View Poll Results: Remove the Americans
Yes, put them in their right place 61 36.31%
No, keep them, I love America 86 51.19%
I don't care, I'm waiting for the patch 21 12.50%
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Old February 22, 2002, 09:31   #61
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and here's part II

"This is the final and more brilliant example of your silliness. Tell me, you spent last year in coma? If yes, then it can perfectly explain why your brain is so hard damaged.
But in one point I'm agree with you, USA worth to be in Civ3.
To your opponents I must said that USA is worth to be in Civ3 no less then English, German or France. All of them represent "Western" culture and the fact that USA is younger then others are not the reason for removes them. In 4000 B.C. all of them do not existed.
I think many people don't like Americans because of people like SieGermans- rude bustards who continuously pump in their chest and saying-" we are the Best, we are the Greatest, we are the Strongest. Worship to us emidiently you pathetic idiots". I think such people start to say soon that Adam and Eve were an Americans too. The arrogance of such people is the reason why Americans do not respected by many people, in many countries. SieGermans you are the truly disgrace of your nation.
P.S. poshel na huy kozel."

no, it was just an example of a brain fart really, don't tell me you've never had any, judging by your information about WWII it looks like your entire knowledge of history is one giant brain fart. Adam and Eve are nothing more than human creations like the christian calendar and religion in general btw. Americans can say we are the strongest cause we are and we have history to back it. We aren't the best, no one is the best, I never said anything about that, but you jump all over me because I say some of the most important inventions in the world come out of America. if you've read ANY of my other posts you'd know I recognize other countries scientists for there important discoveries too. A lot of America bashers (mostly from Europe) come out with this hypocritical nonsense by trying to say I never give Europe credit for anything (when i do), but on the same token, don't give America any credit whatsoever. America is a leader in the world, has been since the end of WWII, and no amount of whining and *****ing from Europe or the rest of the world will change that. as was Russia for a good amount of time. but where as russia has dropped into 3rd world status, America continues to be strong. Most people in the world don't hate us, several Europeans have a slight resentment for us because we became more powerful than them in 200 years than they did in 2000 years and because we did save their ass in WWII, however the Germans have a great amount of respect for us because we kicked their ass. Other nations dislike us because of our pop cultures influence over their youth who seek to abandon there heritage for "Western culture". te US doesn't desire any country to "worship it". you sound like a damn whiner when you say that nonsense. But America has screwed up several times, I am not too proud to admit that. you are however, too proud to admit any faults in Russia at all. Gulags, Big Brother, no freedom of speech, or freedom of protest, and the murder of 11 million citizens under Stalin as well as Chernobyl leave a definite scar on your nation that cannot go away. you've gone through two revolutions in a century, we've gone through one, although our War for Independence from Britain isn't really a Revolution, though it's called the Revolutionary War. You trivialize, fabricate, and ignore to try and make your point Serb, and you still haven't succeeded. You call me a disgrace to my nation, I call you an ignorant, misguided buffoon and I call what your nation has done a insult to human civilization. But despite all that, I must commend you for having the decency to say that America has just as much a right to be in the game as any of the other tribes.

oh, Sun Zi 36, Heron started the thread, not me. People want an intelligent conversation, yet they come here and say some of the stupidest, most ridiculous things ever, such as our friend Serb and his farcical tale of how the Soviets brought Germany to its knees during WWII and America just came and finished them off. Sorry, when the bullshit starts flying, intelligent conversation goes out the window. just tell me what you would do if you were in a small discussion group with your friends, talking about oh say, gravity, and some idiot comes in and says that gravity doesn't exist, if I want to float, I can just will it, blah blah blah. Don't tell me you wouldn't call bullshit and call the bullshitter what he is.
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Old February 22, 2002, 09:35   #62
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P.S. Küssen Sie meinen Esel, dummkopf.

two can play at that
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Old February 22, 2002, 09:52   #63
Sun Zi 36
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Originally posted by SieGermans
oh, Sun Zi 36, Heron started the thread, not me. People want an intelligent conversation, yet they come here and say some of the stupidest, most ridiculous things ever, such as our friend Serb and his farcical tale of how the Soviets brought Germany to its knees during WWII and America just came and finished them off. Sorry, when the bullshit starts flying, intelligent conversation goes out the window. just tell me what you would do if you were in a small discussion group with your friends, talking about oh say, gravity, and some idiot comes in and says that gravity doesn't exist, if I want to float, I can just will it, blah blah blah. Don't tell me you wouldn't call bullshit and call the bullshitter what he is.
seems to me you are that person who came in though..........
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Old February 22, 2002, 10:18   #64
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"I think if Hitler atacked the USA, then after 28 days all people like SieGermans surrender, and become a loyal serfs of fascists."

no, people like me fight until it's over you crackhead. people like you russian bastards align with hitler, as history has already shown.

"'Ignorance is bliss'. To compare Swiss and Belgian chocolate!?!?
FYI Swiss chocolate is appreciated for the amout of milk in it, it is thus preferred by women, children and 'beginners' in chocolate gastronomy. Belgian chocolate is appreciated for its amount of chocolate. Next time look at the composition of your chocolate bar. If you like 'soft' chocolate (milk and sugar) take the swiss one, if you like 'hard' chocolate, take the belgian one. "

if you don't give a sh1t, you don't even discuss it.

"This bustard is truly a shame of his nation, because I know that he represent the minority of americans, and I hope that most of americans feel a shamed because of speeches of such people like SieGermans."

I was not aware I was a large Indian bird. Good I'm glad I am pissing your Ruskie pinko a$s off. your steaming piles of bullshit spewed here is really pissing me off. You eurotrash are pathetic. I guess I was wrong to say no one is better. America is better, europeans and russians living in poverty and digging ditches for a living and not having warm water to take showers in must really be getting to you and so you just lash out. I can see your jealousy and I can stoop to your level. btw Serb, gulags are cool aren't they? isn't there a goat you should be fuc-king right now?

"FYI: when Germany attacked in WW2, Holland (1,5x belgian pop) resisted 6 days, France (5x Belgian pop) resisted 44 days, Belgium resisted 28 days... and look where the Germans were after 28 days in Russia?"

wow 6 days out of 5 years, impressive. 44 days out of 5 years, 28 days out of 5 years. that is really impressive. your pathetic belgian partisans last 28 days. well, that is impressive, that is longer than the time it took to march into France. 28 days of fighting in Russia got the Wehrmacht halfway to Moscow. fuc-king moron. years Belgium, France, and Russia would've been under German control if America didn't enter the war. 60+, indefinite really. point is you both wouldn't be alive or living in even shittier conditions that you are now.

