Current Game
Here is the current situation in my game on Regent with 8 other civs.
I am playing the Egyptians, and in the late Middle Ages. I have about 16-17 cities and I am in the midle of a large continent with 3 other civs. The Romans are to my North, the Greeks (12-14 cities) areSouth and East, and Germans are the smallest to the Southwest. I have one source of iron and saltpeter. The Greek city of Delphia directly to my south on the coast has 2 sources, that I would love to get my hands on. However, I admit I am not a very good warmonger and the enitre game so far has been peaceful. I have Knights and a pretty good group of Musketman and some older units that can be upgraded. I know the Greeks have hoplites. My other 2 games have turned out badly because I have gotten into wars and had early success but can't get to the bargaining table. What advice might some of the more successful warmongers have on the size of the force and how to make sure that this is just the surgical strike that I want?
Thanks for the help.