Implementing some ideas from Koei's Genghis Khan
Dince the thread "One big bundle o' ideas" didn't gain much attention, I'm breaking it to smaller pieces.
How about incorporating some pieces of Koei's Genghis Khan series into Civ3? Mainly I was thinking about dynastial system and the idea of "Action Points".
Dynastial system is easy. You have a wife. You get kids. Princes can be generals and ultimately one of them will be your successor. Princesses can be wed to foreign kings. Marrying princess of another king would improve your relations with them, but it also means that king has an "agent" in your court, and if your relations get worse, your wife may cause some mischief to you. If there is no princess in sight, you can marry a noble from your lands, this doesn't cause anything special save that now you'd have a wife.
Also, the Action Points. You'd have, say, 100 action points in beginning of turn (when you get older, this number slowly diminishes.) Whenever you issue an command to city or unit, it takes away small amount of action points that turn. Farther away the city is from you (either symbolized by your capital or you as unit, making it possible for you to command large armies yourself) more points it does cost, so large empires would be hard to manage without governors - in the beginning, at least. You could of course give very complicated orders to units such as "Conquer cities of Paris and Orleans, after that negotiate for peace, withdraw if strenght of stack drops to half" - this way you can concentrate on more important issues.