I'm wondering, would it be copyright infringement if I were to translate Civ3 in some language that doesn't get an official local version? Or well, apparently it would, since there shouldn't be any difference, but would Infogrames have made any moves at all in such a case?
But, it wouldn't be so hard to continue working on the translation now would it? As long as the fans keep it a bit more "under the table". I doubt Infogrames would have noticed if no-one had contacted them about it.
Copywrite infrigement? Are you kidding me? Firaxis encourages us to edit the game all of the time? Infogames can't have it both ways! If Firaxis is telling us that we can edit the game, and Infogames is telling us we can't, then there is a serious problem here!
I wish there was something I could do.
Of the Holy Roman Empire, this was once said:
"It is neither holy or roman, nor is it an empire."
Well, that was basically their excuse, mostly because otherwise Infogrames Germany wouldn't make any money with the German version.
I find it rather strange too. I mean, if they would follow the same rules on all fronts, we couldn't make anything anymore (not to mention hacking the file formats and creating utilities that can edit all sorts of stuff civ3edit can't ). This'll be fun when we can finally make scenarios for Civ3 .