Two production boxes is a good idea. But instead of a box for "DOMESTIC" and a box for "MILITARY", I think it's better to split production into "CONSTRUCTION" and "TRAINING".
The "CONSTRUCTION" production box would build city structures and Wonders, while the TRAINING box would build/train (human) units.
I think switching between productions is much more realistic with this model.
I haven't read the List of Ideas thoroughly, is it on the List?
OrangeSfwr, thanks for bringing this up! Civ2's production model really needs some modifications. I agree it's nice to be able to set how much resource going into each production box. Let's make another change: if the total resource going into the production boxes doesn't have to equal to 100%, we should be able to save some of the resources for later use!
In another unrelated thing, I just got promoted from Settler to Chieftain...

Maybe along with this idea for a split in Domestic and Military production should be a seperate production box for wonders.
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Civilization Fanatics' Center
[This message has been edited by Thunderfall (edited March 25, 2000).]