What's up with Forbidden Palace, trying to make an actual large nation?
As it stands I have not found out how to make a working nation...on the Large map including historical locations and some fixes for corruption, etc. as the Iriquois, my capital is in the Midwest and although I've owned "San Francisco" and "Hell-A" over on the West Coast for 1000s of years, they will still not create more than 1 shield, no matter how many hundreds I invest in Courthouses, temples, etc. They are linked by railroad. We live in a democracy. This just isn't realistic or fun.
Forbidden Palace -- I didn't build it at that early phase in the game, is that the only time it is available? What's up with that?
Is there any way to run a large country and have more than 8 cities that create shields?
There doesn't seem to be an exact thing to modify in the editor to deal with this problem.