November 24, 2001, 05:44
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Computing power and Civ III
Last edited by Bereta_Eder; November 24, 2001 at 05:51.
November 24, 2001, 05:54
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 should I had posted this in civ help?
Markos, Ming do what you please...
November 24, 2001, 06:28
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in other words, those that have problems with the speed with which the game runs, what are your system specs?
November 24, 2001, 06:33
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paiktis, this is not the OT-forums, so you need to wait a little longer for an answer than you were used to  .
my system is:
Athlon 500
GeForce 256
about 300 MB RAM memory
and civ3 runs slow like hell
November 24, 2001, 06:40
Local Time: 18:25
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Celeron 300 A, 256Mb ram
runs ok on standard map, though in latter game delays can be more than a minute.
I do turn of mail-client, IRC and most else - they take up valuable ram an cpu. I also check task-manager for any hidden processes (taskmgr.exe) that use cpu.
November 24, 2001, 06:42
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Originally posted by oedo
paiktis, this is not the OT-forums, so you need to wait a little longer for an answer than you were used to .
Point taken
(i'm in an internet caffe though!)
my system is:
Athlon 500
GeForce 256
about 300 MB RAM memory
and civ3 runs slow like hell
I fear to imagine what will happen to me when I build more cities and units...
November 24, 2001, 07:58
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Runs nicely in the ancient era, a little sluggish in the middle ages, industrial age AI turns take forever, modern age is slower than CTP2. I hate it how the adviser screen has to load every time..
Has anyone tried running the game on DOS, it would free up alot of RAM.
November 24, 2001, 08:04
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"Has anyone tried running the game on DOS, it would free up alot of RAM."
LOL if only...
November 24, 2001, 09:17
Local Time: 17:25
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I'm sorry, but theres really no excuse for how sluggish the interface is.
I have a p3/800. Gforce2, 256ram.
And the thing just moves too slowly. Even screen scroll is even slow. Actual game turns in the modern age during war time is unacceptable.
I realize the AI has more to work on in civ then say AOE (arguable). But theres still -no excuse- for the performance. It can only be one thing....
bad code.
Sorry guys, but its the truth.
November 24, 2001, 09:22
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Pentium 4 1700 Mhz, 630 MB Ram, G-Force 2 with 64 MB Ram.
No speed Problems.
November 24, 2001, 09:51
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I have a p3 800mgh (at 133mgh bus), 128 mgs SDRAM, a 32 mg Matrox Millenium video card and 7400 rpm harddrive. The game moves quickly usually, but occasionally pauses for a few seconds for advisor screens. With 8 civs, some turns do slow down considerably late in the game though.
NEVS?! They are up to 1700mgh?! Geez, I still remember my Atari 800 at 48k (not megs, k).
November 24, 2001, 10:00
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To Jack_frost: I have p600, geforce1, 256MB, and no problems (except for the science advisor) Do you have the latest video drivers? (Detonator XP 21.83 i think...)
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November 24, 2001, 10:49
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933Mhz PIII
256Mb RAM
32Mb Geoforce 2Mx
Soundblaster PCI64
No real complaints about how long turns take, except sometimes I get a little tired of watching the enemy units running around willy-nilly (tried turning them off--didn't seem to work).
November 24, 2001, 11:53
Local Time: 12:25
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runs ok
750mhz athlon
abit(iirc) kx133 mobo
128mb pc133
31gb hard drive
gf1 ddr 32mb
directx 8.1
det 21.83
sblive!(need to update drivers, doing so now)
game runs ok. on a standard map with 8 people i experience 30secs-1min in wait per turn max in the modern ages and during war time too(i find this a bit high but ok). what is the worse is that my game will only do minimal install and thus has to read the cd often for music, and pauses frequently up to 30 secs every 5 turns or so.  the advisors/other screens are 'laggy' they can take up to 15secs sometimes.  oh and the ai moving units especially ships in patrol takes a while depending on the number of ships. i don't understand why they need to move back and forth and couldn't just fortify them in strategic places like i do.
one other thing, pcs of the same specs can have drastically different preformance due mostly to motherboards. brand name pcs, or ones bought from stores tend to use cheap motherboards which sometimes can make your pc run 50%+ slower than a pc with the same specs with a good motherboard.
