Hi GGSers:
I hope you can ramp up some progress too. Best of luck! I check by frequently to see what you're up to. I do rarely post though, because I've so many other things I need to do.
Long ago we talked about the possiblity of merging our two projects because their goals were so similar, anyone remember? There's got to be a Long thread on it back there somewhere... We decided not to for a variety of reasons, but I Still think the similarities in goals are Very strong between our projects.
As I said, I hope you can get your project re-invigorated. But in the meantime, I would like to extend the invitation to one and all to give Clash a visit! There are a lot of creative people here with good ideas, and I would love to hear your thoughts on our demos, and models. S. Kroeze, if you're interested I'd surely like to hear about any big historical Fun opportunities we've missed. I think you'd like our detailed economics model.
So, guys, if you're burnt out on actually working and would just like to armchair-quarteback a bit please drop by and tell us what you think. I strongly believe that in the absence of a completed GGS, Clash will be the closest thing to what you are working towards. You can look at demo 6 to see the detailed Clash economy, or how the simultaneous moves work, and might work in your own system! Of course its not polished yet, but I think you can get a good idea. People said simultaneous moves would be no good because you don't get the immediate feedback you do in Civ on whether an attack worked or not. But I find it Much more exciting to watch the clock tick and see if those critical reinforcements get to the city in time to prevent it being overrun!
So if you're inclined, please stop by and tell us the directions You would like Clash to go in. Then Get Back to WORK!
Best Regards,