December 5, 2001, 18:53
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I guess the spaceship parts built only in a 1 city problem was a
solution to multiple cities building the same thing (wonders etc) when this isn't allowed as would let you build lots of wonders quickly for example if 5 cities were working on JS bachs cathedral for example..
not that i've found this error yet
December 5, 2001, 18:54
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Re: Thanks Firaxis guys!
Originally posted by Bad Ax
1) Editor -- ability to add new civs, techs, units, resources, etc...
Yes yesyesyes pleasepleasepleaseplease - so that I can make my own modifications and don't have to whine all day instead of actually playing.
Apart from that I how to see many more patches. Isn't it on the civ3 website itself where they said that they will include features to the editor that the mod community requests?
The editors in Civilization III are only the beginning. Based on feedback from the mod and scenario community we will make additional improvements and incorporate new features. The editors are just tools, ones that the fan community needs to make meaningful by creating new scenarios with. As those in the 'trenches' of creating new content run into limitations, we'll work on eradicating those barriers. Firaxis is very interested in Civilization III having an active mod community, but need to know where our efforts are best spent. Together we can make Civilization III a potent platform for not only exploring factual history, but also your creativity and interests.
Well please do so ...
December 5, 2001, 18:54
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Originally posted by EnigmaticGod
Thanks again Magaha!
"The min and max turns for research are now in the editor, so feel free to change it to whatever you think is more appropriate."
Yes, feel free to change our shoddy workmanship. We can't actually make the game so there is a standard way of playing. Instead we encourage you to finish the development of the game by moding it and changing the rules in order to tweak the gameplay for us. We would like to thank all our beta testers of apolyton for their cooperation and their hard earned money. Have a problem? Talk to our lawyers.
You are such an ignorant fukk.
You complain because you don't like the settings, and then complain when he tells you that you can change them to whatever you want.
Get the hell out of this forum, dikkhead. You are wasting space here for people that have an interest in the game and are not just here to practice their typing skills.
"Barbarism is the natural state of mankind... Civilization is unnatural. It is a whim of circumstance. And barbarism must always triumph."
December 5, 2001, 19:05
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It would be nice to set production to -1 for certain improvements or wonders. I don't think this is to much to ask. I would like more or have the ability to have more units require certain improvements or wonders. ie: army/military academy The ability to add improvements, units and wonders is a must. Specific starting locations is a must as well.
Go BIG or go home.
December 5, 2001, 19:06
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I don't really care much for any of those fixes or additions, I am playing the game perfectly fine without them, except the air sup of course.
I advice you to work on the editor, it's only half as good as it should be.
But since you haven't and I don't get the feeling you will be, I'm leaving. ciao!
 (me waving my hand goodbye in anger)
be free
December 5, 2001, 19:06
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Jeff or Soren Of Firaxis
05-12-2001 17:58
Jeff or Soren of Firaxis
Hey guys,
i like the changes for the most part from the patch =)
i have three concerns, id hope you can respond too for me =)
1. Starting Locations, id really like to be the Americans starting in North America rather than like australia or asia
2. Disbandment of units, thier is a feature lacking to disban all units of the same type at the same time.. =)
3. CRUISE MISSILES =P can we make them loadable on ships and actually sink stuff? =)
December 5, 2001, 19:09
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It's like giving a child a choice of having a...
blue, or
fire truck.
Some children think that all fire trucks should ONLY be red and if there are any other colors in it, they will throw a fit.
Others think that a fire truck should be all blue and will whine that others can choose a red one. Blue, they said, it can only be blue, it cannot be red.
The smart kids will know that fire trucks can come in different colors, perhaps not all red or blue, but a collection that can satisfy more children besides the whining ones that insist on it being only one color.
But the real smart kids are the ones with a paintbrush that can change it to yellow, if that's their favorite color and to change it back to red, if that suits their mood.
December 5, 2001, 19:12
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Originally posted by eMarkM
It's a trade off that has to be made between feature set and getting everything perfect and meeting a "carved in stone" deadline.
I guess but some of the bugs that they fixed seemed so obvious. I'm sure they were present long before the deadline ever approached and really should have been noticed and addressed at that time.
They made excellent choices, IMHO. Cut MP, scenario bells and whistles and the like.
I totally agree. I don't play MP and rarely do I play scenarios. I know they will be missed but I'm glad to have the core game. If they do a good job of an expansion pack which included MP and scenarios I won't have too much of a problem buying it provided that it's not too expensive (i.e. any of The Sims expansions  ).
"To live again, to be.........again" Captain Kirk in some Star Trek Episode. (The one with the bad guy named Henok)
"One day you may have to think for yourself and heaven help us all when that time comes" Some condescending jerk.
December 5, 2001, 19:20
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Originally posted by AustralianJeremy
Er - Zapaan, unless Jeff, Dan and Soren were reading carefully in order to pick out sarcasm, I think you just got added to their ignore lists...
