July 30, 2000, 22:14
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Is peaceful game possible?
Sometimes I just want to play a peaceful civ game, with civilizations that won't weary of the 'tedious alliance' with my civ, and with civilizations that won't declare war on me for 'befouling lands rightfully theirs'. Is it possible to play a civ game where everyone just freakin' gets along? I understand that the readme can be changed and I can see how to do it ... is this effective, or is there another way? Warfare is fun, but sometimes, I want to base a civ on trade, knowledge, and pacifism, without worrying about marauding mongols or vicious vikings.
July 30, 2000, 23:14
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The only thing that kinda helps is editing the 3 attributes for the leaders and setting them to rational, perfectionist, and civilized. In good warfare games I set the attributes to the opposites, and the AI will not hardly sign a peace agreement with me.
July 31, 2000, 02:29
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Simple: Suck up and pray
July 31, 2000, 07:36
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If you are playing the MPE Gold Edition, there isn't much you can do. Even if you keep giving stuff to the other civs, it only effects their attitude toward you for that turn, and then falls off again right away.
August 1, 2000, 10:40
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Play with v242 (the original civ 2 with patches) and gift tech to your neighbours all the time. They will stay enthusiastic, to the point that you can form alliances with a lot of them. This is the strategy used in OCC (one city challenge).
August 1, 2000, 15:02
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edit the rules.txt and give attack 0 to each units.
August 2, 2000, 21:20
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If you have MGE then ismply forget it. Wrong game. If you have v2.42, then maybe.
A little trick for v2.42 players: if you are the most powerful civilization in the world by turn 201 (donīt ask me why this number) the PCs will automatically get extremely more aggressive with you. Solution? Easy. Reset the turn number to 1 or something like that. Is that cheating? Yes it is. Do I care about it? No, I donīt. I do not plan to break any record, just to have a normal game as I like.
If you have MGE: bad luck. As far as I know, there is no trick for that. The game is simply bugged. This inly happens if you play single player. In multiplayer it looks like the diplomacy works as it should.
I am tired of telling this over and over again (people have already complained) but this is a BUG.
August 3, 2000, 22:38
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A big problem is have a "Supreme" power rating. That's why it works well in OCC, you aren't alway Supreme, since you have few units. The solution to this? Try to suck and stay "Mighty"
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August 4, 2000, 21:20
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One other way out is to play with fewer AI civs. This way you can avoid contact with them for a longer time to allow you to develop your techs and cities in peace.
Just to add to Tom's suggestion about making alliances (which is almost essential to do well in OCC). To make alliances more easily try to contact the other civs as soon as possible before they have a chance to be at war with each other. When the latter happens alliances are much more difficult to achieve.
August 6, 2000, 16:51
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Is it possible to play a civ game where everyone just freakin' gets along.
I've never seen it. But I usually base my civs off of population more than anything else. The computer translates population into power, and very early on in the scenario I go around demanding tribute, keeping my border enemies weak, then I build on trade etc. When someone finally attacks me I switch to all out war production, and by this time, I can build a massive army that just butchers them.
August 7, 2000, 08:00
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I cam close in my most recent game. I chose that 'cylinder world' (40x250) and somehow got just the right mix of perfectionist AI and militaristic AI. its 1778 and I have found a grand total of 2 AI cities (I've expanded onto 9 continents) and only made contact with 3 of the 6 AI civs. I even still see goody huts on the coast where one of my triremes explored millinia ago, and not managed to get back to yet. In fact, only 2 civilizations have lost even 5 of any particular unit total (UN info) - this on diety, raging hordes, and bloodlust. Oh, and technically I'm at war with 2 of the 3 AI's i've met, but other than inciting 1 revolt, bribing 2 triremes, a caravan and a knight, I'm not sure if i've destroyed 4 AI units total yet. (guess I'm not going to win this bloodlust game  )
April Cantor: Sire, in order to expand further we must first gain favor of the King
SCG: darn, I've never really got the hang of that tribute thing, guess it will be a long time until i make prince
*goes off and starts gifting gold and techs*
August 14, 2000, 14:05
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I never have a totally peaceful game. I try, but they keep throwing their archers under my cavalry ...
But I've had the next-best: games in which I never lost a single unit.
- Rib -
August 14, 2000, 15:01
Local Time: 14:41
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Just to add to Lazlo's thoughts:
I can say that in MP the ai acts exactly the same.Extremely hostile.Every MP game I have played with ais has seen the humans HAVE to destroy the ais.They just get enraged,declare war and/or sneak attack and then send an endless stream of units.No big deal but if you are battling the ai then other players will pull way ahead in science and wonders.The only time the ai gets "co-operative" is when they are on the brink of extinction.Doesn't matter if they are the Mongols or the Babylonians.
You can have a peaceful game of sorts.Build The Great Wall and later The UN.This "forced" peace is about as good as you can do with MGE.
Yes we have "whined" but this is a major bug.I can think of no game or programing reason why ais should go from "worshipful" to "enraged" in 1 turn.
It annoys me cuz, basically,the FW and CiC is unusable.
Funny how we are seeing more and more of these posts wondering about MGE ai play style.
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