November 30, 2001, 13:06
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A Brief History of Russia
Chapter I - The beginnings
Modern historians believe that around 4000BC nomadic tribes finally settled the site of what is now the capital of country - Moscow. It is generally accepted that this site attracted the early settlers by its rich grasslands and coastal location.
For hundreds of years, the early Russians were just peaceful farmers, which interacted with nearby minor tribes to exchange technologies. As new technologies have been discovered, the rulers of Moscow realised that they need a more productive settlement, so the site of modern St Petersburg on the coast west of Moscow was settled in early 3rd millenium BC (archeological evidence suggests the date of foundation of St Petersburg is around 2800BC). Now the Russian chieftains were satisied and just kept steady technological development and exploration of nearby lands.
The first major building work in Russia was Temple of Moscow which was completed in 1575BC, this made Moscow into a leading cultural centre and indeed even today this temple is a major cultural and tourist centre in the world.
The expansion of Russia continued in the second half of the 2nd millenium BC with the foundation of Kiev, northwest of St Petersburg, on the other side of the Valdai upland, in 1450BC.
By comparing the development of Russia at that time with other civilisations we can see that Russia was one of the most advanced civilisations at the time, despite being the smallest one. It seems that the rulers of Russia made an emphasis on developing new technologies and building up existing cities rather than expand the borders of the empire. We can see this clearly if we look at the events of early 1st millenium BC - in 800BC, the capital of a small, 3-city civilisation completes the world's first wonder - The Colossus of Moscow. This was an amazing achievement by the ancient Russians - today it is justifiably ranked as the world's number 1 cultural site. In a recent report by Russia's Minister of CUlture, the Colossus received 1944 points, compared to 1436 points for the Temple of Moscow.
But only in 430BC were the borders of the empire expanded again with the foundation of the remote city of Minsk.
It is believed that since second millenium BC basic contacts were established with the neighbouring people of France, (which was an independent kingdomsouth of Russia until the first half of the 19th c, as you might recall). At that time Russian rulers were not interested in warfare (unlike our modern leaders - whoops, I'll probably get shot for this!), so they had peaceful relations with France. In the 1st millenium BC our civilisation first encountered the Persians, who were our western neighbours, and actually in 170BC our borders almost met when the Persians built Antioch near Minsk. Our rulers made the wise decision too live peacefully next to the Persian, since the Persians had the fearful Immortals - very strong military units of which our Generals were afraid!
In 510AD our thriving, but small country impressed the world again - after hundreds of years of hard work the Pyramids were constructed in Moscow!
Throughout the next two hundred or so years were spent on strengthening the Russian culture, so that by 700AD all of our four cities were strongly bonded together by a powerful cultural identity. However in the West the behaviour of the Persians was more and more disturbing - they advanced completely upto our western borders, cutting off our possible expansion path to the West. SO the rulers of Russia decided to build a fortress-town in the Southern Valdai hills to counter the Persian expansion- that town was named Smolensk. Also the Russian government decided to tighten the grip on the source of Iron Ore in the Ural Mountains, just east of Moscow, and built Odessa on the eastern sides of the mountain range.
November 30, 2001, 13:08
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Chapter II -The Golden Age
By the 10th C BC, Russia was bordered by the Persians in the West, the ZUlus in the south-west, and France in the south. All of these were much larger civilisations - looking at chronicles we can say that in 1000 AD, Persia had 13 cities, Zululand had 13 cities and France had 13 cities (what a coincidence!), while Russia had only 6 cities...
Russian King at that time was a very clever character - he understood that Russia is too small to fight its neighbours, but if it does not reduce the power of its neighbours they are going to destroy Russia someday, so it is a vicious cirle. It is even worse by the fact that Russia is beginning to get left behind in technological race compared to some countries in the world, such as Eqypt. So he decided to construct impressive projects, so that people of neighbouring countries are impressed with our culture and defect to us.
So his strategy went to work and in 980AD the Hanging Gardens were completed in Moscow and in 990AD the Great Library was completed in Kiev. And this is the moment when the Golden Age of Russia took place. Chronicles report that the citizens are very happy and work extremely productively, something which never happened before. Also to counter the Persian threat a new city Sevastopol was built in a neutral gap between two of Persia's border cities.
