Originally posted by inca911
This really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, but I'll restate it again. Cultural reversion must be prevented militarily if the population of the city is large.
You have my 100% agreeance on this, but, the way it works now you CANNOT militarily prevent it. When a city defects, your troops make no attempt at fighting off the rebels. I have no problem with the likelihood of them the people getting up the gumption to revolt being tied to the number of troops, that makes perfectly good sense. What I have the problem with is that if they choose to revolt, your soldiers do NOTHING to prevent it.
Do you realistically think that the Germans in WW2 could simply capture a town, leave a tiny garrison and move on to the next town without any worries about the city? Nope.
I'm no historian, I have no idea how many troops they left there. But do you realistically think that the Germans, had one of the cities revolted, wouldn't have put up a fight, or at least haul their asses out of town?
What in the heck happens to your troops when a city defects is what I wanna know!