I thought I read somewhere here that markets and banks can somehow affect the effect the Luxuries. Is that true or do luxuries each only create 1 happy face? I've looked in the manual but can't seem to find the answer.
Also, I thought I also read that getting 4 luxuries has some kind of bonus effect as opposed to just one additional happy face? Is that true, or maybe is there some interrelation with markets? Thx!
Click on the "Civilopedia" icon in the top of the screen and look under "City Improvements" and choose "Marketplace" there you will find some information.
whoops! You are right, the civlopedia does explain it. It was confusing me completley at first, but now that I have an advanced game going with market places and lots of luxuries I understand. Thanx!
Also, thanks for clarifying banks. I think u r right that they do not do anything to luxury value!