The Golden Age finished in about 1200 AD, but during the 200 years of harmony and great productivity, Russia leapt ahead in science and technology. The Golden Age also marks the maximum Russian culture in relation to the rest of the world until recent times.
But, alas, cultural achievements could not so quickly translate into geopolitical gainsm as in 1220 AD, we had 7 cities, but our neighbours Persia had 16 cities, Zulus had 18 cities, and France had 14 cities. But in 1285AD the wise King's strategy began to work when the Persian city of Antioch changed allegiance and joined our empire! This was a major bloodless victory! In the same year Sun Tzu's Art of War was developed in St Petersburg, so from now on our country's troops will always be of excellent training and morale. In 1335, another Persian city, Tarsus changed allegiance, leaving Persian cities Sardis and Jinjan completely surrounded by my territory,
In early 14th century Russia slightly expanded south to counter French expansion, with the foundation of Tblisi in 1315.
Our culture steadily continued to become more developed, as the famous Sistine Chapel was built in Minsk in 1380AD.
Now with the acquisition of the Persian cities, our civilisation became quite a lot more powerful compared to neighbours - in 1400 AD we had 11 cities, Persia had 17 cities, France had 16 cities, Zululand had 22 cities. Taking into account that most of our cities were large and well developed while our neighbours mostly had small, undeveloped cities, our nation was doing quite well by 1400AD.
By 1450 the people of Sardis finally realised that living in Persia denied them lots of good things which people just across the border had so in that year the whole city which had a population of more than 200,000 defected to Russia! This was a major cultural victory. Now the north-western bit of Pangaea was fully consolidated under Russian rule.
November 30, 2001, 13:09
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Chapter III - By Sword and Fire
By 1500AD, Russia was completely surrounded by other countries, in the West the Persians were still very powerful, in the south the French advanced right upto my borders, and in the east Russians encountered the Chinese for the first time as those built a couple of new cities to the east of Odessa. But by that time Russia had a small army of well-trained Knights and by the order of the Czar Knights were sent into France, completely overwhelming the badly-trained, badly-led and badly-equiped French Army, so Bayonne and Bordeaux were captured very quickly. At the same time another Persian city defected to Russia, and the Copernicus Observatory was built in Moscow - highlighting that the military successes in France were achieved without great strain.
After such a crushing defeat, a peace treaty was signed with France in exchange for a large tribute. Unfortunately,in 1525, just a few years after signing the peace treaty, France built a city practically within our territory. After they repeatedly refused to hand over that new city to Russia, the hot-tempered Czar ordered to raze New Lyons - which was done in 1545.
About the same time Sverdlovsk was founded in the west to claim neutral land between Russia and Persia and slightly later Yakutsk was founded in the east, north-east of Odessa to thwart Chinese expansion.
In 1565 Persia unjustifiably declared war on Russia and captured Sverdlovsk! Quickly the veterans of the French Campaign were sent in to relieve the city from occupation by the barbaric Persians, and in 1575, the city was finally free. At that point the Persians agreed to end hostilities, seeing that their incursion into Russia was a complete failure. However, just before the peace treaty was signed the Persians brought Zulus into war with me, so historians believe that this was the reason why the Russian army stopped at the border with Persia and did not capture any Persian cities. So in 1585 the war between Russia and Zululand erupts.
Russian army besieges the Zulu border town Ibabanago ikn 1590, and after a violent siege the city finally falls to the Czar's elite Knight regiment in the summer of 1605. The war continued and 1620 saw two brilliant successes by the Russian Army - in February 1620 Mpondo was captured and in September of the same year Zunguin was captured! The stubborn Zulus refused to sign any peace treaties although they were clearly losing the war, so punishment was the capture of Bapedi in 1635. At about that time the Zulus and Persians renewed their military alliance, so Russia was at war with Persia again. However Persian Immortals were now no match for Russian Knights backed by cannons, so Persian defense quickly crumbled and in 1645 Bactra and Ghulaman were captured by the victorious Russian troops and in 1650 Dakyanus was razed.
