November 26, 2001, 17:52
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A funny idea
In a recent interview with Firaxis designers, we asked them about the apparent flaws in the gameplay and codeing. It almost seems like a bunch of kids made this game. In reply Firaxis said that
"Yes, a bunch of kids did make this game, we solely made it from the accumulated requests of the forumers at Apolyton over the years between Civ II and Civ III."
What about the codeing, the game run very slow, what ever happened to Firaxis Quality and compatible-with-anything design that has endeared your fans till now?
"Oh thats simple, those greedy bastards over at Infogrames forced us to publish the game out before it was fine tuned. THis isn't a new occurence, its becomeing the latest fad amongst the gameing industry. Another good example of this fad is 'Cossacks'."
Yes, we were going to ask you about that, you do realize that cossacks made it in with your game and Empire Earth for the title of Strategy game of the Year award. Yet Cossacks is little more then a beta.
"Thats right, but you have to understand the consumers today will consume just about anything these days. The activist spirit has left there timid souls. They may cry and whine, but they still dish out money to buy our latest production."
Arn't you worried that people might stop buying your games?
"No, infact we hope so, we as designers don't like being hurried and if the consumers whould make it clear to the publishers that they don't like there games rushed, changes whould be made."
So, what are your plans now?
"THe other fad of this industry, make a bunch of patches and add ons. Which is better then some other leaches that include patches Only in their add-ons. Don't you people realize the acctual price for a complete game is 80$? Thats 40$ for the first half and 40$ to finish it."
Ok, the above is fiction and theroy and is obvious flame bait for the newbs and Firaxis worshipers. I don't really know why Civilization 3 was hurryed, but I'm calling from experience. Cosacks was rushed in the above-mentioned way and ended up being sold practicly as a beta.
They will be makeing add-ons and such for this game to improve the game quality. Thus all the current "broken" features WILL be fixed......but for people with outdated machines like mine, I'll just have to sit and twittle my thumbs because Firaxis didn't take the time to make the game runable for me.
P.S. I sorta understand how those arabs feel, When I see people boasting about there 1 gig proccesors and 300+ mb RAM, I just wanna take a big club and bash there computer into a pulp. Or maybe "accidently" leave a magnet on it, preferably near the HD. I know, its wrong but it is a primal feeling I get, s'called "Jealosy" (and yes I know I speeled that wrong.  )
"Battle is a combination of all your skills,therefore,to be excellent at battle is to be excellent at life"-Me
November 26, 2001, 18:42
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Rule 37: "There is no 'overkill'. There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload'." 23 Feb 2004
November 26, 2001, 20:23
Local Time: 17:33
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Re: A funny idea
Originally posted by NeoBlade
P.S. I sorta understand how those arabs feel, When I see people boasting about there 1 gig proccesors and 300+ mb RAM, I just wanna take a big club and bash there computer into a pulp. Or maybe "accidently" leave a magnet on it, preferably near the HD. I know, its wrong but it is a primal feeling I get, s'called "Jealosy" (and yes I know I speeled that wrong. )
Umm....those Arabs did not do it out of Jealousy, they did it out of hatred (and that hatred was not sparked by jealousy, so dont even bother telling me that). People who say that are manifesting american propaganda.
November 26, 2001, 21:02
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Re: Re: A funny idea
Originally posted by ElitePersian
Umm....those Arabs did not do it out of Jealousy, they did it out of hatred (and that hatred was not sparked by jealousy, so dont even bother telling me that). People who say that are manifesting american propaganda.
American propaganda? Americans know that it isn't jealousy, at least the smart ones. If I was in a desert w/o Civ3 I'd be hatefull too.
November 26, 2001, 21:27
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November 26, 2001, 21:29
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Re: Re: Re: A funny idea
Originally posted by Frito
American propaganda? Americans know that it isn't jealousy, at least the smart ones. If I was in a desert w/o Civ3 I'd be hatefull too.
A LOT of american ppl say that its jealousy, trust me, ive heard it soooooo many places.
November 26, 2001, 22:00
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Before 9/11 most americans knew **** about anything overseas and there ignorance is now showing. I made sure to add the 'smart ones know better' part because I know there will always be idiots were ever you go.
I just hope you realize not all Americans are that worldly ignorant, idiot just seem to get all the attention.
November 26, 2001, 22:03
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Originally posted by Frito
I just hope you realize not all Americans are that worldly ignorant, idiot just seem to get all the attention.
Well, at least you agree wiht me that it isnt jealousy that's driving this whole thing, and that has been pretty rare.
November 26, 2001, 22:18
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This thread won't last very long with this topic. But thanks for the first part of the thread, good laugh.
November 27, 2001, 07:21
Local Time: 12:33
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Thanks for the comments. About that arab thing I tagged on, I figured it WAS the national opinion. I KNOW the real reasons arabs hate us, but then what whould I use for my jealousy joke?
C'mon an stay on topic people
"Battle is a combination of all your skills,therefore,to be excellent at battle is to be excellent at life"-Me
November 27, 2001, 07:48
Local Time: 17:33
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Originally posted by NeoBlade
Thanks for the comments. About that arab thing I tagged on, I figured it WAS the national opinion. I KNOW the real reasons arabs hate us, but then what whould I use for my jealousy joke?
