I would like to discuss an issue that I have not seen in the civ moding world yet.
In some scenarios, it would be great to have some independent quest characters. That means a civ with only one very special unit powered by some well-hidden city behind an impassable in a very distinct corner of the world. The aim of the quest character would be to take over some city of somebody else and really start its own civ or aqcuire some special tech that would allow him to construct a wonder that would make him a world power. It is possible to give him a special, endemic resource as well.
In my previous post about U. LeGuin Earthsea scenario I described two possible quest characters, but there are many opportunities for them. Think of Sir Percival from the ring of King Arthur, looking for the Graal in magic Medieval Europe. Think about some pirate captain in the 16th century Atlantic. Of Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings world, Middle-Earth. There were some characters in civ2 scenarios (G. Washington and others) and there are leaders in civ3 but I have never seen a civ consisting of one unit only. With 15 normal civs, it would be a real challenge to it to sneak its way to power.
A blunt suggestion -
Create the one unit with powers around the old Civ II: 10-5-3
Therefore it can move quickly and defend well, but since it is meant to conquer a city with defenses of 2-3-1, it will easily conquer the city- however if the defenders get their acts together and 3 attack the unit- they could crush it, thus it would be good for the unit to retreat between moves, etc.
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