In 1645 a peace treaty was signed with Zulus because Persia signed a military alliance with the French. However that did not help them much as in 1655 one of their key cities Pasargadae fell. The French fared no better again Russia's fearsome Knights when New Lyons was razed in the same year and Rennes captured in 1660.
Now however Russian diplomats bribed the Zulu King to declare war on Persia so now Persia was under attack from two sides. The war was going very well for Russia on both Persian and French fronts. In Persia, Borazjan was destroyed in 1680, Susa captured in 1685, Tyre captured in 1695, Herat destoryed in 1705 and in same year the Persian capital fell to the unstoppable Russian Knights! In France the key city of Avignon fell in 1700 after a long siege. In 1680's France sign an alliance with China, which brought Russia to war with China. For China the war did not start very well as they lost New Xinjian in 1695 and New Chengdu in 1710. At about that time the war with Persia and France ended, but war with China continued but went very slowly and in 1730 a border town New Shantung was destroyed and New Macao captured in 1735.
So as we can see in the period from 1500 to 1740, Russia was almost constantly at war - and this was the age of Russian Feudalism - as the main iron fist of Russia was the force of Knights. From about 1740-50, Cossacks started joining the ranks of Russian army, inspired by the successes, and their entry radically changed combat since Cossacks were brilliant horsemen (and still are), they soon displaced the knights as the main component of Russian Army and even today they are an extremely important element in the Russian Army.
This period has seen Russia rise to rank of a great power from virtually the weakest country in military sense.
In 1740, Russia had 30 cities, Persia had 9 cities, France had 17 cities, Zululand had 17 cities, China had 28 cities. Compare this to 1500, when Russia had 11 cities, Persia had 19 cities, France had 19 cities, Zululand had 22 cities, China had 28 cities. So in some 240 years Russia became more powerful than any of its neighbours.
However this was only the initial period of expansion, the greatest is still to come.
November 30, 2001, 13:10
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Chapter IV - The Great Revolution
As the Russian Empire expanded, it has become obvious to some philosophers that the existing government is extremely inefficient and if the Russian Empire expands even further there will be a risk of internal collapse due to high corruption which paralysed some cities and inefficient machinery of a monarchist government. So from about 1760 they started the development of the theory of a new efficient government system which would allow corruption to be targeted more easily and make war less strainful on the population. They called this new idea Communism.
In 1770 the Russian COmmunist Party was formed, led by Comrade Lenin. Their slogans attracted massive support among the population. The growing hatred for the Czar erupted in the Great Communist Revolution in 1772. The communist leaders expected the revolution to be quick and easy, but that was not the case. For the next ten years the country had descended into a period of anarchy, with different anti-revolutionary groups (monarchists, anarchists, capitalists, republicans) being supported by Russia's capitalist neighbours - China and France. Cities fell into civil disorder with frequent instances of uncontrollable rioting, all production stopped, scientists fled the country. Citizens inspired by anarchy refused to serve in the military, so our young communist state had to depend on a handful of veteran Kinghts and Cossacks from previous campaign to fight off intervention by France and China.
This was a difficult time in the history of our nation. Only through the enlightened leadership of Comrade Lenin did Russia manage to survive this chaos and emerge from the civil war as even more powerful than before.
Finally, in 1782 the counter-revolution was defeated and a communist government took control of Russia. At that point many people realised that indeed, communism is the future for Russia, as productivity leapt, corruption was greatly reduced and people became happier.
The new communist government set the longterm goal to be the World Revolution. SO from then the main policy of the government became spreading the revolution and communism to other countries through wars of liberation. This countinues to be the main policy of our government even today.
November 30, 2001, 13:11
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Chapter V- Wars of Liberation
By mid-1780's, Russia had a formidable force of cossacks, and a small elite of knights, and the communist party decided to begin the first liberation campaign. The happy country to be the first one to be liberated from capitalist slavery was Zululand.
