December 5, 2001, 14:40
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Firaxians, would you be so kind...
...and reply this simple question, so we know what we can wait for and what we shouldn't be waiting for (because it looks like lots of us are dissapointed with that first patch you are releasing):
- Is a decision made (by Infogrames, by you - dunno and it doesn't matter anyway) to include the scenario support in the (very possible) release of an expansion pack together with MP support?
I ask that question because the inability to set precise starting locations and add units on a map, is really not something hard to adress - it looks like intented to me.
So, I asume that Infogrames shall release the MP pack along with the scenario pack - and maybe an expansion on the civilizations... Am I right, or wrong?
P.S. I am really not one of those expecting MP in the patch - I know it can't be done. But the other issue is hardly a matter of feasability.
Last edited by Rosacrux; December 5, 2001 at 14:46.
December 5, 2001, 15:42
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Here is a thought...maybe, just maybe, there will be another patch. The first one to squash obvious bugs, and another which may possibly support multiplayer. Heck, maybe they will make 23 patches. It's also possible that they fixed the easiest things in this first patch so they could get it out quickly and appease those howling for a patch.
December 5, 2001, 15:53
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Edit: Doh! Wrong thread, that should teach me to keep to windows open at once.
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December 5, 2001, 15:54
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i expect a scenario expansion first, then a multiplayer version of the game (scenarios separate), and then a gold version consisting of the multiplayer version with the scenarios. that way, a certain publisher can get some more $$$.
i wonder if there'll be a limited edition gold version composed of a tin, a 3 x 5 index card listing the scenarios (named "Scenario Poster"), and a scribbled on post-it note ("Developer's Notes")?
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December 5, 2001, 16:05
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I have to agree that including large new features such as a senerio editor and multiplayer just can't be justified as a free download. I would, however, be willing to pay in order to get an expansion pack that included both the senerio editor, MP, and some sort of slic support. It would also be nice if additional civs and sample senerios.
I'd be willing to buy that if it was a single package but not if Infrogames tried to make me buy two or three expansion packs to get it. I want these features but not enough to pay three times to get them.
December 5, 2001, 17:04
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Originally posted by Oerdin
I'd be willing to buy that if it was a single package but not if Infrogames tried to make me buy two or three expansion packs to get it. I want these features but not enough to pay three times to get them.
I wasn't looking forward for MP (I generally don't look forward for MP. Period) in that patch, I just somehow was hoping that they would update the (unfinished, their words, not mine) editor to the point you can set specific starting locations. Period. The unit/city/etc. placement thingie could be very well be part of the expansion (be it one, two or zillions expansions) as far as I am concerned.
I justs expected after paying for this game that I would be at least able to start on the location I choose on any certain pre-made map, without using (potentially dangerous for the game stability) third party tools or restarting endless times.
That wasn't adressed, though. And I want to know if they are going to adress it with the next patch or the expansion.
Is that too much?
December 5, 2001, 17:11
Local Time: 13:02
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I think your request is well conceived and thoughtfully stated.
It could be that they're so bombarded with questions right now that they've overlooked this one. They'll probably respond soon.
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December 5, 2001, 19:39
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December 5, 2001, 19:46
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Originally posted by Libertarian
I think your request is well conceived and thoughtfully stated.
It could be that they're so bombarded with questions right now that they've overlooked this one. They'll probably respond soon.
Could also be that the developers aren't allowed to really respond on those issues... same reasoning as waiting til three days before the patch before they actually tell us what's in it. Something to do with their mouth's writing checks that their butts may not be able to cash. It would, though, be a sign of good faith if they would give us some info as to whether or not MP/Scenarios, etc, will cost extra $$... not that I really care since I doubt I'd use either.
December 5, 2001, 20:03
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If MP was far in development, I wonder how hard it would be to patch in hotseat and email support. It's really the only way to MP a TBS game...
(My friends and I bought this game thinking they would patch in MP early on, at least hotseat...)
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December 5, 2001, 22:02
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Originally posted by kmj
Could also be that the developers aren't allowed to really respond on those issues... same reasoning as waiting til three days before the patch before they actually tell us what's in it. Something to do with their mouth's writing checks that their butts may not be able to cash.
But it would be in their interest to make some kind of statement about it--either way... if they said:
"Sorry, we have no current plans to address this issue."
Then everyone hollering about it could quiet down and make their own decision on whether to buy the game...
if they said:
"We hope to address this in a future patch."
Then everyone hollering about it could quiet down and wait.
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December 6, 2001, 04:51
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Unfortunately, people don't "quiet down" no matter what. Some bozo has already opened a thread, admitting he's never played the game (other than a couple minutes with a demo in a store) — and has pronounced the whole Civ series dead!
"Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham
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