Originally posted by JNL
Jaykay, I believe that, if you don't have a MFG plant, the correct formula for total production is rather :
Base production * (1+Factory Bonus+Plant Bonus)
instead of
Base production * (1+Factory Bonus*(1+Plant Bonus)
The corruption and waste is then deduced from this total.
Sorry... but i don't agree.
If you look carefully to the screenshot posted by Zorkk, you'll see that the city total production (before corruption and waste) is 9.
If you use your formula:
Base production * (1+Factory Bonus+Plant Bonus) = 5*(1+50%+50%) = 5*2 = 10
10 isn't 9, so your formula is incorrect.
If you use my formula:
Base production * (1+Factory Bonus*(1+Plant Bonus)) = 5*(1+50%*(1+50%)) = 5*(1+75%) = 8,75 = 9 rounded
As you see, my formula returns the correct figure.
This is because the Power plant increases the factory output by 50%.
Your formula was saying that the powerplant increases base production by 50%, which is incorrect.
Nation of: Magellan's (from Magellan's Expedition);
Vasco da Gama (Discoverer of the Maritime path to India);
and Pedro Álvares Cabral (Discoverer of Brazil in 1500)