C'mon an stay on topic people
it's not arabs that hate you americans, its the terrorists that hate americans, which happen to be arab cause of the US-mideast policies.
But enough about this, its off-topic.
November 27, 2001, 07:54
Local Time: 03:33
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"I KNOW the real reasons arabs hate us"
Um I have my own idea's why
..... but could you just let us know...
Why do they hate us?
Is it Isr*?
November 27, 2001, 08:13
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Haha, i could go on for hours telling you reasons why they hate americans, but this forum isn't for that.
November 27, 2001, 09:26
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Because Civ III will not be out in the Mid-East before a VERY long time ?
Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.
November 27, 2001, 09:57
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Hip hip hooray.
Lets hear it for the rest of the world. You are so much better than us.
Here is what the US will do:
1.retreat into isolationism (of course more civilized and knowledgeable) Europe - for the 3rd time in 100 years or so - devolve into internecine warfare
3.As for the so-called Middle East (and Far and Near for that matter) - you keep killing each other over showing the soles of your feet to one another. Maybe you will do such a good job, we can just waltz in and take what we care about most - your energy resources.
Why should we care - or learn - about you? You haven't bothered to do it amongst yourselves for hundreds of years.
I have an idea- lets blame America for all your problems!!! Yes, a comforting idea that does not require you to try and better your own societies. You can go on killing each other and blame the US!
If you can't defend what you think is yours, you don't deserve it.
Learn some rules of survival on the planet that go beyond tribal hatreds in the 21st century!
November 27, 2001, 17:27
Local Time: 12:33
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Arabs in general do not hate us. They all are, however, angry over Isreal. Why? Because the land that the jews got isn't theres.
The bibble is proof of this. Wayyyy back in biblical times, when the jews emerged from the wilderness into the holy land, the first thing they did was drive out the locals. Guess who those locals were? Well, it took about 1000 years but they got there land back in the dark ages and the jews disspersed all over the world.
Later, thanks to hitler, The jews get together and decide to take that land back again, and so they do.
Now, there you have it, because historical texts go back to practicly the begining of civilization in the contested area, there is quite a loonnnggg record on who has claims there.
Now, the israelies after conquering the west bank, settled it. Now the Palestinians living there still want control over that region, but the isrealis already there don't want to leave, they've got familys and such there now. So its become an embattled area. The palestinians hold NO power in israeli politics so they feel the only way to win back there land is through military activism.
THere you have it, the jews arn't innocent by any means, so don't fool yourself.
Now, theres the main gripe the AVERAGE arab has against us. Now the radicals hate us for just about everything eles, even the air we breath.
"Battle is a combination of all your skills,therefore,to be excellent at battle is to be excellent at life"-Me
November 27, 2001, 18:02
Local Time: 17:33
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Originally posted by AlrightyThen
Hip hip hooray.
Lets hear it for the rest of the world. You are so much better than us.
Here is what the US will do:
1.retreat into isolationism (of course more civilized and knowledgeable) Europe - for the 3rd time in 100 years or so - devolve into internecine warfare
3.As for the so-called Middle East (and Far and Near for that matter) - you keep killing each other over showing the soles of your feet to one another. Maybe you will do such a good job, we can just waltz in and take what we care about most - your energy resources.
Why should we care - or learn - about you? You haven't bothered to do it amongst yourselves for hundreds of years.
I have an idea- lets blame America for all your problems!!! Yes, a comforting idea that does not require you to try and better your own societies. You can go on killing each other and blame the US!
If you can't defend what you think is yours, you don't deserve it.
Learn some rules of survival on the planet that go beyond tribal hatreds in the 21st century!
hate to say this, but this is another example of an american speaking out without even being educated of the facts. The ignorance these days in people amazes me.
November 27, 2001, 18:16
Local Time: 11:33
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hate to say this, but this is another example of an american speaking out without even being educated of the facts. The ignorance these days in people amazes me.
You'd do better for your opinion if you addressed his with a fact or argument rather than bemoaning with your pithy but totally unsupported assertion above.
November 27, 2001, 20:15
Local Time: 17:33
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Originally posted by ElitePersian
hate to say this, but this is another example of an american speaking out without even being educated of the facts. The ignorance these days in people amazes me.
I love to say this: this is another example of the weak hiding behind their only bogeyman: the perceived myth of American ignorance. You don't get it: we don't hate you at all, we don't even care that you admit to hating us. We just say this-leave us alone and stay out of the way. If you don't, then you will be removed from the picture. Or be strong enough to push us out of the picture.
It is really that simple. I'm sure you can find it in your tolerant heart.
Now go play with your C4-roughly.
November 27, 2001, 20:23
Local Time: 17:33
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Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 326
Originally posted by AlrightyThen
I love to say this: this is another example of the weak hiding behind their only bogeyman: the perceived myth of American ignorance. You don't get it: we don't hate you at all, we don't even care that you admit to hating us. We just say this-leave us alone and stay out of the way. If you don't, then you will be removed from the picture. Or be strong enough to push us out of the picture.
It is really that simple. I'm sure you can find it in your tolerant heart.
Now go play with your C4-roughly.
Go on the general discussion forum and i'll outargue you on this.
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