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November 24, 2001, 11:53
Local Time: 09:25
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started with:
400 mhz celeron
128 mb pc133 ram
voodoo 3 2000 pci
not too bad, on the smaller maps. huge maps are completely unplayable, as AI turns take forever and ever even before the middle ages. there is lots of stuttering of unit animations and map scrolling.
recently upgraded my computer to:
athlon xp 1800+
512 mb pc2100 ddr ram
voodoo 3 2000 pci
much much better, especially in the length of time it takes to do the AI turns, but there is still unit animation stuttering (it's either my video card or it's the game itself.) unfortunately, i have to say that huge maps are pretty much still unplayable, even on a system that can even outperform a P4 2 gigahertz. i will NOT wait over 5 minutes just to play a turn. i still believe this is fixable. hell, the guys at cavedog entertainment made total annihilation: kingdoms more than twice as fast for their patch. why? because all the fans kept complaining of complete slowdown on big maps with lots of players, even people with good systems. i hope firaxis steps up
November 24, 2001, 12:40
Local Time: 12:25
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P3 1GHz, haven't played lots (also, only really played enough 8 civs large maps to comment), but it's almost speed problem-less -- a varying delay while the AI moves (a problem everyone is having), and a two second or so delay when loading the advisor screen is my only complaint. I've got a nice graphics card (32 MB).
-- adaMada
EDIT: Added graphics card info.
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November 24, 2001, 12:43
Local Time: 03:25
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Mine is:
P2 300
384MB ram
Voodoo 3 2000
Playable in the first two era but in modern era the game slow down to hell..
Anyway, as a sidenote, upgrading your computer with faster CPU and more RAM do not make the game perform as fast as you expect it to be. Huge map with 16 civs is still not playable without a patch. (I have tested with a Athlon 1400)
November 24, 2001, 12:52
Local Time: 11:25
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I'm running a dual P3-850 (soon to be a dual Athlon 1.7Ghz each, come ON EPOX AND RELEASE THE DAMN BOARD ALREADY!!!) with 512MB and a GF2/64MB. The game performs okay, although I think scrolling is screwed up.
I also have probably the overall best HD made on the IDE side, a Quantum LM Fireball - based on the SCSI platter and head chassis of the Atlas drives. Astonishing seek and transfer times, considering it's only 30GB. Does Civ access the drive alot? If so, this may be why some people are seeing some real crappy load times. HD performance is often overlooked - you can put a fast HD on an old slow system and see a quantum (he he) improvement in performance...
November 24, 2001, 13:17
Local Time: 17:25
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Atholon 900
768mb ram
32mb geforce 2 mx
40gig 7200rpm hard drive
Game runs horrible on huge map with 16 civs, turns take 2-3 minutes after industrial age. However on standard map with 8 civs the game runs perfectly.
November 24, 2001, 13:35
Local Time: 19:25
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thanks for the replies guys.
for those that have system specs. similar to mine, don't the advisor screens take TOO long to load?
Is it because of the advisors?
Is there a way to turn off the animated advisors then?
There are cheap ninja - superPCs on the market but I wouldn't want to get a new PC now since I can do all of my work perfectly on the one I already got.
except for Civ... and civ is important...
Last edited by Bereta_Eder; November 24, 2001 at 13:41.
November 24, 2001, 14:52
Local Time: 17:25
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I don't think civ3 access the hd often at all... In fact it almost never does on my PC besides starting up and loading a save game (duh). If it does on your PC during gameplay, then you're lacking RAM I would think (swapping). RAMs are dirt cheap these days anyway.
My piss poor Spec:
Athlon 500
320 MB RAM (128+128+64, weird I know)
V5 5500 (64 MB which translate in ~40 MB because of the architecture in case you did't know)
Large map eight civs. No wait at all in Ancient; 5 seconds max in Middle Age per turn, bout 4-5 seconds wait time on each civ (without crazy units moving that is) in industrial. I have 25 cities myself then... Stopped playing for a few days, going into Modern now.
No animation/moving problems etc. Advisor screen pop up almost immediately (no changes between ages anyway). It does take ~2 seconds to update when I conquer a city though.
Overall I don't consider myself having performance problems at all, I hope the upcoming patch could solve some of your performance problems and best if it could improve mine a lil too
EDIT: Btw, I can run the turns in background, read a paragraph of news or two to three posts on this forum, then switch back to my game again with my advisor waiting for me to determine what to build next
November 25, 2001, 09:56
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for those that have system specs. similar to mine, don't the advisor screens take TOO long to load?
