December 1, 2001, 17:13
Local Time: 17:49
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 22
A Gift (long)
Prince Thunder Cloud quickly entered his war room and sat down at his desk. The “War room” was actually a converted tent set up just south of the Egypt / Iroquois border. His desk was a makeshift table made out of discarded items left over from the hasty fight of the Egyptians just weeks earlier. Three miles to the east a great battle was raging between these two young nations.
The young prince sat staring at the map that lay in front of him. One moon ago, he had tasted his first victory over the Queen of the Nile’s unprepared army. It’s true it was an unprovoked attack on his part, and the Egyptians were completely caught off guard. These facts however did not lessen this “victory” in the least, that is, in Thunder Clouds mind anyway.
In the days following the initial attack, it became clear that he had greatly underestimated the strength and the resolve of his nemesis, Queen Cleopatra.
How could things have gone so horribly wrong?
He remembered watching as his young Braves raced down from the rolling green hills riding their war ponies. He watched as they cut down the warriors of Egypt as easily as a scythe harvesting wheat. Many of his mounted braves were promoted that day, his day of triumph. The young prince was elated at his victory, and sent word to the court of his father, King Hiawatha that he had defeated the Egyptians in the plains of the Three Stones. He was sure his father would now support him in this war. It was a war that the mighty King would never have condoned. He had known it would be risky in starting a conflict without the approval of the War Council and the King. It was however, a calculated risk he was prepared to take. Thunder Cloud would finally have the power he needed in throwing the balance of power his way. The Iroquois people would rally behind him as he destroyed the Egyptians. The old King would “die in his sleep” soon. The country would mourn King Hiawatha’s death. The nation would demand a strong leader. The Prince would be King. All the pieces of his plot were in place, it would happen, all of it.
Or so he had thought.
Prince Thunder Cloud’s eyes suddenly darkened as he remembered what had occurred just days after his messenger had rode off to the King’s court. He remembered awaking that early morning in late summer. He had stepped out of his tent and into the dew filled meadow. There was a misty light fog that hung in the air. Clouds of insects danced around thick, moving as in one accord. The call of a Blue Jay came drifting across the crisp morning air. It was then that he had heard the warning call of his guards, and the distant sounds of clanking metal almost simultaneously. Thunder Cloud quickly ascended the hill that lay directly behind his tent. The sight that greeted him had convinced the Prince that he was still asleep in his tent. In the distance, column after column of Egyptian swordsmen were advancing toward his position. He quickly counted no less than 5 full divisions. How could this be? Only days before his scouts had reported that Egypt had no iron resource available.
Thunder Cloud had ordered reinforcements from the eastern provinces, but they were several days from arriving. For the first time in as long as he could care to remember, He was worried. In horror he stood transfixed as the two mighty armies advanced toward each other for their ultimate dance of death.
The battle had been raging for days now with neither army gaining an advantage. Troops continued to pour in from every section of Egypt to defend their homeland. The Egyptian swordsmen were more than a match for the Iroquois Mounted Brave. The creeks that snaked throughout the area ran red with the mingled blood of the fallen.
It was now late evening going onto the fourth day of fighting. Prince Thunder Cloud rubbed his face and closed his eyes as he sat pondering his next move. It was then that the flaps of his tent were thrown open as a guard raced into where he was sitting. The guard quickly informed Thunder Cloud that an envoy from the King had arrived. Seconds later, Chief Iron Claw stepped into the dimly lit tent. Iron Claw’s face was still streaked with the filth of the dust that had been kicked up during his long journey from the heart of the Iroquois nation. It was his countenance that caused the guard to make a hasty retreat out of the war tent. Chief Iron Claw was the King’s closest advisor in addition to being the General of the Iroquois great southern army. Prince Thunder Cloud was not happy to see his old enemy, and he allowed this fact to show on his face.
“You have displeased your Father greatly with this unwarranted aggression against our friends in the north Prince Thunder Cloud.” Intoned the old warrior. “You are to turn over control of the northern army to me at once and return to the King’s court to answer for your actions.”
A smile slowly crept across Thunder Clouds lips.
The old fool actually believes he can come in alone and cause the King’s feeble commands to have any importance to him?
“You are amused?” asked Iron Claw.
“The day you assume command of MY army will not happen in your lifetime old one” snarled the Prince.
“The King wisely assumed that would be your position” Iron Claw’s tried voice answered. After speaking these words; he slowly pulled out an item that had been in his sash. Prince Thunder Cloud’s eyes widened as he recognized what the object was. It was the ceremonial bone knife that his Father had received from the king of Egypt so many years ago. The knife had been a symbol of the eternal peace pledged between the Egyptians and Iroquois.
“So, has the feast of the Blue Moon come early that you come bringing me gifts?” mocked the Prince.
“You are correct young Prince that my mission was to deliver gifts. You are however incorrect in believing that the King’s wishes would not be met and sadly the recipient of the gift I bring is not you.” Having uttered these words, Chief Iron Claw expertly launched the bone knife, the symbol of peace between two nations, deep into Prince Thunder Cloud’s chest.
“The Queen will see you now” Chief Iron Claw was informed. The Chief followed the servant into the Queen’s chambers.
“So nice to see you again old friend.” Cleopatra’s voice floated across the room like faint strands of music caught in the wind.
“I trust you have reviewed our terms for peace?” asked Iron Claw.
“It will be as it was before,” answered the Queen. “Let our people enjoy 1000 years of peace together. Tell your King I agree to all terms.”
“My business here is completed.” The Chief announced. As Iron Claw turned to leave he paused and faced the Queen once again. “The King would be displeased if I forgot your gift” Saying this, he handed Cleopatra a small golden box.
