where new cavalry divisions are being recruited every year.
(2) 1755AD - The discovery of Electronics is celebrated.
(3) 1754AD - The building of the Hoover Dam is started in Habbus.
(4) 1756AD - Electronics are traded to Egypt for The Corporation, and 110 gold per turn.
(5) 1758AD - We receive word that Egypt has started building the Hoover Dam.
(6) 1760AD - Persia asks to trade territory maps. We decline.
(7) 1762AD - Wall Street and Battlefield Medicine are completed at around this time.
(8) 1764AD - Radio technology is discovered. Research begins on Refining.
(9) 1766AD - To renew out trade agreement for Incense and Spices, we give Electronics, World Map, and 355 gold to the Iroquois.
(10) 1768AD - Very bad news. The Iroquois have completed the Theory of Evolution.
(11) 1770AD - The Intelligency Agency is complete. President Mike decides it may be best not to use the agency just yet, since our foreign relations seem to be in total decline.
(12) 1772AD - In a radio address to the nation, President Mike precides over the Babylonian legislature, and declares war on the Greeks. "We will proove to the world once again our power". Shortly after, the Greek cities of Delphi, Ephesus, and Mycenae are captured (all in one turn!).
(13) 1774AD - 160 gold is payed to the Iroquois to continue their embargo against the Greeks. The citizens of a Persian city called Tarentem have rebelled and joined us. The Egyptians complete Universal Suffrage.
(14) 1776AD - We have captured the Greek city of Knossos.
(15) 1778AD - Babylonian troops capture Sparta and Leonardo's Workshop.
(16) 1780AD - We have captured the Greeks Thermopylae and Ulundi.
(17) 1782AD - Our forces are met with strong resistance outside of Athens.
(18) 1784AD - Zululand and Greece sign a trade embargo against us. "One war at a time", President Mike remarks. The Greek city of Argos is captured. In an effort to maintain order, the luxury rate is raised to 20%.
(19) 1786AD - The Aztects go against us and sign a mutual protection pact with the Zulus. The Greek city of Herakleia is captured. The Greek capitol of Athens is captured, including The Great Wall!
Later that year President Mike mysteriously passes away from natural causes. He is unable to complete his last turn (gotta go)
January 5, 2002, 19:57
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Well, I downloaded the game finally, but the first time I loaded it, Civ 3 crashed, so hopefully now that I have rebooted, it will work, I will keep you all posted.
Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."
January 5, 2002, 21:28
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I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Feel free to send me the updates now, and thanks for the patience.
I never know their names, But i smile just the same
New faces...Strange places,
Most everything i see, Becomes a blur to me
-Grandaddy, "The Final Push to the Sum"
January 6, 2002, 20:06
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Well, the game still isn't working, sorry I have been busy, I think something was messed up in the download and I can't re-download it for some reason. Anyway, if someone can e-mail me the save at, then I will play. If you don't want to wait, go ahead and go Random.
MacTBone, welcome back and I will be sending you the webpage updates shortly.
Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."
January 7, 2002, 03:14
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It appears the attachments are not working on the site. I have sent quinilla the sav game through e-mail, I will try to attach it again down here
January 9, 2002, 11:24
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"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
January 9, 2002, 12:43
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Guys, I am sorry, I think you should just skip my turn, this week went from looking like I would have plenty of time to relax and play Civ 3 to crazy, hardly have time to eat dinner kind of week. Again, sorry to make you wait, especially after complaining about getting this game moving again. Go ahead and go Random.
Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."
January 10, 2002, 08:43
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I'll have mine done and posted on Saturday.
January 12, 2002, 20:28
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President Random Entity the Fifth
After President Mike's untimely death, his Vice President Random Entity V took control of Babylon. During his term, he hopes to put an end to the war that has corrupted the nation for so long.
(0)1786 AD - Several cavalry regiments fortify their positions on the Western front.
(1)1788 AD - Resistance groups in Athens and Herakleia are quickly put down. The former Greek city of Thermopylae experiences famine once again, and the President is criticized for not finding a solution to the problem. Later that same year, Babylonian scholars discover the secret of the internal combustion engine, and provide the government with the concepts. After a quick and brutal campaign with no Babylonian casualties, the Greek outpost of Pharsalos is captured.