"So, take it easy, he will deserve some day all what he deserves. The God will punish him some day, I'm sure. "

Oh great, I am getting holy threats from some religion hun. hahaha now that is hilarious. take your bible and shove it up your a$s. that proves my theory that bullshit begets bullshit. stupid religious ruskie. you can pray all you want, Russia is still a shithole, and you are still a dumbass.

"we indeed find the weapon business immoral."

really, is that so? FN created the worlds first bullet capable of defeating class III kevlar. Perhaps you are right though, that's why it took so little time to defeat Belgium during the War. I'm sure you eurotrash were kissing our Thompsons when we liberated your trashy nations. And for what really...we didn't benefit from it. Our war was with Japan during WWII, Hitler was just a loud mouth.

"P.S. you forgot to spit on our beer."

I spit on all beer. it is the drink of bourgeois trash, which europe seems to have a lot of. How are those soccer riots? you and your russian butt buddy are truely pathetic.

"Do you know where the uranium of your first atomic bomb came from?
When your agent came to Congo, and asked the local governor how long it would take to gather enough uranium for a bomb, the answer was :'The time to drive to the harbor. It is already waiting there for you since 2 years'. He is the only foreigner to have received the do-I-know-which-high-level US medal."

Really, I'm inclined to believe that is a steaming pile of bullshit like everything else you've said seeing as how America has several sources of Uranium in the Southwest and rockies. Show me where you found this information.

"I wish I could say what I think about people like him on english like I've said on russian. "

I wish you were capable of thinking at all. "Red Army brought Germany to its knees during WWII". god I didn't think retardation could come on that strong. Let me ask you, are you proud of Mother Russia, the 2 cent whore of the world? piss off you jackass. people like you only make America look better.

"seems to me you are that person who came in though.........."

and what? started to bullshit? you didn't read the very first post? or all the other posts explaining the insignificance of America in the world? You think I'm bullshitting to cause I defend America? Don't get me started on you, just stop talking, and back down. that last phrase barely made any sense as it is.
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Old February 22, 2002, 11:44   #65
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I love reading this guy's posts.
Wave a red flag before him and he rush forward like a mad bull
Great fun.

Originally posted by SieGermans
"Do you know where the uranium of your first atomic bomb came from?
When your agent came to Congo, and asked the local governor how long it would take to gather enough uranium for a bomb, the answer was :'The time to drive to the harbor. It is already waiting there for you since 2 years'. He is the only foreigner to have received the do-I-know-which-high-level US medal."

Really, I'm inclined to believe that is a steaming pile of bullshit like everything else you've said seeing as how America has several sources of Uranium in the Southwest and rockies. Show me where you found this information.
Jawohl herr obersturmfuhrer, sofort. Auf's befehl. Sieg Heil.

So, my little favorite nazi, you asked "show me, and I, in my great goodness I will juge if your information is worthwile or not".
What *I* say is just 'a steaming pile of bullshit like everything else', while when you say something, we are just 'not intelligent' if we disagree.
Sir yes Sir,
You are "the best of the best of the best" (I love that MIB one ).

For you SieGermans: here is a hint: just make a search on google on 'Edgar Sengier', but I will not bow before your demands.

So, for the others, here is a quote of some site:

Edgar Sengier
1379 - 1963

Edgar Sengier of Belgium, a pioneer in the industrial development of the Congo and the first non-American civilian to
be awarded the Medal for Merit by the United States Government, died at Cannes, France, on July 26.
Mr. Sengier was president of the "Comité Permanent" of Union Minière du Haut-Katanga from 1946 to 1960. In
1939 he learned from European scientists about the possibility of harnessing nuclear energy from uranium ore. Acting on
an educated guess that this virtually useless by-product of Katanga mining operations might become vital in wartime. Mr.
Sengier ordered the stocks available in Africa shipped in complete secrecy to New York.
The uranium remained forgotten in a Staten Island warehouse by all but Mr. Sengier until 1941. In that year U.S.
Army Colonel (now General) Nichols visited Mr. Sengier in New York, where the Belgian industrialist was conducting the
worldwide operations of Union Minière during the German occupation of his homeland. The U.S. officer urgently
requested a much uranium ore as could be found in the Belgian Congo, adding that his request might be difficult or
impossible to fulfil quickly.
Mr. Sengier's answer,, widely quoted after wartime security had been lifted., was: "You can have the ore right now. It
is already in New York -- 1,000 tons of it. I have been waiting for your visit!" A note scribbled on the spot by Mr. Sengier
released the ore to U.S. authorities
In 1946, Mr. Sengier returned to the United States where; on behalf of President Truman, General Leslie R. Groves
awarded him the Medal for Merit for his contribution to the Allied victory. Even then wartime security restrictions were
not completely lifted., and while the language of the citation praised his "wartime services in the realm of raw materials, it
stopped short of specifying the momentous personal decision of one man that helped change the course of history.

Just a steaming pile of bullshit... (I think I will love that one)

Dry isn't intelligent at all if he has said America hasn't had any history.
As I didn't say that America had any history, do you Mr big great bwana SieGerman, agree that I am not stupid...please Mr SieGerman, your great man, of a great powerfull country's opinion has great importance to me little citizen of a pathetic country.

Great fun.
I will be on holiday for the next 10 days, I already regret it.

Sieg Heil, Mr SieGerman.
The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame. Oscar Wilde.
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Old February 22, 2002, 21:28   #66
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Originally posted by SieGermans

By mid-1942, the war in the Pacific was half over with us smashing a majority of the Japanese Fleet at the battle of midway and the Germans had been completely cleared out of North Africa. By 1943 when you Russians had just gained the first victory of the war on the Eastern Front at Stalingrad, we had already pushed up through Italy with British support, and the Italians surrendered. in the pacific we had already liberated Indonesia, New Guinea, and the South Pacific, and had cut the Burma Road and were pushing the Japanese out of Indochina. In Europe it was American Round-the-Clock bombing and OSS and SOE sabotage with help of the French Resistance that was bringing the Nazi War Machine to it's knees...and so on...

I hope this mish-mash of semi-digested, struggling to be literate, quasi-historical drivel, is not representative of history as taught in American schools.

It bears a great resemblance to taurine faeces. As does your hit and mostly miss approach to the history of science. If the Americans 'invented' the motion picture theatre, then one wonders where the Lumiere brothers in France showed their films.
In an airing cupboard perhaps?
Mass transit? Try the London Underground. It's been around quite some has the railway network in Great Britain.

As for electricity- oy vey, do the names Watt, Ohm, Volta and Ampere mean nothing any more?