At that time this was the easiest option because while Russia was building communism, the Great Imperialistic war ravaged our continent. This was caused by imperialistic ambitions of Zululand, but a coalition of Egypt, Rome, England, France decided to put an end to Zulu expansion and so the war began in the 60's. So without any international complications, Russia declared war on Zululand, and even got some monetary support for this fro Egypt (Remember that the Party may sometimes ally itself will capitalist powers in order to liberate some other capitalist country). Russia joined the Zulu war in 1780's and in 1788 in a synchronised attacked Russian Cossacks entered Swazi, Zimbabwe, New Bapedi and destroyed New Isandhwana! The Egytians spent more than ten years to capture four Zulu cities, but we did practically the same in just 2 years! By that time the international coalition against the Zulus expanded to virtually every country on the globe!
But the Persians, unfortunately for them, allied themselves with the ZUlus, so, guess what ! In 1790, the invincible Cossacks delivered a mortal blow to Persia. It was a rout. The Russian cossacks, supported by cannon fire mowed down Persia's bronze age forces - only a small band of elite Immortals provided some resistance but Spearmen and Swordsmen could do nothing against the cossack charges! In 1790, the glorious Russian Army, inspired by the Communist leadership, liberated the Persian cities of Dariush Kabir, Samaria, Sidon and Hamadan. A party commissar described the capture of Sidon: "At that time the Persian government was hiding in Sidon and they thought they would be safe protected by a bunch of Immortals and spearmen, but panic spread through their forces and city population with the first shots of Russian cannons - there was no defence against them. The enemy was completely disorganised after the cannon fire and pleaded for mercy, but we do not negotiate with counter-revolutionaries - repeated cossack charges at the devasted Persian lines finally suppressed the resistance."
The allied war against Zulus also continued, in the same year Russian forces captured the fortress of Zunguin, while Egypt captured Intombe.
In the 1790's the Chinese proletariat asked our communist party to help them in their stuggle against the Chinese King. So our diplomats signed a rights of passage agreement with France so that Red Army could enter the main Chinese empire. The war was really lightning fast - in 1794 New Tientsin was liberated, in 1796 New Hangchow was destroyed and Tatung was captured in same year. The capture of Tatung was a great achievement since it opened the way into the interior of China.
However Russian Generals insisted that in is suicide to continue the war with China with supply lines passing through French territory. So in a machiavellian trick, Russian forces stationed in France by the rights of passage treaty, attacked French cities, utilising brand new long-range artillery. France could not really resist and in 1816 half of France well to the brilliant Red Army - Paris, Strasbourg, New Paris, Brest, Cherbourg, Tours, Amiens were liberated and New Rheims and New Lyons were destroyed. In most of the cities the happy citizens greeted their liberators with flowers! But any resistors were shot on the spot by Red Army commissars.
Despite constant warfare, the Party made emphasis on cultural and scientific achievements as well, so in 1820 Newton's University was built in Minsk and JS Bach's Cathedral was built in Moscow.
Temporarily hostilities were ended in France, but in 1830 the Red Army went on a new offensive in China, with the help allies Rome, Greece and Eqypt. In 1830 New Canton was liberated and New Anyang destroyed. At that point the Red Army was fully equiped with powerful long-range artillery and defense was fulfilled by new Infantry units. Still the main punch was provided by a massive Cossack force.
The new Chinese campaign was fought fiercely. China was surrounded by allies - Egypt in the South, Russia in the west, Rome and Greece in the South West and in the east there was the Great Ocean.
The Red Army relentlessly marched through China, encountering fierce resistance and counter-attacks by Chinese Riders. At the same time Persia made the wrong choice of allies again, by signing a mutual defence pact with China. The Russian forces reacted swiftly and put the Persia to an end, by capturing their last stronghold Tureng Tepe.
The advance in China were complicated by a difficult mountainous terrain, so Our forces suffered unjustifiably high casualties - but the Red Army had now choice but to press on, otherwise most of China would end up in Egyptian hands. Egyptian forces were marching through Chinese grasslands, while the Red Army was fighting in mountains. However in 1838 the key Chinese city Nanking was taken. Shanghai fell in 1842 and in 1846 Beijing finally surrendered. In 1850 the Chinese resistance completely crumbled as the lost 6 cities to allied troops.In 1852 the Chinese Empire came to an end, or so it was thought.
