December 5, 2001, 16:02
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Scientist, there is some automation beyond full sutomation.
Shift + P = Auto clean pollution (This has some quirks)
Shift + F = Auto clear forests
Shift + J = Auto clear jungle
There are several other shortcuts, I suggest you look closley at pages 196-200 of your manual.
"Hindsight is all well and good... until you trip." - Said by me
December 5, 2001, 16:02
Firaxis Games
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Originally posted by Slax
Can you give a ball park figure on the size of the patch file?
I believe it's around 5Mb, but a large chunk of this is the updated helpfile for the editor (there's a lot of bitmaps in that puppy). I don't know what the plans for other distribution venues are but I'll probably put up a "lite" version on that doesn't include the editor helpfile to keep the download time low for people with lower-speed access.
Dan Magaha
Firaxis Games, Inc.
December 5, 2001, 16:03
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Patch ETA and Ramblings
Just a couple of basic questions and some comments, so please pardon me if I didn't see the answers else where in this thread:
When is the patch going to be posted and where ?
I have had no serious problems running CivIII under W2000 other than my luck with starting positions.
Curiously enough, I have played Civ I, II and SMAC since they were published and never have had any of the problems others have complained about. I still patched them as they evolved, but I have a frankestein for a gaming box and thought there would have been trouble.
Some of the changes the Civ III patch they are planning look promising. I still have a problem with the combat model, but I'm learning to work with it. Still can't get used to the idea of a regular unit killing a more advanced, vetran unit in a fortified position on a hill. I could see it if it was an elite unit, but not a bunch of cherries... still don't like the idea of large numbers of casualties that combat goes through before anything is decided, but that's just me. I know what it's like to get shot at and it's not something you want to repeat too often
I would love to see a multiplayer version/expansion. This would be an extremely entertaining game when you can make and break alliances with your friends/enemies at a lan party. Nothing like an old friend shreiking "You sunk my m$^%$%# f&^%g battleship !"
"Not the cry, but the flight of the wild duck,
leads the flock to fly and follow"
- Chinese Proverb
December 5, 2001, 16:03
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Re: More complaints
Originally posted by scientist
2) Make automation of settlers more controllable, as in SMAC. I really wish there was more than the generic "automate" button, and more choice, like "automate build roads" "automate remove pollution" etc.
Shift P automates pollution only clean up (the worker goes dormant though when all pollution is gone, must then be given new orders)
Shift R build roads (?) I never use this one, so check the hot keys list at the back of the manual for this one and more.
December 5, 2001, 16:04
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Communism and Corruption
Corruption under Communism is now flat according to how many cities you have?
I thought it was supposed to be flat according to the _distance_ of cities from your capital/FP?
Could we get some better explanation (or at least a fixed Civilopedia entry) to explain the effects of Communism on corruption?
I'm not giving in to security, under pressure
I'm not missing out on the promise of adventure
I'm not giving up on implausible dreams
Experience to extremes" -RUSH 'The Enemy Within'
December 5, 2001, 16:07
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Another one from firaxis on civfanatics that I think is worth reading:
Originally posted by FM_Freyland
I am extremely thankful for the patch. However, several posts in this thread have more or less said, "now, aren't you sorry you complained?". NO. Many of us shelved this game until its bugs were fixed. It is the complaining of the masses that gets our games working correctly. Do you truly think that developers who are willing to put out poorly tested or faulty products would devote time/money to fix them if no one complained? Of course not! It wasnt important enough to fix before they asked us for our money, so what impetus would there be now if the customer base did not make themselves heard?
Before someone pipes in with "the Producers made them release it before it was done", consider this.... if you were charging people for a creation with your name on it, would you even be able to sleep knowing that it was anything but perfect?
"patched" for imperfect punctuation
Criticism yes, abuse no. One of the great lies in gaming forums is that venom and unrelenting attacks get you heard. Personally, nothing can be farther from the truth. The first time I read an abusive post from someone is the last time I read an abusive post from someone (thanks to UBB's wonderfully robust ignore feature). Nothing is accomplished with a threat that isn’t accomplished by simply stating the facts. It's quite the opposite, since if it convinces me that they're more interested in the forum than the game, I'm done listening.
In short, being critical is fine. Threats, slander, and personal attacks ensure you'll never be heard by me again.
December 5, 2001, 16:07
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Re: Civilization III v1.16f Additions/Changes/Fixes
Originally posted by Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS
* Shield bonus from clearing forest can only be received once per game.