Your history of the war in the Pacific is so partial, so wrong, it's almost a pain to read. Your lack of knowledge of Russia's campaigns in Asia and the Near East, and its history of expansion is sad to behold. As is your ludicrous estimation of the relative parts played by the O.S.S. and the S.O.E. and the Red Army. Who do you think Zhukov was? A pork butcher from Lvov?
Cherish your youth. Mark Foley, 2002

I don't know what you're talking about by international law. G.W. Bush, 12/03
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Old February 23, 2002, 04:19   #67
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It is really hard task to prove to an idiot that he is an idiot, and useless, but I’ll try to do so.
There were Germanic tribes. There was no Roman "Civilization" either, there was a Roman Empire, which had humble origins starting off as small tribes in Italy. There is human Civilization. if you knew anything about anthropology you'd realize this. To use an example from the game, when you start it, you select a TRIBE, not a civilization. you get Civilizatin advances because new science is of importance to humanity as a whole.
So, you are seriously thought that all German states before middle of 19 century were tribes, with no cities, no culture or advances. Brilliant.
Ahhh great, a ticked off russkie trying to bullshit me about your nations "great" history. outside the Crimean war in 1854, Russia was useless in the 19th century. Aside from us kicking repelling a British Invasion in 1812,…
Oh, I’ve read somewhere on this forum about one of the greatest battles of this war. The results of this battle were 300 men KIA and 1200 wounded. Really great victory, the destruction of Napoleon’s army consisted of 600 000 men by Russian army in 1812-1813 can’t compare with your glory. The scale of your victories is really glorious.
You talk about your great victories, the Russian Army didn't defeat Napoleon, the Russian winter did. don't give yourself credit were it doesn't belong, had Napoleon had a two more months of decent weather, Moscow would've been taken,…
It is ability of an idiot to engage in debate while he known nothing about the subject of this debate. This example shows that you know NOTHING about Napoleon- one of the greatest strategists of all times. Well, I’ll try to enlighten you then. Napoleon TOOK Moscow in 1812, after Borodino’s battle which btw, He counts as the bloodiest battle of all his battles. You are real amazing idiot. Are you seriously think that winter by itself can defeat an army?
same goes for Hitlers army. By Stalingrad, America had already entered the war and was giving hell to the Western front with round the clock bombing, and had already cleared north africa of German rule.
If you wasn’t an idiot brainwashed by propaganda, then you can read a couple of books or archive’s data to find the number of troops, tanks, planes etc. involved in war in Africa, and in war in Russia. I think such idiot as you are; will be surprised if I say to him that FACTS, not your propaganda, REAL FACTS shows that Red army fight against majority of Hitler’s army.
And the Japanese kicked your ass at the turn of the century, wonderful the largest country in the world brought to its knees by one of the smallest
We’ve lost that military campaign because Japanese have more superior navy, but “brought to its knees” as for me a too loud words to describe results of this campaign.
brought to its knees by one of the smallest
I think you know nothing about Imperial Japan, may be you’ll wonder if I tell you that Japan was once much larger then today.
it's really wonderful and fantastic that Russia contains 1/5 of the world it really is,
Perfect, you’ve started to twisting words. I’ve said- “We controlled 1/5 of the world’s territory,…” not "we are control now". I think you’ll be wonder again if tell you that Russian Empire were much larger country then SU and Russian Federation.
and that desolate, empty, yet beautiful taiga forest is very nice, but no one cares about how much land a country has, it gauges nothing.
Yes, except that that is the largest source of all known natural resources.
those old Russian bombers were merely two seater planes with some moron in the rear holding a bomb sight in one hand and a 10 pound bomb in the other.
I’m gone wonder you once again.
“On 27 April 1913 the big crowd flooded the Komendantsky airfield in St. Petersburg. The people looked at the fantastic flying machine standing at the end of the runway. The dimensions of the aircraft called "Grand" were tremendous. All-closed cockpit, the strange "balcony" at the forward section and four engines make the airplane look like nothing that hit the skies before. After lengthy run the new airplane lifts off the ground. The historical moment - the world's first heavy multiengine aircraft got airborne!The concept of the four engine airplane was developed in Russia by Igor Sikorsky - the young but very promising aircraft designer. After the flight trials he made several changes to the design. Instead of two pulling and two pushing engines the new arrangement was adopted - all four engines were set in line at the lower wing and the airplane was re-named "Russkiy Vityaz'". Using the experience gained the new and better airplane was built at the RBVZ production plant. Named "Ilya Muromets" the new machine featured the same layout as its predecessor, but featured the entirely new fuselage and an additional pair of wings installed aft of the main wings (these additional wings were later removed). The aircraft was successful - it could fly at altitudes up to 2,000 m with 10 passengers. The flight engineer had an access to the engines in flight - he could walk down the lower wing. The closed cockpit at the nose portion of the fuselage protected the pilot and provided excellent view.
After successful test flights of the new airplane the Military Department placed an order for 10 air ships (in all documents Muromets bombers were referred to as an "air ships" unlikely to smaller airplanes) of Ilya Muromets type B - the improved version of the prototype (referred to as the "type A").
With the beginning of the WW I the Muromets program was continued, and soon Muromets bombers appeared in the front-line units. The type V bombers have done most of the job during the "Big War" - the older type B aircraft were used for pilot training.
The EVK air ships were busy during the war as both reconnaissance and bombing missions were constantly demanded by the Army command. Only one airplane - the ship III (serial 151) have flown 36 combat missions from April to November 1915 and dropped 7.5 ton of bombs and arrows. The high ceiling (3000 m) and very good survivability (Muromets was stable in flight after any two engines shut down) resulted in very low combat looses. The heavy armament played its role too. Muromets was the world's first aircraft featuring full spherical fire envelope (late versions had up to 8 machine guns). Only one airplane was shot down by German fighters. Muromets was by no means easy victim for them - on 5 July 1915 Kievsky II airship successfully fought against 3 German aircraft. On 19 March 1916 another bomber - type G was attacked by 2 German fighters and shot down one of them. Survivability of the Muromets was impressive - on 13 April 1916 the air ship X (serial 184) was heavily damaged by anti-aircraft fire during the low altitude bombing mission. Nearly all of the crew were wounded, but the ship returned back powered by only one working engine and made a dramatic landing with both starboard wings disintegrated at the landing run. All crew members survived.”
