incorrect Civ starting locations on Earth Map
I've noticed that on the huge earth map (and probably standard too) the civs seem to start on random pre-set incorrect locations. Its perhaps a petty gripe but I would have liked to see civilisations on there proper starting locations. ie the english on british isles, the zulus in south africa etc.
The huge earth map itself is fairly flawed geographically but anyway, Is there a way i can put the civs in there proper starting places? I tried using the editor, deleted the given starting places and put more accurate ones.
However, how can i put the romans to start in italy, the americans on east coast america, the aztecs in mexico etc? There doesnt seem to be an option to place units on the editor (so i can put a settler of the corresponding civ in the corresponding location)
Can anyone help me on this? And firaxis if you come across this, - maybe u can address this in your patch.
Its a shame because i am a big fan of earth maps - it makes it more like you are rewriting the history books.
Last edited by Vargas920; November 25, 2001 at 17:39.