Aw, I was hoping IFE would be an editable thing, not just a blanket 'once only' fix. I like having something to do for my workers in the later game, and it's a godsend for three-land-square peninsula cities.
Maybe think about putting it in as an option in the editor? I owe my navy to IFE... sad to see it on the chopping block.
I can understand that it sways balance if the AI doesn't IFE, but it's a nice tool to have at one's disposal.
IMHO, more options and more features is better than locking out options and features.
Anyway, I'm happy to say I like Civ 3 a lot, and am glad Firaxis is showing dedication to patching.
What was the last civ2 version? 2.41? So I guess we can expect plenty more patches?
<< Save IFE >>
December 5, 2001, 16:08
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Re: Re: More complaints
Originally posted by Howling Chip
Shift P automates pollution only clean up (the worker goes dormant though when all pollution is gone, must then be given new orders)
Shift R build roads (?) I never use this one, so check the hot keys list at the back of the manual for this one and more.
Ctrl + N IIRC automates a worker to connect all your cities with roads.
"Hindsight is all well and good... until you trip." - Said by me
December 5, 2001, 16:08
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Re: Questions & Clarifications
Originally posted by IBNobody
(re: palace cost)
How much is it reduced?
Who said it gets reduced?
* Irrigation sorts slightly differently.
This change doesn't make sense. Can you please clarify what it does?
I agree.. can someone point out what is meant by this?
(re: AI & Culture)
Does this mean that enemy civs skimp even more on building temples/libraries?
Has anything been done to curtail the AI from building cities on those occaisional unclaimed shoreline squares? Soren mentioned something before, and I'm just following up.
If you go back and read through the responses from fireaxis, you'll see you just answered your own question. The change was poorly worded.
December 5, 2001, 16:08
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Re: Patch ETA and Ramblings
Originally posted by Gen.Dragolen
Still can't get used to the idea of a regular unit killing a more advanced, vetran unit in a fortified position on a hill. I could see it if it was an elite unit, but not a bunch of cherries...
General, I read the "elite" comment as if that would pertain to the skill level of the unit. Reg, vet, elite level has no effect on the odds of giving or taking damage to health, only in how many health bars a unit has.
December 5, 2001, 16:12
Civilization IV Lead Designer
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Re: Communism and Corruption
Originally posted by David Weldon
Corruption under Communism is now flat according to how many cities you have?
I thought it was supposed to be flat according to the _distance_ of cities from your capital/FP?
Could we get some better explanation (or at least a fixed Civilopedia entry) to explain the effects of Communism on corruption?
It is basically flat for both factors now.
IOW, if you have 40% corruption in your capital, you will now also have 40% corruption in you most distant city.
December 5, 2001, 16:17
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In regards to palace costs, I assumed they'd be reduced for smaller empires. As it stands, it's neigh impossible to build one and relocate your empire center in the early game.
- Nobody
December 5, 2001, 16:19
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Only one thing missing IMHO. How about a flag to let an improvement or minor wonder remove the fog of war? Such a flag might be useful for a satelite systemt that becomes available with 'Satelites'?
Just my request.
With Air Superiority and Precision Strike fixed, I'll be more than happy.
- "A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it still ain't a part number." - Ron Reynolds
- I went to Zanarkand, and all I got was this lousy aeon!
- "... over 10 members raised complaints about you... and jerk was one of the nicer things they called you" - Ming
December 5, 2001, 16:19
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As it says in the list:
cost of palace is now dependent of number of cities you have.
December 5, 2001, 16:22
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Originally posted by IBNobody
In regards to palace costs, I assumed they'd be reduced for smaller empires. As it stands, it's neigh impossible to build one and relocate your empire center in the early game.
- Nobody
Agreed - I'm almost certain that it will reduce the costs in the early game, and increase them in the later game.
December 5, 2001, 16:23
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2) How was corruption tweaked? # of cities, distance from capitol, both?
* Corruption effects have been reduced.
December 5, 2001, 16:25
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Posts: 38
Originally posted by Hywel Dda
That sounds like the submarine bug. Were the friendly units your ships attacked subs? If so it's been fixed.
Yes, you are correct. My mistake. I must have read too fast.
I can live without city starting positions (at least until I start doing scenarios). . . so for all intents and purposes, I consider this patch (and hence the game) to be darn near perfect.