Full version might be found there
several great American and European minds were involved, including Edison, Westinghouse, Kelvin, and even that crazy Ruskie Tesla.
Crazy- is the word how you describe one of the most genius physics of all times. Brilliant.
The Germans came up with almost all the great technologies that you russians claim. Rockets, jet engines, delta wing and swept wing designs on aircraft.
Bullshit. We have this technologies before the war.
Few examples: On 14th Jule 1941, seven BM-13 vehicles (battery commander - I.A.Flerov) completely wiped out Orsha railroad station (together with many German trains) during some seconds. BM-13 rocket launcher more known as “Katusha”. During the war, Soviet troops received about 2400 BM-8, 6800 BM-13, 1800 BM-31. 3374 “Katusha” launchers.
Pictures might be found here:
“The 1st combat use of the RS rockets.
Five I-16 ftrs additionaly armed with eight RS-82 rockets were sent to Manchuria for test purposes. The pilots: Zvonarev(commander), Pimenov, Fedosov, Mikhaylenko, Tkachenko) The first victories: 20th aug. 1939: 2 Japanese I-97 ftrs were shot down by RS rockets; 21st aug. 1939: one I-97 ftr and two B-96 bmrs. The RS-82 were effectively used even at distances over 1km. Also rocket attack had big moral effect - the Japanese usualy break a formation and ran; they even couldn't recgognise what's killed them (the Japanese expertes only supposed that the Russians used big gun about 76mm). Total victories until 15th Sept. : ten I-97, two B-96, one light bomber B-97 in 85 missions; there were no Zvonarev's flight losses.”
No, your tanks were not better, they were slower, and clunkiers.
You are trying to tell me that “Sherman” was a better tank then “T-34”. May be you trying to tell me that “Abrams” is faster then “T-80U”? If so, then you know nothing about tactical-technical characteristics of those tanks.
You are a complete fuc-king idiot. but it's expected when a retard from a country with one of the worlds worst education systems starts talking. did you ever learn history? did you know anything about it at all? Here, I will enlighten you to the full major events of WWII and help the ignorant russian learn about the world.
You and your bullshit you've typed bellow are the perfect examples of American education system.
We declared war on Japan because of Pearl Harbor, since Japan, Germany, and Italy were all in an Alliance together known as the AXIS POWERS (some 5th grade history for you, russian genius). As a result of us declaring war on Japan, Hitler and Mussolini declared war on us, thus awakening a sleeping giant as history books around the world refer to.
You were sure that Hitler does not declare war on you. Hitler’s decision to declare war on USA was count as suicide by most of his generals. Germany already fought on two fronts, vs. SU, and vs. GB. Hitler has every opportunity to not declare war on USA. The same done Japan- when Hitler attacked SU, Japan do not declare war on SU, because aside USA soviets were in undeclared war with Japan since 1937. And Red army hits them so hard on Hasan Lake (1937) and near river Halk-Hingol (1939) that Japanese do not dare to attack the SU.
By 1943 when you Russians had just gained the first victory of the war on the Eastern Front at Stalingrad,
Idiot. I think Stalingrad is the only our battle you know, and I think only because you saw movie about it. The amount of manpower and units involved in this ONE BATTLE from both sides is more then whole your army landed in Normandy in 1944.
Our first big victory under Hitler’s army was Moscow’s battle started 6 dec. 1941. USA don’t even it war with Germany then. It was the FIRST DEFEAT of Wermaht. No one was able to defeat Wermaht before us.
In Europe it was American Round-the-Clock bombing and OSS and SOE sabotage with help of the French Resistance that was bringing the Nazi War Machine to it's knees, not the weak, pathetic Russian Army who just started to repel the Germans out of their own country with help of the unforgiving Russian Winter.
American Round-the-Clock bombing and OSS and SOE sabotage brings the most powerful war machine to its knees? No you are not idiot, you are some kind of super idiot. Only super idiot can seriously think that bombing and sabotage can bring the most powerful war machine humanity ever see on its knees. Compare the number of troops, tank, planes, and artillery in Soviet army with the same numbers in USA army landed in Normandy in 1944, and you’ll see who has weak and tiny army.
The only country with significant amounts of German forces left in it was Poland, all the other Germans had been pulled out of the East and sent to the Western front to fight against the real threat, which was America.
I supposed you acknowledged better then German general who commanded of the defense of France. In memoirs of this general (I’ll add his name later don’t worry) he wrote that Atlantic line and other fortifications proclaimed by Nazi propaganda to be unbreakable, was absolutely not ready; That his regiments consisted of old men- veterans of WWI, badly injured in WWI frequently with missing fingers; That “Hitler Yougent” division was one of his best regiments- a division consisted of 14-17 years old boys; That any valuable regiments were sent to eastern front against Red army.
if you russian bastards truely cared about any on but THEMSELVES first of all, they would NEVER have aligned with Adolf Hitler at the beginning of the War
The memoirs of Hitler’s army generals show that Hitler thought that his historical mission is to protect Europe from threat of communism. SU was his most hated enemy this is only reason why he attacked us. And btw we support Spain in war against fascists 1936-1939 while USA turns away and whistle.
and wouldn't have waited until the summer of 1945 to declare war on Japan, when Japan was already doomed by wave after wave of American bombers.
We were in undeclared war with Japan since 1937 when Red army defeat Japan in Hasan and Halk-Hin-Gol
And we started to supported China in war against Japan long before USA entered WW2.
Quote: USSR sent to China during 1937..1941:
1250 planes, incl. 216 I-16 types 5 and 10 ("Swallow"); six TB-3; 213 I-15 and I-15bis; R-5; SB-2; DB-3A; UTI-4, UT-1
82 tanks (T-26 and BT-5) (BA-3, BA-6, BA-10, BA-20)
1850 trucks and tracktors
50mm mortars
1600 guns, incl. 76mm field and flak guns
14000 MGs
rifles; fuel and oil; ammo; medical stuff; spare parts

