I support you 100% Harel.
Come to think of it, in my column I talked about a similar thing: Diplomacy, the board game.
There you can do everything you described because it's actual people talking to each other.
I would love to see it in civ 3.
And hey, you gave A LOT of very good examples. How long did it take you to make such a rich list? don't you ever sleep?
You said it better than anyone. Diplomacy is the best way to deal with issues. Not always in a peacefull way though.
I liked your idea about choosing my words. I hated it in Civ 2 that everything the AI said sounded good while my responses were always wimpy: "No, sorry" "I apologize".
Also i hated it when the AI talks to you just to let you know they have developed cruisers and I shouldn't under estimate thier power. why can't I threaten them? I also like to brag?
In SMAC it was better. Then the replies were very humorous and sarcastic. I like that. But, if I had 3 possible ways to express the same response it would be very good.
It would allow for delicate things to be expressed.
For instance:
I want to trade techs so I choose between:
1. "Hi... uhm Mr. Great All Mighty Leader... I was in the neighborhood and I was kinda wondering, is there any chance we could trade techs?"
2. "Hello Mr. Leader. How about trading techs for the mutual prosperity of our nations?"
3. "Now you listen to me, and you listen good. I want these techs - got it? It can go the easy way, or it can go the hard way? what do ya choose?"
I hope i interpreted your idea correctly.
[This message has been edited by Sirotnikov (edited April 04, 2000).]