However it turned out that China had a remote colony, in tundra, beyond the arctic cirle where the the Chinese government fled. Also some rogue Chinese riders were still hiding in the mountains and they recaptured the city of Anyang which was previously taken by Greece. But that only prolonged the agony of China - in 1858 the Red Army finally put the full stop to China. All Chinese nationals were now made full citizens of Russia.
There was however a former ally of China remaining - Japan. This country was positioned on a small across the Great Ocean from our continent. Intelligence reports have shown that most Japanese cities are only protected by spearmen, which of course are no match for Russian Cossacks. The plan of Red Army's high command was to land an invasion force in Japan, capture a coastal city, secure it and then send out cossacks from the city to capture or raze other Japanese cities.
Russia had no transport navy at the time so a galleon was built which could transport 3 cossack regiments to Japan. This force was supported by an ironclad and frigate. The overconfident Russian generals though that such a force would be enough to that country!
However the Russo-Japanese war started off with a spectacular naval landing and capture of Satsuma in 1866. The cossacks fortified themselves in the city, and the Galleon went back to Russia to transport more troops to Japan.
This where the heroic story of those Cossacks begins. They were subjected to internal resistance in the city, and to continued counterattacks by the Japanese. When the city was close to falling to the Japanese, the Galleon with more cossacks arrived, these reinforcements were welcome but in 1882 a tragic event occured - the illiterate and uneducated people of Satsuma decided they had enough of communist rule so they massacred the Cossacks stationed in Satsuma and reverted to Japanese rule! This was the worst military disaster in Russian history so far. The Party leaders were furious! The generals responsible for the Japanese campaign were shot and quickly a new invasion force was formed and sent to Japan, how this force was even less successful than the previous one. The cossacks landed outside Izumo, but were not able to capture it and were finally slaughtered by the Samurai before reinforcements could arrive!At that point the Party decided to give up the idea of naval invasions and focus on continental warfare.
In 100 years of Communist rule Russia became a true superpower with almost 80 cities! Egypt had only 42 at the time, Greece had 34 cities, Rome had 33 cities, England had 30 cities, Japan had 19 cities. Added to that is ultimate military and technological superiority, and we can see that now Russia became a superpower such that the world had never seen before. Slave workers of 9 nationalities toiled on Russian soil, Russian cities are the largest and greatest in the world. Russia also controls Pangaea's luxury and resource trade.
In a speech on the Revoluton's 100th Anniversary military parade, the Party Leader declared that in 100 years' time Russia will control all of Pangaea and in 150 years the whole world will finally be living under communism!
to be continued...
December 3, 2001, 17:21
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Chapter VI - The Subcontinental Wars
After the Japanese disaster it has been decided that resources should be spent on continental wars of liberation, rather than wasting time on costly and pointless trans-oceanic conflicts. The obvious target for liberation was France this time. It was seriously weakened by previous conflicts, and was now longer a serious enemy, but rather a nuisance.
As soon as the peace treaty has been signed, the French campaign was given a green light. The war began in 1886, and by 1894, what remained of France surrendered to the victorious Red Army.
As you know, our continent Pangaea is connected by a relatively narrow, but mountainous land bridge to a large sub-continent. Since ancient times it has been occupied by three civilizations - the English, Germans and Babylon. Russia gained a few cities on the land bridge during the Persian campaign, but now it was the time to tighten grip on the subcontinent, especially our allies the English were at war with the Babylonians, so it was logical to annex Babylonia to Russia to control the entrance to the sub-continent.
So in 1902, the Russian government declared war on Babylon. The war went well but not as fast as the Party insisted. However in 1912, Babylon and Nineveh finally fell to Red Cossacks. After that there was a small pause in hostilities, but Babylonia's final stronghold, Samaria, fell in 1920 after a long and bloody siege.
This campaign was remarkable for one reason - for the first the Red Workers' and Peasants' Air Force was used in combat. Russian bombers proved to be decisive in the siege of Samaria and from then on the Party ordered to build more aviation factories and build a large air fleet.