On that site data about Russian bombing raids in 1938 on Formosa is also available.
If America didn't enter WWII, the Soviets would no be in existence. Russia has never been known for any military brilliance.
You are dickhead. Since times of Mongols Russian constantly fight with somebody who want to conquer us. The list our victories a hundred times longer than list of all American’s wars.
The US is better, which is why 10 years of fighting in Afghanistan got the big bad red army nowhere, and it took us all of about 3 months to defeat afghanistan.
I was waiting when somebody butthead as you are to start saying that USA defeat Afghans while SU and GB was unable to do so in the past. You think that you are defeat Afghans? Your role was the air support of Northern Alliance, nothing more. And sometimes you done it extremely bad, when your bombs drops on Northern Alliance positions.
Most people in the world don't hate us,
I do not hate USA as country. I hate idiots like you are. And I’ve never deny that American contributed much in science, but your list of contributions contains too many lies.
such as our friend Serb
I am not a friend of yours.
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Old February 23, 2002, 08:32   #68
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A few facts straightened
In Europe it was American Round-the-Clock bombing
Americans in the day, British at night.

Germans had been completely cleared out of North Africa.
British 8th Army cleared out the Germans from the majority of North Africa.

The actions of the US to clear Algeria was not that great considering only a few Vichy French were there to protect it. Italy was a 50-50% partnership between US and the other allies.

The Russian campaigns on the other hand were 100% Russian participation against the Nazis.
"Everybody knows you never go full retard. You went full retard man. Never go full retard"
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Old February 23, 2002, 10:29   #69
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oh, Sun Zi 36, Heron started the thread, not me. People want an intelligent conversation, yet they come here and say some of the stupidest, most ridiculous things ever, such as our friend Serb and his farcical tale of how the Soviets brought Germany to its knees during WWII and America just came and finished them off. Sorry, when the bullshit starts flying, intelligent conversation goes out the window. just tell me what you would do if you were in a small discussion group with your friends, talking about oh say, gravity, and some idiot comes in and says that gravity doesn't exist, if I want to float, I can just will it, blah blah blah. Don't tell me you wouldn't call bullshit and call the bullshitter what he is.
seems to me you are that person who came in though..........
and what? started to bullshit? you didn't read the very first post? or all the other posts explaining the insignificance of America in the world? You think I'm bullshitting to cause I defend America? Don't get me started on you, just stop talking, and back down. that last phrase barely made any sense as it is.
You are a real imbecile. You do not understand what he said, like you didn’t understood when I’ve told you that the 21 century is not "two month old" like you believe.
I think Sun Zi 36 wanted to say that your stupid lies about WW2 based on absolute lack of knowledge of history, especially about WW2 history, was that bullshit and YOU are this bullshitter who comes to a small discussion group.

Sun Zi 36 correct me if I’m not right.

Last edited by Serb; February 23, 2002 at 10:51.
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Old February 23, 2002, 18:18   #70
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Apology from USA
I would just like to say that not all Americans are as stupid and bigoted as SieGermans. I, for one, apologize for his conduct. Don't judge us all for his actions. Also, I live in Germany, and let me just say that it is an insult to the German people that he mentions them in his screen name.
For the cities which were formerly great, have most of them become insignificant; and such as are at present powerful, were weak in the olden time.
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Old February 23, 2002, 22:49   #71
molly bloom
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[QUOTE] Originally posted by SieGermans

'No you retard fuc-k, it comes from reading several books on history. 1870 is the unification of Germany under Bismarck, before that you had independent Kingdoms such as Prussia, Hessia, Pomerania, Bavaria, etc. which had no connection with eachother; if Prussia was at war, Pomerania would have nothing to do with it. '

I think you need a lesson in Germanic history- Pomerania was acquired as a spoil of war, by Brandenburg-Prussia.

"Until the 17th century, the Province of Pomerania was ruled by native princes but owing fealty to Poland (up to the 12th century). Its inhabitants accepted Protestantism and were influenced by the German culture. More and more Germans settled there and the original Slavonic inhabitants gradually lost their original language. In the early 1600's Pomerania was annexed by Sweden. During the next century most of it was incorporated into Brandenburg, therefore becoming part of Prussia. "

'And the Japanese kicked your ass at the turn of the century, wonderful the largest country in the world brought to its knees by one of the smallest ...'

And the Russians 'kicked the Japanese Imperial Army's ass' (charming phrase, no, really) twice, before WWII broke out. Something MacArthur noticeably failed to do in the Philippines, not long after.

'You are a complete dumbass if you have never heard of the Wright Brothers, who invented the first powered flying machine in Kitty Hawk, NC. '

No doubt the same Wright brothers who relied so much on earlier pioneering work done by European inventors? Like Lillienthal, amongst others? Science and invention don't have nationalities- only petty chauvinists like yourself.

'...and even that crazy Ruskie Tesla. '

That would be the crazy non-Russki, Nikola Tesla, would it?

"Tesla, Nikola
(b. July 9/10, 1856, Smiljan, CROATIA, EUROPE--d. Jan. 7, 1943, New York City), Serbian-American inventor and researcher who discovered the rotating magnetic field, the basis of most alternating-current machinery. He emigrated to the United States in 1884 and sold the patent rights to his system of alternating-current dynamos, transformers, and motors to George Westinghouse the following year. In 1891 he invented the Tesla coil, an induction coil widely used in radio technology.
Tesla was from a family of Serbian origin. His father was an Orthodox priest; his mother was unschooled but highly intelligent. A dreamer with a poetic touch, as he matured Tesla added to these earlier qualities those of self-discipline and a desire for precision.

Training for an engineering career, he attended the Technical University at Graz, Austria, and the University of Prague. At Graz he first saw the Gramme dynamo, which operated as a generator and, when reversed, became an electric motor, and he conceived a way to use alternating current to advantage. Later, at Budapest, he visualized the principle of the rotating magnetic field and developed plans for an induction motor that would become his first step toward the successful utilization of alternating current. In 1882 Tesla went to work in Paris for the Continental Edison Company, and, while on assignment to Strassburg in 1883, he constructed, in after-work hours, his first induction motor. Tesla sailed for America in 1884, arriving in New York, with four cents in his pocket, a few of his own poems, and calculations for a flying machine. He first found employment with Thomas Edison, but the two inventors were far apart in background and methods, and their separation was inevitable.

In May 1885, George Westinghouse, head of the Westinghouse Electric Company in Pittsburgh, bought the patent rights to Tesla's polyphase system of alternating-current dynamos, transformers, and motors. The transaction precipitated a titanic power struggle between Edison's direct-current systems and the Tesla-Westinghouse alternating-current approach, which eventually won out.

Tesla soon established his own laboratory, where his inventive mind could be given free rein. He experimented with shadowgraphs similar to those that later were to be used by Wilhelm Röntgen when he discovered X-rays in 1895. Tesla's countless experiments included work on a carbon button lamp, on the power of electrical resonance, and on various types of lighting.

Tesla gave exhibitions in his laboratory in which he lighted lamps without wires by allowing electricity to flow through his body, to allay fears of alternating current. He was often invited to lecture at home and abroad. The Tesla coil, which he invented in 1891, is widely used today in radio and television sets and other electronic equipment. That year also marked the date of Tesla's United States citizenship.

Westinghouse used Tesla's system to light the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago in 1893. His success was a factor in winning him the contract to install the first power machinery at Niagara Falls, which bore Tesla's name and patent numbers. The project carried power to Buffalo by 1896.

In 1898 Tesla announced his invention of a teleautomatic boat guided by remote control. When skepticism was voiced, Tesla proved his claims for it before a crowd in Madison Square Garden.

