Amazingly enough one of my friends is just getting into SMAC! He convinced me to go back to it... This game can be fun at times... it is better put together than SMAC was (fewer bugs) and the graphics are far superior.
But the gameplay just isn't there... I beat the game on Diety by founding only one city on my first try... with a M.W. rush. Wait wasn't this game supposed to eliminate that sort of stuff?
Any amount of skill in strategy/tactics has been totally minimalized...
Hope to see ya'all in the SMAC forums- lets have some fun!
Maybe if Firaxis feels bad enough for having worked with Infrogrames they can release another patch for SMAC- functioning MP ahoy!
I entirely blame Infrogrames for every bad thing about this game, from what I can see Firaxis has been doing everything to help, but every bad decision has been made by Infrogrames. And now this entire translation fiasco!
SMAC hasn't been tainted by the Infrogrames seal

time to enjoy it again!