(2)1790 AD - The Aztecs contact Admantus again to proclaim that "raw greed is the only thing stopping us from crushing your puny civilzation". President Entity, not wanting to provoke further feelings of contempt, agrees to their demands for the secret of combustion. He then sells the secret to other nations in order to bring the country out of debt. The last remaining Greeks in Corinth mount a counter-offensive, but it largely proves to be futile. Hundreds of cavalry troops arrive at the Corinth battleground daily, and the Greeks realize that their empire will soon fall.
(3)1792 AD - After a four-year campaign, the last Greek city of Corinth is captured. The citizens of Greece rejoice, as they can now appreciate the freedom of Babylon. The Greek Empire is destroyed. The President's advisors caution him not to continue the campaign into Zululand for several reasons, the most obvious being that another war would tear Babylon apart (rioting had already begun in several core cities). They advise that the President should consolidate his power near the Zulu peninsula before striking.
(4)1794 AD - Most of the remaining cavalry in Babylon are spread out to defend the entire nation. It becomes painfully obvious that the Zulus are trying to watch Babylonian forces - they have become paranoid.
(5)1796 AD - Mass production is developed in Babylon.
(6)1798 AD - Coastal cities begin mass producing ships to add to Babylon's lackluster navy. The secrets of mass production are sold to the world's remaining nations.
(7)1800 AD - The Egyptian city of Thebes completes the Hoover Dam before a Babylonian city could. The cities building the Hoover Dam change their productions to focus on building regular, non-Hoover hydro plants, because "It's basically the same thing, right?"
(8)1802 AD - Transports are built and fortified in several coastal cities for future use.
(9)1804 AD - Babylonian scientists give humans the ability of flight. Initial tests in Admantus are successful, and soon Babylonian generals lobby to use "aeroplanes" for military use.
(10)1806 AD - In the space of two years, the number of airplanes in the Babylonian Air Force has increased to well over a dozen.
(11)1808 AD - Nothing of interest takes place.
(12)1810 AD - Babylonian fighters begin conducting air superiority missions to control the skies over the continent. A new aircraft carrier leaves the port at Byzantium.
(13)1812 AD - With the discovery of motorized transportation, Babylon enters a new age of prosperity and advancement. This immediately causes Babylonians all over the country to celebrate by playing techno music loud enough to be heard globally. Later in the year, Rocketry is developed.
(14)1814 AD - SAM Missile Batteries and cruise missiles are built in an effort to make Babylon impenetrable.
(15)1816 AD - Cruise missiles are deployed near the Zulu peninsula to prepare for the "inevitable absorption of the Zulu people."
(16)1818 AD - A new battleship is built near Pompeii, and joins the aircraft carrier to create the first signs of a new fleet. President Random Entity resigns, feeling that he has accomplished all he can. The reigns of leadership are passed on to his Vice President.
NOTES: I stopped early because I want to see if I can get one more turn in before the game ends (either by default in 2050 or by a victory of some sort). Speaking of which, anyone have any ideas on how we want to end this? A Cultural victory doesn't look too likely, but we could possibly win via the Space Race or Dimplomacy (if we can improve relations with other countries... a lot). If you've got any suggestions, post them here.
January 13, 2002, 10:06
Local Time: 20:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Israel
Posts: 6,480
Is MagicBacon still playing?
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
January 13, 2002, 13:31
Local Time: 11:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Illinois, USA
Posts: 46
I'm not sure, but even if he isn't, we're so close to the end that we could probably finish it up with the four people we've got left.
January 13, 2002, 15:32
Local Time: 20:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Israel
Posts: 6,480
So it's my turn now, right?
Btw, before whoever gets to be the last finishes the game, he/she should save in the last turn. So that we can all get the highscore recorded.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
January 13, 2002, 20:40
Local Time: 19:18
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Kokonino Kounty
Posts: 4,263
With the discovery of motorized transportation, Babylon enters a new age of prosperity and advancement. This immediately causes Babylonians all over the country to celebrate by playing techno music loud enough to be heard globally.
Hahahaha... This must be one of the best lines I've read in the Stories forum...
Keep it up guys (and girl), this is a fun thread to read
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