In Colorado Springs, Colo., where he stayed from May 1899 until early 1900, Tesla made what he regarded as his most important discovery-- terrestrial stationary waves. By this discovery he proved that the Earth could be used as a conductor and would be as responsive as a tuning fork to electrical vibrations of a certain frequency. He also lighted 200 lamps without wires from a distance of 25 miles (40 kilometres) and created man-made lightning, producing flashes measuring 135 feet (41 metres). At one time he was certain he had received signals from another planet in his Colorado laboratory, a claim that was met with derision in some scientific journals.

Returning to New York in 1900, Tesla began construction on Long Island of a wireless world broadcasting tower, with $150,000 capital from the American financier J. Pierpont Morgan. Tesla claimed he secured the loan by assigning 51 percent of his patent rights of telephony and telegraphy to Morgan. He expected to provide worldwide communication and to furnish facilities for sending pictures, messages, weather warnings, and stock reports. The project was abandoned because of a financial panic, labour troubles, and Morgan's withdrawal of support. It was Tesla's greatest defeat.

Tesla's work then shifted to turbines and other projects. Because of a lack of funds, his ideas remained in his notebooks, which are still examined by engineers for unexploited clues. In 1915 he was severely disappointed when a report that he and Edison were to share the Nobel Prize proved erroneous. Tesla was the recipient of the Edison Medal in 1917, the highest honour that the American Institute of Electrical Engineers could bestow.

Tesla allowed himself only a few close friends. Among them were the writers Robert Underwood Johnson, Mark Twain, and Francis Marion Crawford. He was quite impractical in financial matters and an eccentric, driven by compulsions and a progressive germ phobia. But he had a way of intuitively sensing hidden scientific secrets and employing his inventive talent to prove his hypotheses. Tesla was a godsend to reporters who sought sensational copy but a problem to editors who were uncertain how seriously his futuristic prophecies should be regarded. Caustic criticism greeted his speculations concerning communication with other planets, his assertions that he could split the Earth like an apple, and his claim of having invented a death ray capable of destroying 10,000 airplanes at a distance of 250 miles (400 kilometres).

After Tesla's death the custodian of alien property impounded his trunks, which held his papers, his diplomas and other honours, his letters, and his laboratory notes. These were eventually inherited by Tesla's nephew, Sava Kosanovich, and later housed in the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade. Hundreds filed into New York City's Cathedral of St. John the Divine for his funeral services, and a flood of messages acknowledged the loss of a great genius. Three Nobel Prize recipients addressed their tribute to "one of the outstanding intellects of the world who paved the way for many of the technological developments of modern times." (I.W.H.) "

Spooky, isn't it, that the Europe born Tesla worked for/with Edison and Westinghouse?

'Most Russian scientific advances were merely the execution of German advances already put down in writing and on the drawing board...,'

Mmm, remind me- was Mendeleev German, by any chance?

'jet engines'

British, dear boy, British:

Whittle, Sir Frank,
1907-, English aeronautical engineer. Whittle was one of the first men to associate the gas turbine with jet propulsion. Previously the gas turbine had been regarded as a machine for supplying shaft power, but Whittle saw it as an ideal means for providing jet propulsion in aircraft. As a Royal Air Force engineering officer, he patented in 1930 the basic designs for the turbojet engine. During the 1930s and early 1940s he and his associates constructed a number of turbojet engines and jet planes. These experiments led to the modern jet aircraft engine. The Germans and the Italians who constructed and flew the first jet aircraft used the basic engine designs that Whittle patented in the 1930s; the early American jet engines were also based on Whittle's work.

'You are a complete fuc-king idiot. '

Did you say this whilst looking into a mirror, by any chance?

Abuse, personal and national (or indeed international), are no substitutes for fact backed argument and logic. You seem lacking in both.
Cherish your youth. Mark Foley, 2002

I don't know what you're talking about by international law. G.W. Bush, 12/03
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Old February 24, 2002, 01:03   #72
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America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.

--- Oscar Wilde
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Old February 24, 2002, 12:26   #73
Sun Zi 36
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Originally posted by Serb
I think Sun Zi 36 wanted to say that your stupid lies about WW2 based on absolute lack of knowledge of history, especially about WW2 history, was that bullshit and YOU are this bullshitter who comes to a small discussion group.

Sun Zi 36 correct me if I’m not right.
you exactly right. after i wrote that post, I was thinking whether to add that funny smile icon onto the end of it but i thought the irony that i caught is so complete and perfect that adding that would ruin it. and as i had foreseen, he therefore had no alternative but to reply with these stupid questions, pretending to not fully understand the irony to negate the embarrassment.

Originally posted by SieGermans
Don't get me started on you, just stop talking, and back down. that last phrase barely made any sense as it is.
since you didnt seem to fully understand that phrase i made in my last post, i never really made a point against u. And i dont want to make a point against you, simply bcos:
1. there are enough opponents for you as it is.
2. many of them are better learned in this field than me to make a point against you.
3. i dont have the time to waste as i did few months ago.

I appreciate everyone here who are trying to enlighten SieGermans. keep it going, dont let that kind of thinking spread!!
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Old February 25, 2002, 05:19   #74
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... and you suggest leaving the Babylonians in? When was the last time they were powerful? The ancient civs are at the end of their time of power, and the US is only beginning.
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Old February 25, 2002, 11:44   #75
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Sun Zi, I find it funny how you try to dodge everything with your phony "wisdom" instead of justifying yourself. mark of a true bullshitter. you should be gagged for having absolutely nothing useful at all. as for this. Stop the spread of thinking, such as the Red Army's Complete Uselessness in WWII until America arrived. not a chance in hell.

Molly Boom thank you for quoting the entire Encylcopedia britannica, perhaps you would like to know conflicting viewpoints.

Otto Lilienthal never made any steps past making his big, dumb, useless gliders. Perhaps we should give Bernouli credit for the first airplanes since he discovered the principles of flight instead of the Wright Brothers who made the first powered airplane.

"In the early 1600's Pomerania was annexed by Sweden. During the next century most of it was incorporated into Brandenburg, therefore becoming part of Prussia."

If you've ever even looked at a map of Northern Europe from the 16th century or older, Pomerania is an ENORMOUS, independent Kingdom within the Holy Roman Empire. I don't really give a **** when it was annexed, it doesn't negate it from being a seperate kingdom and has nothing to do with my point anyways because I merely used it as an example.

"And the Russians 'kicked the Japanese Imperial Army's ass' (charming phrase, no, really) twice, before WWII broke out. Something MacArthur noticeably failed to do in the Philippines, not long after."

True masterpiece of a bullshit artist. The only conflicts the Japanese and Russians had against eachother was the detatchment of anti-Bolshevik Japanese forces into Siberia which were removed in 1922.

Jet aircraft, not the engine itself, were first built by the Germans, just as the first airplane was built by Americans, even though it was powered with a gasoline engine of German invent. I never said "jet engine", I said "jet" referring to the plane itself. another example, the Steam engine was invented by James Watt, the Steamboat was invented by Fulton. merely an application of the invention to an older idea, but it still counts.