December 5, 2001, 16:28
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was there a problem found on 256x256 maps? every game i've played on that map size ends up crashing well before the modern age, (winxp fully patched) and i know its not due to haveing reached the max number of cities (well, i'm pretty certain of that, it was like 800 bc still)
just wondering,
otherwise it looks great.
i do have a few feature enhancement requests though:
unit stacking and stacked movement
supported resolution above the default, i know it can be set higher but i'd really like to get more than 8 civs on the diplomacy window (i run at 1600x1200)
on grid mode it be nice if the city radius (not cultural radius) was highlighted a different color to help make it out (like civ2 when patched)
modify the combat somewhat, i really take issue with an iron clad defeating a battleship. i just cant see any number of ironclads defeating H.M.S. Dreadnought or an iowa class battleship (of any era WW2+). personally, a combo of civ 2 firepower and CtP combat style is what i prefer but i'll stay off the crack :P
while playing the game i noticed that not every command had graphical button (i had to use keyboard shortcuts) mabey i just missed the buttons, it just seems odd that they would not be all centrally located.
ability to trade units
the ever requested multiplayer (play by email!)
Random starting locations/neighbors!
thanks for the work.
I spend most my money on Wine, Women and Song.. the rest i just waste.
Last edited by Jahi; December 5, 2001 at 16:39.
December 5, 2001, 16:31
Local Time: 12:01
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Posts: 33
Im curious about the Great Lighthouse Change. Was the lighthouse not designed to allow ocean travel(ie was this a bug because I wasnt aware the lighthouse was broken)?
I think limiting galleys to sea square until navigation or magnetism are researched will really affect gameplay on Island or high water % maps. If you start out isolated on an island or small continent by the time you can get to those techs(especially researching them on your own without trading) you will be so far behind in tech if the ai's have contacted each other that it will be very difficult to catch up on higher difficulties and there wont be any unoccupied territory to colonize anyway.
Do others see this as a positive change? Im more surprised at it than upset, but am interested how other people feel about it.
December 5, 2001, 16:33
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So is the nVidia refresh bug still not fixed?!?
I'd be happy with such a bug fix alone...
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December 5, 2001, 16:35
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Re: Patch ETA and Ramblings
Originally posted by Gen.Dragolen Still can't get used to the idea of a regular unit killing a more advanced, vetran unit in a fortified position on a hill. I could see it if it was an elite unit, but not a bunch of cherries.
Zulu's with nothing more than spears defeated the English armed with muskets - That is a historical fact.
December 5, 2001, 16:37
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Hey guys, this is my first post, i just wanted to say thanks for patch, its got 90% of what I was looking for in it (stackable movement being the other 10%).
Also, I just wanted to say that costal fortresses do work, I've seen it. But I think for it to really be useful, you have to be playing on a arpigealo map (sp??, map with lots of islands). Ive found a map like that really slows down the game though, and requires lots of naval units.
A slower game means that its very very late in the game before I move on to advanced ships that costal fortresses are ineffective against. So theres more chance a galley or frigate will be approaching than an ironclad or destroyer.
oh yeah, too bad about the Great Lighthouse fix, there goes my strategy, but a quick clarification please. Does that mean my ships can't sail into ocean squares at all? or that they just can't end their turn on an ocean square?
December 5, 2001, 16:39
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Re: I can't help but think Firaxians are complete idiots
Originally posted by EnigmaticGod uhhhh....where is the combat modification? Do warriors still beat our tanks?
I'm Glad it remains this way.
And I just love the tech cap change!!! 40 turns for republic!!
Great Change, I like it!
I can't wait. And no more rush building wonders...simply brilliant!! 100 turns for a wonder is right up my alley.
Another important game balance that stays.
Firaxis, Don't take adivce from realtime gamers!
December 5, 2001, 16:42
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Re: Civilization III v1.16f Additions/Changes/Fixes
I have some questions about some of these changes:
* Shield bonus from clearing forest can only be received once per game.
Is this once per square or once per city?
* Palaces and spaceship parts can only be built in one city.
Does this mean that if one city is building thrusters, no one else can build any other spaceship part at all? I recall my last game would not let me build thrusters in two different cities, so this change confuses me.
* The maximum number of turns it can take to research an advance has been increased from 32 to 40.
Why was this put in? Wasn't it taking long enough to develop tech?
Other than these, the patch looks good. Can't wait to get it!
* Robinson
Frye: I know Big Vinnie said he was giving me the kiss of death, but I still say he was gay.
Leela: Did he use his tongue?
Frye: A little.
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December 5, 2001, 16:44
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Re: Re: Patch ETA and Ramblings
Im sorry Mr Civ Franchise, Civ3 was DOA
December 5, 2001, 16:45
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Posts: 38
Re: Re: Re: More complaints
Originally posted by Dravin
Ctrl + N IIRC automates a worker to connect all your cities with roads.