Had to take the chance, as all the moronic, holier than thou, I'm right they're wrong, posts were just driving me nuts
It's a freakin' *GAME* people. Unclench sphincters just a few microns for cryin' out loud.
Hopefully they looked past just the title
- Z
December 5, 2001, 19:23
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i read the whole thing and got the same-culture types placed near eachother but did they fix civ starting positions or not?
Prince of...... the Civ Mac Forum
December 5, 2001, 19:24
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Originally posted by Steve Clark
It's like giving a child a choice of having a...
red, green, blue, or purple fire truck.
But the real smart kids are the ones with a paintbrush that can change it to yellow, if that's their favorite color and to change it back to red, if that suits their mood.
Word; and all we have to do is press a button to make it suit our tastes.
A word about your sig, there, though: See, you'll find plenty of people saying they didn't spend enough resources on "art"... (how many people yellin' about wonder movies?! quite a few).. can't have it both ways. The fact is, in the end, they really just didn't have the resources to make this game as wonderful as everybody wanted it to be within the time allotted (and chances are the developers didn't have much say in how much time that was), so they tried to compromise. I think they did fine, in the end.
December 5, 2001, 19:25
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Originally posted by d_dudy
i read the whole thing and got the same-culture types placed near eachother but did they fix civ starting positions or not?
if you read this whole thread, (which granted is quite big by now), you'd see the answer is NO. there does seem to be a workaround... someone posted it somewhere.
December 5, 2001, 19:28
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Jeff or Soren,
Just occurred to me. Are you aware of the pollution-production bug? I don't see a fix in this patch list.
December 5, 2001, 19:30
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December 5, 2001, 19:36
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Originally posted by Doti
Does that mean my ships can't sail into ocean squares at all? or that they just can't end their turn on an ocean square?
You CAN move on ocean squares, but your galley stands a 50% risk of sinking the next turn.
Originally posted by Pyrodrew
Agreed. Great Lighthouse went from being a GREAT wonder before the patch to being the piece of crap it was in Civ2 again. Sail on only sea squares... that & 25cents will get me a bag of potato chips.
They should perhaps reduce the shield-costs for the great lighthouse wonder from 400 to 300 shields. Or you can do it yourself through the editor.
December 5, 2001, 19:37
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I can't tell if you're laughing at him or with him... I thought the double k's as a method of getting around the censoring was rather creative...
December 5, 2001, 19:39
Local Time: 13:01
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I am very happy with all of the changes/additions made in the new patch.
Having said that I find it ridiculous that Civ-starting locations cannot be set.
I believe this is a necessity to the Civilization series and not having it at all is more than a step-backwards. Civ 3 will always be incomplete to me if this is never included. I don't mind that it was not in this patch, but it MUST be included eventually, ESPECIALLY since they are airing TV commercials advertising Civ3 as a way to recreate history.
:Recreate history, but since there is no way to make the americans actually be in north america- lets have them in Russia for example with New York where Moscow was. (George Washington would turn in his grave... )
sure this is a bit melodramatic but as it is now there is no way to create and play a DECENT SCENARIO. This was for me what made Civ 2 my favorite game not for a couple of months but for years.
I know that this has already been stated and I know I sound redundant but this must be addressed.
All I am really looking for is some sort of an acknowledgment (yes I know Firaxis is aware of it) but for them to say that it will be included eventually and not next June!
(I guess I feel so strongly about it because to me it doesn't seem like a difficult thing to implement (correct me if I am wrong).
other probs : maps cannot be loaded to scenarios, flat maps are not possible
Last edited by TimothyP; December 5, 2001 at 19:50.
December 5, 2001, 19:43
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Originally posted by Gromit
Ahem... sorry, that tickled me somewhat.
It was the typing skills part more than anything else.
Ahem... I think he did that deliberately, in order to prevent the automatic forum-censor to **** delete it.
December 5, 2001, 20:00
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The lack of accurate starting locations and historical scripting is the reason why I've only played CIV 3 a half dozen times since I purchased it. Ugh.
But I did see this on CivFanatics from on of the Firaxis guys responding to this issue:
The starting locations issue isn't really one with the game as much as it is one with the editor, just FYI. Not that that changes anything, but it's an important distinction. It really covers the same ground as the need to place cities and units for scenarios.
They really need to come out with an expansion pack ASAP to allow for historical scenarios and starting locations or Im going back to playing CIV 2. I love CIV 3, but without true scenarios, it falls short of its promise.
December 5, 2001, 20:06
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what is historical scripting?
December 5, 2001, 20:08
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Palaces and spaceship parts can only be built in one city
I don't really understand how this works, what does it mean by 'palace parts'? It also sounds like space race victory will be much harder to complete.
The Great Lighthouse no longer permits Galleys to travel on Ocean tiles
This will obviously minimize the effects of the Great Lighthouse, there won't be much point of building it to explore other islands out at sea aymore.
Overall the patch looks really good, its starting to make the game become more complete.