Ruskie is a slang term for all slavic speaking people, Croats, Bulgars, Poles, Ukrainians, and Russians

"Science and invention don't have nationalities- only petty chauvinists like yourself."

It shouldn't, but it does. It also has quacks like you.

But all this nonsense aside Molly, what does any of it have to do with removing the Americans from the game?
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Old February 25, 2002, 17:54   #76
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Originally posted by SieGermans
True masterpiece of a bullshit artist. The only conflicts the Japanese and Russians had against eachother was the detatchment of anti-Bolshevik Japanese forces into Siberia which were removed in 1922.
First battle happen on July-August 1938 it was near Hasan Lake. The second battle August 20- August 31 1939, near Khalkin-Gol, Manchuria. Red army was victorious in both.
Stop the spread of thinking, such as the Red Army's Complete Uselessness in WWII until America arrived. not a chance in hell.
Few digits.
November 1941. North Africa, Tobruk. Operation “Crusader”.
Offence- British forces: 6 divisions and 5 brigades. 118 000 soldiers overall.
Defense- AXIS forces: 3 German divisions 7 Italian divisions about 100 000 soldiers overall.

June 1941. Operation “Barbarossa”
Offence- German forces: 191 divisions, 5.500.500 soldiers overall, 4500 tanks, 47 200 artillery, 5000 planes and 192 ships.
Defense- Soviet forces: 179 divisions 3 000. 000 soldiers overall, 8800 tanks, 38 000 artillery, 7500 planes, 182 ships.

December 1941. Russia. Moscow’s counter-offense.
Offence Soviet forces: 1 100 000 soldiers, 774 tanks, 7 700 artillery, 1200 planes.
Defense German forces: 1 708 000 soldiers, 1170 tanks, 13 500 artillery, 700 planes.

It was the first big defeat of Wermacht. After successful Moscow’s battle and overall major counter-offence German forces lost 832 500 soldiers.
The harm done by Red army to Nazi in this ONLY ONE BATTLE is several times more then harm done by USA army during all war. So, SHUT UP YOUR STUPID MOUTH, and read a couple of books about WW2. (If you able to read of course)

October 1942, Russian front.
German forces: 6 200 000 soldiers, 5080 tanks, 51 700 artillery, 3500 planes and 194 ships. Overall it was 71% of ALL German forces.
Soviet forces: 6 600 000, 735 tanks, 78 000 artillery, 4544 planes and more then 300 ships.
Within 6 month of Stalingrad’s battle (June 1942- February 1943) Nazi lost 1 500 000 soldiers.

October 1942 North Africa. Al-Alamen.
German forces: 80 000 soldiers, 540 tanks, 1200 artillery and 350 planes.
British forces: 230 000 soldiers, 1400 tanks, 2300 artillery and 1500 planes.
German casualties 55 000 soldiers.

I might continue this list but it’s too long, below the overall stat.
Within four years of war on Russian front Hitler’s army lost:
607 divisions more then 10 000 000 soldiers. It’s 80% of overall casualties.
48 000 tanks, 167 000 artillery and 77 000 planes. It’s 75% of overall military units lost.

About 27 millions of Russians sacrifice their lives for this victory.

Did you saw Russians screaming about how they saved everyone’s asses? Did you saw Brits screaming that they saved everyone’s asses? The Brits has more right for that, they participated in this victory more then USA.
What gives to YOU a moral right to shout everywhere that you are saviors of the world?
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Old February 25, 2002, 19:22   #77
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Steam engine was invented by James Watt
What about the Newcomen steam engine built some 50 years before? Or the rotary steam "turbine" developed by the Greeks over 2,000 years ago which was used to ground flour.

Neither were very effective, the only reason Watt is credited is because of refinements that made it economically efficient.
"Everybody knows you never go full retard. You went full retard man. Never go full retard"

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Old February 25, 2002, 20:15   #78
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[QUOTE] Originally posted by SieGermans

'Molly Boom thank you for quoting the entire Encylcopedia britannica, perhaps you would like to know conflicting viewpoints.'

Pity I didn't then; you might do well to read some of it, and keep from posting krap.

'Otto Lilienthal never made any steps past making his big, dumb, useless gliders. '

And yet the Wright Brothers found his research to be invaluable. Gosh, wonder why?

"In the early 1600's Pomerania was annexed by Sweden. During the next century most of it was incorporated into Brandenburg, therefore becoming part of Prussia."

Duh. It was a principality, not a kingdom, and hardly huge.

'True masterpiece of a bullshit artist. The only conflicts the Japanese and Russians had against eachother was the detatchment of anti-Bolshevik Japanese forces into Siberia which were removed in 1922.'

You sir are a complete and utter idiot. Do some basic historical research, and find out about the two defeats inflicted on the Japanese Imperial Army in Manchuria/Mongolia by the Soviets, just prior to the onset of WWII in Europe.

'Ruskie is a slang term for all slavic speaking people, Croats, Bulgars, Poles, Ukrainians, and Russians'

Right. And Boche or Hun is slang for all Germanic language groups or civilizations.

Your ignorance (chauvinistic and otherwise) is showing.

"Science and invention don't have nationalities- only petty chauvinists like yourself."

'It shouldn't, but it does. It also has quacks like you.'

Funny quack I am- I'd rather be that I than ignorant of history and facts like you.
Cherish your youth. Mark Foley, 2002

I don't know what you're talking about by international law. G.W. Bush, 12/03
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Old February 25, 2002, 21:46   #79
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Re: Remove the Americans
Originally posted by heron
I've been playing civ3 for some time now but it bothers me that the Americans are in as a civlization. I mean, they only exist for about 200 years. They don't even have some history.
I say remove them from the game and put in some real people, like the Inca's, the Jews or some African people.

Made it a poll so I can see what other people think.
First the americas are one of the most tecnoligicly advanced people ever. Second the time under the British was purly american that adds 100 years. Third Jews are religous not a nationality it would be israly. Fourth the incas where around for a very short time. Fifth africa his made very little contributions and no civs are world civs. Sixth America is the one remaning super power.
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Old February 26, 2002, 01:20   #80
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[QUOTE] Originally posted by SieGermans

"And the Russians 'kicked the Japanese Imperial Army's ass' (charming phrase, no, really) twice, before WWII broke out. Something MacArthur noticeably failed to do in the Philippines, not long after."

'True masterpiece of a bullshit artist. The only conflicts the Japanese and Russians had against eachother was the detatchment of anti-Bolshevik Japanese forces into Siberia which were removed in 1922.'

