I actually meant a random map generator not an editor, and Im pretty sure I could make one if the bic file is disected with regards to everything that a map file has to have. But I honestly don't even if they sent me a letter with the file format themselves and explicit written permission in the form at the same time

Finals are coming up and life generally stinks as a result :P
Actually I know I can make a random map generator, thats a large part of my software engineering class project that is giving me so many fits this week as I try to right up the design paper on it :P
Assuming I had time and they released a statement that made it clear it wouldnt be a problem to do it though.....
What I had in mind though basically was a small program (probally taking input with scanf's just to be simple) that would basically go something like this:
Enter world size (100-255 or whatever):
Enter % water for world:
Enter % of land to be jungle:
Enter % of land to be desert:
Enter % of land to be etc:
Enter number of continents:
Enter number of islands:
Maximum start locations per continent:
Maximum start locations per island:
Number of oil resources?
Number of oil resource clumps? (ie entering 3 means 3 places in the world, but there could be several close to each other)
Number of horse.. etc (for all resources: strategic, luxury)
Then maybe a few toggles for game types ala age of empires (team islands, solo islands, land base map with one large sea, one large continent in the middle with starting location islands around it, etc)
Then it'd just generate a map with those parameters and save it in bic file, if you wanted to look at it, you could load it in the editor

If I did it, id also public the source with it, so if someone wanted to build a gui with sliders and check boxes and have it display a map so you can verify the results they could. That or if I end up doing it, I could make it a learning visual basic project next spring (im taking it as an elective) and actually build a gui too.
Thing is though, Im not willing to get sued over it, and I imagine they plan to revise the map generator in the game come xpack time if they add multiplayer (it'd be logical for them to do). Even if they couldnt sue me, I wouldnt want to do it if firaxis didnt want someone to do it. Who knows I may want to work for them one day ;P (not that it'd ever happen with me living in TN :P But I may submit an application after I graduate next year just for kicks :P)