As the echoes of the old General’s footsteps faded down the long hall, the young Queen picked up the golden box.
“Ah, young Prince Thunder Cloud’s heart” she mused out loud. Slowly she brought the box close to her mouth and whispered, “We really must see about adding Daddy’s to our collection soon. I don’t want you becoming too lonely. ”
Sounds of light laughter drifted out of the queen’s chambers. It reminded her guards standing watch of music, drifting on the wind on a late summers night.
December 1, 2001, 20:58
Local Time: 17:49
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 22
White Bear
It has been only recently that I became interested in genealogy and the researching of my family’s “roots”. I suppose I am more seriously minded that most 16 year old Iroquois boys who would rather play a rough game of Lacrosse than dare pick up a parchment to read. I chose to research the White Bear line of our family first. It is already very well documented except for a few minor family lines that I planned to explore.
I went to the family archives that were currently overseen by my Uncle Screaming Eagle. I spent most of the day rummaging through dusty papers and nondescript manuscripts. It was toward the end of the day that I came across a very ancient log written by the patriarch of the White Bear clan almost 300 years ago. I eagerly began to examine my find. To my dismay it was written in the old tongue, which had not been used by our society for decades. I presented the book to my Uncle in hopes he would be able to decipher the strange characters scrawled on its pages. My Uncle shook his head and informed me that the only person he knew that could read the old tongue was Great Maw Maw. He gave permission for me to borrow the logbook and I began my long journey to the far northern territory of the great Iroquois nation.
Great Maw Maw is my great, great, great grandmother whom I had not seen in over 10 years. Even at 105 years old, she has a sharper wit about her than most of the people I knew. I had kept in touch with Maw Maw through the pony express mail system, but had not made the long journey to see her in many years. It took 14 days by horse, but finally I arrived at the very edge of the Iroquois kingdom, where Maw Maw called home.
Great Maw Maw listened to my story about my new hobby and the logbook I had found. When I tried to give it to her she simply shook her head.
“I have been next to blind for years now,” she explained. “However, I do know much about what is written on the pages of the book you hold.” She motioned for me to sit next to her as she continued to explain.
“This history was put on parchment years ago by White Bear. He was the medicine man responsible for attending the great King Hiawatha.
As a young girl my Great grandmother told me the secrets of the logbook you are holding. I will now tell you the same story that I heard almost 100 years ago, remember all I say.” With that she began to relate the story of White Bear as if it were he himself narrating the story.
I was asleep in my night chambers when the king’s personal guard burst in to awaken me.
“You must come NOW!” he shouted in my face. I was then hurried across the courtyard to the King’s great chambers. I was escorted into the King’s sleeping room where he was standing looking rather pale. At his feet lay the lifeless coil of a snake, the like I had never seen.
“My King!” I exclaimed, “Are you injured?”
“No” he breathed, “I was able to kill it before it’s fangs sunk into me.”
“What kind of create is this?” I asked. “There are no such serpents all of our lands.”
“It is called a Cobra,” said a voice of the figure that had just stepped out of the shadows. The figure was that of Chief Iron Talon, the King’s most trusted advisor. “This particular serpent could only have come from one source with only for one purpose.”
“Yes” said the King. “And our course of action can only be one thing. Assemble all Chiefs great and minor in the War Council room. We will meet at dawn to discuss what now must be done.”
There were well over 100 chiefs present at the great council. Every city from the vast Iroquois nation had numerous representatives present. Each sat stone faced as King Hiawatha began to speak.
“Ten years ago, my oldest son, Prince Thunder Cloud, instigated an act of war against our neighbors to the north, the Egyptians. It was also an act of treason against our people, a transgression that cost him his life. I made peace with our neighbors, and the Queen of the Nile pledged to the Iroquois a peace that would last for a thousand years. Last night an agent of hers planted a deadly serpent in my house with the sole intent to kill me. At this time, her agent is still loose in our city. I bring before the council these facts. Our action is clear. Who will support me in a blood war against Egypt and all those who will support her?”
It was as if the Chiefs in the room were of one body. As one, they all stood. And so it was to be. The great war of the North had commenced.
It was then that Great Maw Maw stopped.
“We will continue this story tomorrow” she said. “Would you care for a buffalo sandwich?”
Ahhh Grandmas, you have to love them!
To be continued.
December 1, 2001, 22:23
Local Time: 17:49
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 22
How it all ends
...lights raise....
Class; please get to your seats as quick as you can. We’re getting a late start today and we have a lot of material to cover, there is a test tomorrow you know.
…General groans throughout room…
Ok, did everyone finish yesterdays reading assignment?
…More groans…
Ok, that’s enough guys. That means I’ll have to start volunteering people, ummm Sally. What can you tell us about the Great Northern War between the Iroquois and Egypt?
Uh, a lot of people died?
Well yes, but besides that?
Anyone? Yes Billy.
Yeah, we kicked their AZZ!
Teacher: (rubbing his temples)
Ok, I guess I have to spoon feed you guys. The Great Northern War started in 520 AD. The Iroquois and Egyptian people fought for 150 years for control of what is now the Northern territory. The war started due to the attempted assassination of then King Hiawatha. It was later learned that the traitor Chief Iron Claw was actually a agent of Queen Cleopatra. The war took a great toll on both nations and ultimately was responsible for both nations loosing the space race to the Russians (spits on floor). It is because of theses people so many years ago that you and me are left on this stinking, dying planet, sitting in this classroom watching the piles of orange pollution accumulate every year.
…Bell rings…
Teacher: (as students run from room)
Remember guys, test tomorrow.
...scene fades to black....
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