Originally posted by Light Lord
Does anyone have any new good strats on getting early leaders...they are so hard for me to get before my units become obsolete and i need to upgrade them..
This is what I do ...
Start a war with an enemy that has a city with a big mountain near the city centre. Fortify a good defender there and let your opponent attack it ... I've fortified a spearman once on such a mountain, the AI attacked it repeatedly with everything from swordsmen to warriors (i personally love watching the AI attack without hope ... and ifyou're beside their city, they will ! at least in my history of playing). Also, use your units to root out barbarians - they're easy to kill and you can upgrade fast if there are lots around (so set barbarian incursion levels higher than you are). It'll take time, but i get an average of 2 great leaders per age on a good game, but i get at least one per age ...
Don't forget 2 things ...
1) I have not yet heard of anybody's elite units becoming great leaders from winning against barbarians - so i don't think its possible (has it happened to anyone??

2) The chance of an elite becoming a great leader is 1 in 16, so you're going to be in for a wait no matter what
Cheers and better luck getting those leaders