Until 1942 Russia was living in peace, but Russian borders were reinforced with tanks, artillery, aviation, more Cossacks, in case of sudden attacks by our neighbours, but the focus was on fortifying newly-liberated Babylonian cities and preparing for a war with Babylon's southern neighbour Germany.
Finally, in 1942, Russia declared war on Germany - and Russian armoured divisions, supported by powerful artillery and bomber aviation rolled through the plains of Germany, with Cossacks providing reconnaissance and flanking support.
In this Blitzkrieg, most of northern Germany, including Berlin, fell by 1948. Rapid advance through southern Germany - Konigsberg, Nuremburg, Heidelburg and other cities, ended in 1952, when access to the rest of German territory was cut off by English advance.
So then the Party decided that it would be wise to sign profitable peace treaty with Germany - Russia received two of the remaining German cities, leaving Germany just with one city - New Hamburg.
To stop England claiming the destruction of German civilisation, Russia allied itself with Germany against England and the Red Army turned against the former ally in 1955 in an overwhelming Blitzkrieg. Just in the first year of war, England lost 17 cities! A large part of the English was destroyed in the forests around Stuttgart on the southern tip of the subcontinent. In the next year the campaign was kept up, with Red Army relentlessly closing in on London. In 1957, England was split into three separate disjoint pockets,most of which were eliminated by the middle of next year. One pocket completely surrendered on the condition that the forces in it would be allowed a free passage to Elizabeth's hiding palce.
The KGB intelligence agency revealed that Elizabeth is hiding in a hilly coastal stonghold of Coventry, which was protected by all of the surviving English army. So the Command of the Red Army concentrated a huge force on the Coventry front. Dozens of artillery batallions, bomber wings, tank and cossack brigades were concentrated against Coventry, which resisted until September 1959. After the fall of Coventry, all of England was accepted as the 7th republic to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Now that England was finished off, there was no need for the puny Germany as ally, so their last city New Hamburg was taken without any resistance in the same year and Germany was admitted to USSR as the 8th Republic.
Now all of the Subcontinent except two Greek fishing villages in the south, and two Roman mining outposts in the North, was under Russian control. This series of wars became known as the Subcontinental Wars.
December 3, 2001, 17:23
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Chapter VII - The Egyptian Campaign
In 1959 when the war against England had ended, the Party became alarmed at the prospect of the huge Egyptian force which was sent to the Sub-Continent to fight England moving through newly-liberated territory back to Egypt. The KGB intelligence agency has shown that Egypt has 95% of its offensive units in the subcontinent, and that the destruction of the will incapacitate Eypt to fight a war effectively. This was also a great opportunity to finally crush Egypt and liberate its suffering working class. So in December 1959, Red Army units surrounded the Egyptian army groups in the subcontinent and also entered within striking distance of some of Egypt's colonies.
Naturally, Egypt declared war on Russia, which caused our allies the Romans and Americans to declare war on Egypt. This was the beginning of the Russo-Egyptian war.
Winter of 1960 has seen some extremely fierce fighting in the sub-continent. The southern cavalry army group of the Egyptian army broke out of encirclement between Dortmund and New Leipzig, despite rigid defense by Red Army's tank and armoured infantry units. It turned out that the Russian general who commanded the encirclement of the Egyptian forces was really an Egyptian spy, and was summoned to Moscow and promptly executed. This breakout of Egyptian cavalry nearly turned into a disaster for the Red Army in the region, as Egyptians broke through Red Army's defence line around Brandenburg and captured the town. Other cavalry units scattered around the countryside. The northern army group, consisted mostly of antiquated Knights and War Chariots, so they could do anything against our defences around New Intombe so they only pillaged the countryside and captured civilians. Under fire from the 634th Tank Regiment they tried to reach Zohak, which was weakly protected, but unwilling to engage with the Red Army they moved through the forests and so could not reach Zohak quickly.
After the initial shock, the Red Army went into a counter-offensive on the subcontinent. This was a bloodbath! In the south at least, the Egyptian Cavalry provided some resistance, but in the north the sight of war-chariots being blown to bits by bombers, artillery and tanks was not for the faint-hearted! By the summer of 1960, all of Egyptian forces in the subcontinent were destroyed. Those units which fortified themselves in mountains were subjected to aerial and artillery bombardments and finally surrendered. This was a huge defeat for Egypt, as they lost more than 20 cavalry units and even more Knights and War Chariots. Now the liberation campaign can begin without the risk of an Egyptian counterattack!