My system (don't laugh, please  ):
K6-2 500 MHz
10 GB hard drive
Viper v770 32 MB video card
I should expect the game to run slowly on my system, given my poor specs. And the advisor screens take near 3 full years to load
Anyway, I did some experiments with videocard drivers... Detonator XP 21.83 is not an option to me, given my outdated video card... So I installed Det 12.41 and things have improved a little bit (considering that I was running old 3.68 drivers  )
Next month I'll get more RAM, so I expect things to become a little better (and I hope the advisor screens could load up a little faster -- now it's between 10-15 secs. Sometimes it loads up faster, but not much -- 5 secs.)
But the patch MUST address this issue, I hope...
November 25, 2001, 13:52
Local Time: 19:25
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my specs
athlon 1333(266)
512mb ram
geforce2 64mb
ibm 20gb ata100
the game runs ok.with 12 civs and huge map a turn never takes more than 20 secs.
Justice for all...........
November 25, 2001, 14:11
Local Time: 12:25
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About accessing the hard drive: The game autosaves every turn, so it should be accessing the hard drive a lot. On my computer, there's no dely for even saving the game (ultra ultra fast), so I don't notice it saving every turn, but logic suggests that it saves at the start of every turn, plus whenever you tell it to save...
-- adaMada
Civ 3 Democracy Game:
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November 25, 2001, 14:50
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okay, other than the auto-save, which only happens for a couple seconds each turn, there is not much hard drive usage, and there shouldn't be. not a whole lot of art to load, and it never needs to load new art for new levels either. the time when you see the most hard drive usage is when the game is loading. having a faster hard drive interface can help this time a lot.
November 25, 2001, 15:07
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Well, look, I have a 450, 128ram, geforce2 - 64ram; and I have no problems, leaders take about 1-2 seconds to load, advisor screens the same, turns are the same, yes it does start to lag in modern era, when there are lots of cities, units, etc, but still very playable, I might have to wait about 4-5 seconds each turn at that stage.
The funny thing is that I only got good performance, when I decided to reinstall Civ3. The first time I installed it, I got all sorts of problems, advisor screen took about 5 seconds to load, etc.
A reinstall just fixed everything for me.
be free
November 25, 2001, 15:46
Local Time: 17:25
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I have Celeron 650 Mhz, 128MB RAM, 16MB graphics.
I am playing a 16-civ game on a huge map - it was alright until late middle ages, but now in late industrial age with the map full of cities and units (although now it's only 12 civs left) it is very slow - turns take a few minutes each, and what it is especially annoying loading a game takes absolutely ages. While I am waiting for a game to load or for computer players to move I go to get a cup of tea! Now I can rarely get through more than 10 turns in one hour - which is comparable to a big WW2 scenario in Civ2.
Advisors and negotiations take a few seconds to load.
November 25, 2001, 20:43
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I have a AMD Thunderbird 1.2GHz @ 1.5GHz with 256 Megs 2100 DDR and a Geforce2 Pro. The game runs great with about 15-20 seconds in between turns in the modern age, with a huge map, and 15 Civs. There is about a 1-2 second delay when capturing a city. With the amount of civs, units, AI strategy, and cities its processing, I can understand some peoples problems. I dont think it really can be fixed without making the game worse, and I know getting another computer isn't optional for most but I built my computer for $420 and it rocks...for a much slower Intel processor like the 2Ghz I would have paid that much just for the processor. Anything under 500 Mhz. seriously needs to be upgraded soon for any serious modern gaming. My friends 750 Duron plays this very well too and he only paid $30 dollars for his processor. So buying a new computer might not be that big of a deal.
November 25, 2001, 20:46
Local Time: 17:25
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AMD 1.53 XP
512 MB RAM
80 GB HD
GeForce 3(I don't know which of the 45634643 versions it is)
The screen scroll is jumpy, the turns are taking a little while. I think someone forgot how to use the ++ operator, or decided to take the challange and just use addition and for loops in all calculations.
November 25, 2001, 21:21
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xp 1333
gf 2 MX
works brilliant, but I'd like that Firaxis enables the option to turn off enemy/ worker moves. That slows the thing down at the end, if you have many workers. And to turn off pop-ups.
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