Actual, Ctrl-N automates a worker to connect all your cities AND your resources with roads. It would be nice if there was a
"Shift-Ctrl-N" to do the same task except with railroads.
Shift-R is build railroad. Ctrl-R is "Build road to target square"
One MAJOR MAJOR change I would like is the ability to set a worker as with Shift-P, except to set the worker to go to a city and fortify if there is no pollution on the map. Then, if there is new pollution, they wake up and go clean.
It's very tiresome in the late game to have to continually activate/fortify workers, especially since I tend to have LOTS. I'd rather just assign 6-8 workers to pollution cleanup and never worry about them again.
My super-wishlist at current that is not addressed in the first patch:
. Stackable units
. Worker pollution automation (as described above)
. This one might take some explaining...appropriate AI monitoring. That is, I want to be able to say, "Show me all movement by Civ's I am not at peace with, and show me no movement by Civ's I am at peace with, unless they cross my border."
. I would like to see a "Denial of Passage" pronouncement. After some number of asking someone to leave your territory, I think you should be able to make a declaration that any further border violation by that civ is an automatic declaration of war. This is in hopes of preventing the "despite being told every turn, the AI sends units into my territory" problem.
P.S. Thanks, Firaxis!
December 5, 2001, 16:47
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Re: Re: Re: Civilization III v1.16f Additions/Changes/Fixes
Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS
It has to do with the way the city network is calculated (for determining resource access and other things). Since each civ needs to have all this data stored in memory, the memory footprint expands exponentially as a factor of the max number of cities. Increasing this further would dramatically increase the amount of RAM needed to play the game from what I understand.
ugh. I hope you are misunderstanding, or you need better programmers.
"Barbarism is the natural state of mankind... Civilization is unnatural. It is a whim of circumstance. And barbarism must always triumph."
December 5, 2001, 16:53
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Dan, Soren, Jeffrey and all the people at Firaxis:
Thanks for doing such a herculean job so quickly. We know that you sacrificed a great deal of personal time for this (as all top-notch developers do).
Well done. (Pretty please, stack movement in next patch?)
What a jackass. Go take a purge.
"Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham
December 5, 2001, 16:54
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Re: Re: Re: Re: More complaints
Originally posted by ICMB
Actual, Ctrl-N automates a worker to connect all your cities AND your resources with roads. It would be nice if there was a
"Shift-Ctrl-N" to do the same task except with railroads.
Shift-R is build railroad. Ctrl-R is "Build road to target square"
One MAJOR MAJOR change I would like is the ability to set a worker as with Shift-P, except to set the worker to go to a city and fortify if there is no pollution on the map. Then, if there is new pollution, they wake up and go clean.
It's very tiresome in the late game to have to continually activate/fortify workers, especially since I tend to have LOTS. I'd rather just assign 6-8 workers to pollution cleanup and never worry about them again.
My super-wishlist at current that is not addressed in the first patch:
. Stackable units
. Worker pollution automation (as described above)
. This one might take some explaining...appropriate AI monitoring. That is, I want to be able to say, "Show me all movement by Civ's I am not at peace with, and show me no movement by Civ's I am at peace with, unless they cross my border."
. I would like to see a "Denial of Passage" pronouncement. After some number of asking someone to leave your territory, I think you should be able to make a declaration that any further border violation by that civ is an automatic declaration of war. This is in hopes of preventing the "despite being told every turn, the AI sends units into my territory" problem.
P.S. Thanks, Firaxis!
I am pretty sure that you can get the functionality you want out of your worker (re: pollution) once the patch comes out using shift+A. Using that command, the worker will auto-improve land, but they won't switch mines/irrigation or chop down forests. They will, however, clean-up pollution, then go back to cities and just wait for more pollution to appear. In this patch, automated units ('A' or shift+'A') will now skip their moves instead of waking up. Workers with "orders" (road-to, clean up pollution, build road network) will still wake up when done.
December 5, 2001, 16:55
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Goodbye Columbus & Ponce de Leon
Originally posted by Doti
oh yeah, too bad about the Great Lighthouse fix, there goes my strategy, but a quick clarification please. Does that mean my ships can't sail into ocean squares at all? or that they just can't end their turn on an ocean square?
Agreed. Great Lighthouse went from being a GREAT wonder before the patch to being the piece of crap it was in Civ2 again. Sail on only sea squares... that & 25cents will get me a bag of potato chips.
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