And complain and complain and complain...
As should be expected, there is much complaining in this general forum going on. And we also get lots of complianing about complaining, which I find ironinc (if you don't care about the comlaints, ignore them really). I think the mayor problem for both sides it that posters from both sides seem to ignore that there are, it seems to me, to be three types of complaints:
1. Something that really pi**ed you off! This is when a specific even occurs that you can't explain and that undermines the game you had been playing. All those tank v. spearman, anarchy at strange time are examples.
2. Something that in your opinion, undermines gameplay. This is when a gamer feels that some feature lessens the enjoyment of the game. Examples are the combat system, the notion of war-weariness, the notion of city defections.
3. Something is broken! Some aspect of the game is not working as it should, according to what the rules are.
Many people confuse class 1 and class 3. Just because something pi**ed you off does not make it broken. Perhaps that's what the designers wanted. Class 1 complaints can lead to class 2 complaints, but the link is not always secure. Yes, something may have happened that came from left field, but ask yourself, if you had known about that rule before, could you have prepared for it?
It also need to be said about how one should respond to such complaints:
There's nothing constructive to be said about class 1 complaints by themselves. You can try to point out how a certain rule would lead to this outcome, perhaps cluing in the poster to something they were unaware off.
If someone makes a point about something that in their opinion (even though they never phrase it that way) would improve gameplay, then feel free to point your counterargument. But saying that they are 'whiners' or they should play other games is pointless- what does it add but emnity? If you really feel that way, well, don't read such posts and move on to playing the game. Let me add to those that post the original complaint: if the other side post their counter-opinion, why go after it again, especially personally? If the other side post a good counter-argument, take it as is, or try to develop a strong new counter. Just remember, they get to post their opinions if you posted yours.
If its a class 3, try to see if they gamer is unaware of a rule, or just specify that it was a design decision by the makers, or that it is actually broken -like air superiority- and that a fix is coming.
If you don't like reality, change it! me
"Oh no! I am bested!" Drake :(
"it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
"Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw