Krait, you can get a more varied terrain in the larger worlds by increasing the age of the planet. A world with 10000 squares and an age of 20 billion years have much more mountains, hills and lakes, and a lot less of plains and grassland. If you have the PC version, open the file Game.txt and under CUSTOMAGE you can add more selections after those 3, 4, 5 billion years. Add all the selections 6, 7, 8 ... and up to whatever you want.
However, a small world 20 billion years old will mostly have mountains and lakes and "Not enough arable land" as the Map Editor complains. I suggest that if somebody change the game in this way, you don't use the "Start a New Game" option, but instead the "Customize World" or "Start on a Premade World". You can change (in the same file) the "Start a New Game" to "(Unusable)" to remind of this.