Hello to ya all
Hello all!
I'm new here, but don't worry, that is not why I create a topic :0D The reason why is to inform you of my new Civilization III site wich will be up and running in a couple of weeks. I will post a new topic when it is released into the life of internet.
Now, here is something for Firaxis:
I would want Civ III to be perfect for Civ fans! Not for roleplaying or shoot 'em up fans, only for Civ fans, so keep the game in the original genre!
Another thing, mayby, only mayby, it would be a great idea to fill lots of stuff in the game. Make the game fill 1 GB or 3 GB! In that way, we can get a game with almost endless possibelitys, and we can get our history book :0D
I know Firaxis is trying to make the game so that old computers can run it too, but in the year 2001 when the game will be released, I think it is quite possible to make the game so big, and still fit most computers! This is a little weird suggestion, and I now that mayby it will ruin the game, but imagine the possibelities! Now it's time for me stop talking, so please give some feedback on this idea.
Crazy Potatoe Joe
Webmaster of civiii.dk
!!!! The page is no up yet !!!!