December 5, 2001, 20:33
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Originally posted by Soren Johnson Firaxis
I am pretty sure that you can get the functionality you want out of your worker (re: pollution) once the patch comes out using shift+A. Using that command, the worker will auto-improve land, but they won't switch mines/irrigation or chop down forests. They will, however, clean-up pollution, then go back to cities and just wait for more pollution to appear. In this patch, automated units ('A' or shift+'A') will now skip their moves instead of waking up. Workers with "orders" (road-to, clean up pollution, build road network) will still wake up when done.
This is exactly what i wanted to hear 
With end-game micromanagement, i am always fortifying/waking workers when pollution appears, now (well, soon  ) no longer
The only other thing missing now to combat end-game overmicro-management is a stack command, for moving say 50 tanks up to the Aztec border before declaring war 
But that can wait till patch 2
Id just like to congratulate you on completing the patch, and thank you for it (and putting up with that loud, idiotic minority)
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
December 5, 2001, 20:35
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The patch will need patching methinks
Weel - looks like they fixed a few things.
Why did they include the ability to replant forests if you can only benefit once per game?
Why did they further cripple Great Lighthouse? In CivII, only the human player seemed to need this anyway since AI ships were able - by some magical means - to sail the ocean blue even in Long Ships. This seems to have carried over into CivIII and now the patch will make that situation worse.
Why didn't they fix resource depletion? Let me elaborate: say you research Iron Working. Naturally, you build a road to the source even though you cannot yet build Swordsman. The iron will deplete before you can use it! Iron can't evaporate! Where'd it go and why?
Even if you don't trade maps with the AI - it seems to know where vacant territory within your realm lies.
If I can't plant a city within the cultural border of a rival Civ - how come the AI can?
December 5, 2001, 20:39
Born Again Optimist
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I was figuring the game should be released in April. Looks like the game will be polished beta quality at about that time. However, there will still be no MP, so I guess the XP will come out mid to late 2002, and that will take another patch or two before the Gold Edition comes out...hmmm.
So am I guessing I can buy the game you promised sometime in 2003? Just trying to plan my schedule. Thanks.
I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001
"Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.
December 5, 2001, 20:47
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Re: Re: Civilization III v1.16f Additions/Changes/Fixes
Originally posted by Ray K
Good to see all of the fixes --- I can finally fix Herioc Epic!
However, the two biggies remain unfixed:
1) stack movement
2) starting locations for civs
Also, civ-specific improvements would be very nice to allow (just like unique units work)
Once I figured out what the AI was doing I just started mimic-ing it and found I could pound the AI just as well as it could pound me. As far as the starting locations, that was mentioned in the list, so I'm not quite sure what you mean.
My question however, has to do with the renewable forest. Apparently they're gonna "fix" that by making it so you can only cut forest once? Um? What's the point of planting then? Is it to make the map pretty?
December 5, 2001, 20:47
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Re: Jeff or Soren Of Firaxis
Originally posted by Silver
3. CRUISE MISSILES =P can we make them loadable on ships and actually sink stuff? =) ...
Hey, they are GROUND BASED Cruise Missles
and they CAN destroy stuff (take off the last hit point).
I play BtS (3.19) -- Noble or Prince, Rome, marathon speed, huge hemispheres (2 of them), aggressive AI, no tech brokering. I enjoy the Hephmod Beyond mod. For all non-civ computer uses, including internet, I use a Mac.
December 5, 2001, 21:00
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Originally posted by bearblue
My question however, has to do with the renewable forest. Apparently they're gonna "fix" that by making it so you can only cut forest once? Um? What's the point of planting then? Is it to make the map pretty?
Tundra has a very low production of both shields, commerce and food and it helps to plant forest on them... I think this could be a reason.
December 5, 2001, 21:05
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Jeff, Soren, Dan... and all other Firaxians.
Thanks for working so hard on this patch. I hope that the Civ3 team will be allowed to continue addressing issues in the product, as well as make improvements, until it is 99% of the game that the team hoped to make. (Seeing as that developers really want to make the greatest product they can, that would be a wonderful thing for the team, and more importantly, us the customers!)
Thanks and keep up the work as long as you can! Despite the impressions of the general mass of posters here, most really do appreciate getting an improved game.
(Knight Errant Of Spam)
December 5, 2001, 21:06
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So am I guessing I can buy the game you promised sometime in 2003? Just trying to plan my schedule. Thanks.
Did anyone ever actually promise anything?
December 5, 2001, 21:10
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Originally posted by Ozymandous
Well if you don't like it then don't play it or edit it. If someone were hitting you in the head with a bat and you didn't like it would you stand still and let them continue and simply complain about it, or would you move (i.e. don't play) or try to take the bat away and hit them with it (edit it)?
I paid Firaxis $60 bucks to hit me with a bat and then give me "A Designer Note" instead of "Designer's Note s" Man do i feel like an idiot.
Did Civ2 need to be edited and modeled?
Yes. Civ2 also came with a functioning senario editor. Did it need to be modded in order to be interesting/playble? No. You must be thinking of CTP2.
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