LightEning gets again warmed up and starts posting weird ideas. *
Hero concept(leader):
In a small American city, a group of highly patriotic soldiers has risen. They have elite morale and high-class weapons and work under Abraham Lincoln. This group is led by a man who is known only by his codename MWHC. Nobody knows what the codename means.
Religion concept:
A worldwide group called "Apolyton", Ultimate in English, has started preaching a new religion with an exceptionally resistance against other religions. This religion is called "Sidism"... Nahh, goes too much to advertising, let's try the second one:
SE concept:
A French-American group has researched a new social system, called the Demesos. It has:
-2 efficiency for governing problems
+2 growth for immigration
+1 happiness for the ban of racism.
Nahh... too good for Bill3K