Well, doggone it. You live an' learn, don't'cha? Or not, in your case:

"Japan v. Russia, 1939:

Few in the west knew or cared that Japan and the Soviet Union fought a small war on the Siberia-Manchuria border in the summer of 1939. On the ground, these were the largest tank battles since WWI. In the air, large forces were likewise engaged, with the Japanese taking something of a beating. It is difficult to get a fix on actual losses, both countries being notoriously secretive and notoriously apt to over-claim. The only good book in English about this conflict is Alvin D. Coox, Nomonhan: Japan Against Russia, 1939 (Stanford Univ Press, 1985). Here are my notes from Coox.
Since they were first posted, these notes have inspired a lively debate on the Russian side of Nomonhan.

Nomonhan appears to be a village west of the Holsten river (NS at that point) just before it crossed the Soviet claimed boundary (NW-SE at that point). Holsten rises in Lake Abutara a few miles inside Soviet claimed territory, and flows into the Halha river (Khalkhin Gol)."


and furthermore:

"Halhin Gol
Russia vs. Japan in World War II

In the Fall of 1941 German tanks were rolling across the Soviet Union, on their way to a near conquest of that huge country. By that winter they had reached the gates of Moscow, and had captured most of the industrialized section of the USSR. Yet their allies, the Japanese, stood by in the East, with substantial forces in Manchuria and elsewhere in continental Asia, doing nothing to attack the USSR. Instead the Empire of Japan looked to the south and to the vast Pacific, and decided to attack the forces of Britain and America.

In the strategic simulation game "Axis and Allies", the forces of Japan and Germany have an excellent chance of achieving victory by jointly attacking the USSR. This would have been especially true in late '41 when the United States was not yet actively at war with either country. So why didn't Japan attack towards the west in 1941?

One factor which is rarely mentioned in the history books is the fact that in the summer of 1939 they tried. In May of that year, Japanese troops crossed the Mongolian-Manchurian border, and had taken up positions. In what was to become a turning point in his career, Georgi K. Zhukov, a Soviet officer who had escaped from Stalin's devastating purges of the military in 1937-38, masterminded and commanded the defense and counter-attack which was to rout the Japanese forces in the summer of 1939, in the battle of Halhin Gol.

Zhukov proposed to hold the east bank of the Halhin Gol river with existing Soviet and Mongolian troops (the 57th Special Corps), and to put together a counter-attack, including reinforcements of three infantry divisions, more artillery, a tank brigade, and significant aviation support. In the attack of Aug 20th, Zhukov was able to completely encircle two Japanese infantry divisions, support troops, and a tank brigade. The Japanese attempted a breakout on the 27th, but failed. The battle was over by Aug 31st with the near-complete destruction of the Manchukuo 23rd. By mid-September the Japanese had lost a total of 61,000 men, and were in full retreat. The Japanese then concluded a non-aggression pact with the USSR and reaffirmed the pre-existing borders. (Soviet casualties were around 18,000 men, of whom about 7,000 were killed).

Zhukov was promoted to General of the Army, given the gold star of a Hero of the Soviet Union, and assigned to command the Kiev Military District. He was later to become the most famous and important soviet general of World War II, saving Moscow and Leningrad in the winter of 1941-42, planning the grand strategy of the counter-attack at Stalingrad in late 1942 and the strategy at Kursk in 1943, and finally taking Berlin in 1945.

Other Keywords:
K. E. Voroshilov
G. I. Kulik
G. M. Shtern
Khalkhin Gol
Nomonhan Incident
Battle of Halha River
River Khalkha, Khalkin Ghol, Halkin Gol
Lake Khasan, Changkufeng Hill, 1938

The most comprehensive book on the subject in English is "The Nomonhan Incident" by Dr. Alvin Coox of San Diego State University, and can be found at

Note the recent thesis at East Tennessee State Univ.: Bradley S. Thomas. "Japan and Russia at Nomonhan, 1939: A Battle Which Altered Japanese Aims in Siberia and China", 1994 (Antkiewicz, Fritz, Baxter), (Masters in History).

Also, consider the May-Jun '93 edition of Armor Magazine, which contains an article "Nomonhan: Prelude to World War II."

So according to you, these battles never happened....
Cherish your youth. Mark Foley, 2002

I don't know what you're talking about by international law. G.W. Bush, 12/03
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Old February 26, 2002, 21:02   #81
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As you mensioned the Russians defeated the Japanese twice and McAurther failed to hold back the Japs at the begining of the war. But than again McAurther had very little support from the sea after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Furthermore, that was in WWII and the right to be a civ or not is not based solely on there miltiary power.
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Old March 2, 2002, 16:51   #82
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The Zulus are another civ that proves my point. Before 1817, the Zulus were a tribe of about 700. When Shaka took over, they prospered for ten years. In 1828, Shaka was murdered. The empire was gone within only a few decades.

The Zulus were an important nation for maybe half the time the Americans have been. And thats being generous.

I do understand what the original poster meant. He/She was just kinda irked by the Americans beginning with Archers and stuff. I suppose they are right, but its not any worse than the Babylonian SDI defense.

You other people are just trying to provoke the ranty guy.
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Old March 3, 2002, 00:34   #83
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Originally posted by FireDragon

You other people are just trying to provoke the ranty guy.

Nope. Don't like being called a 'bullshit artist' is all. Or a quack, for that matter. Especially by someone whose grasp of history and facts is as shaky and partisan, as siegermans' .
Cherish your youth. Mark Foley, 2002

I don't know what you're talking about by international law. G.W. Bush, 12/03
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Old March 4, 2002, 16:16   #84
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If the americans can be there, why not put the Canadians, the Brazilians, the mexicains and so doesn't make any sence! Get them out of there!! They always have to go where they dont belong or are not wanted! Get them out of there!!!

No offence.

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Old March 4, 2002, 16:25   #85
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if you dont want to play against the americans dont select random, if you dont want to play as the americans dont pick them(duh). If you want to play a 16 player game with no Americans edit them out or get one of the pre existing Civ expansion pack things here. If you want to pretend that America does not exist and has done nothing important at all, cant help you there, maybe drugs.
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Old March 4, 2002, 19:11   #86
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Originally posted by Spectator
If the americans can be there, why not put the Canadians, the Brazilians, the mexicains and so doesn't make any sence! Get them out of there!! They always have to go where they dont belong or are not wanted! Get them out of there!!!

No offence.

Are you as stupid as you sound. None of thoes contries have any influance on world politics. America is the ONLY remaning superpower and that no one can argue with.
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Old March 4, 2002, 21:49   #87
Alpha Centauri Democracy GameACDG3 Morgan
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No, big fish he is trolling like SieGermans was... and some others
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