In this battle, a number of great leaders emerged - so with their help The Manhatten Project was completed in Smolensk, the SETI programme was completed in Minsk and two tank armies were created under their leadership.
By the end of autumn 1960, all of Egypt's scattered colonies were captured (mostly cities captured in the Zulu and Chinese wars), and now the Red Army was ready to tread onto Egypt's heartland. This was not an easy task, since Egypt proper was surrounded by mountains from the West and North and by Ocean from South and East. So the Party asked for a rights of passage agreement with Rome and Greece. So Russian forces poured into Egypt through the Thermopylae pass and captured the stronghold of Heliopolis and also took control of the vital This pass, getting ready to capture This. In the North, Red Army units crossed the mountains south of New Coventry and New Tsingtao, ready to strike at New Nanking and Mendes. The Red Army was arranged into 3 fronts - the North-Western front, which was massed in the This pass, the South-Western front, with headquarters in the newly captured Heliopolis and the Northern front, which was aimed at New Nanking, Mendes and the coastal city of Buhen. The main forces were collected under the command of the South-Western front, as this targeted the main Egyptian cities of Thebes, Memphis, El-Amarna.
As expected the Egyptian counter-offensive in early 1961 was weak and indecisive and overall a failure.
Red Army's 1961 campaign began with a massive aerial and artillery bombardment of Giza, Memphis and Elephantine by the south-western front, and eventual capture of these cities. The Northern Front successfully captured New Nanking and Mendes, while This fell to the north-western front. In the same campaign, the North-Western front successfully advanced to Bubastis and at Tanis joined with the Northern front. In a brilliant maneuver, forces of the North-Western front advanced to the East from Tanis, reached the Ocean and captured Buhen. Meanwhile, the Northern front advanced south, and its forces entered Buto, a small city in the Great Egyptian Desert.
In early 1962, Egyptian cavalry carried out a daring raid in the countryside southof Memphis, killed the Artillery guards and captured 3 artillery batteries, which were then transferred to Thebes to defend the city. However such an incident could not stop the Red Army's Advance.
In spring 62, after a massive bombardment, a newly formed Tank Army entered Thebes, the capital of Egypt. However, Cleoptra and her government fled to El-Amarna, not knowing that a joint Operation Sphinx is planned by the South-Western and North-Western fronts to captured El-Amarna and the Lisht valley. After a siege, El-Amarna finally fell and the two fronts joined in the Lisht Valley.However, Cleopatra fled again, this time to the port of Hieraconpolis.
Meanwhile, after capture of Pi-Ramesses, the Northern and South-Western fronts joined at Asyut. In the east, the Northern Front captured Pithom after naval bombardment by the Red Navy. The forces of the two fronts advanced from Asyut east to Edfu and then to Kahun, leaving Cleoptra with only 4 loyal cities.
At that point diplomats were sent to Hieraconpolis, demanding that Cleopatra gives up three of her remaining cities and all of her hard currency reserves in exchange for peace. She accepted the deal.
It turned out however, that our allies, the Romans are unhappy about Russia signing a peace treaty with Egypt, so the Party General-Secretary tore up the Treaty of Egypt and ordered to take Hieranconpolis. This was achieved in late autumn of 1962 when the General Staff transferred a considerable quantity of artillery to the Hieraconpolis front. The 75th Cossack brigade was the first to enter the city, totally decimated by continuous artillery bombardment. The forward company of that brigade charged towards the Palace (actually a cave in a hill) in hope of finding Cleopatra alive, but they came to late - she already killed herself.
Thus after a fierce three-year war, the third most powerful country on Earth and certainly the second most advanced was admitted as the 9th republic to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Now the railway system is overloaded with continuous trains of Egyptian prisoners of war being shipped to Russia's industrial regions to clear up the pollution, work in mines, build new railways to increase the power of the Union and bring closer the day when the LAST -16th republic will be admitted to the Union.
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